$2.5 Billion Systemic Racism Lawsuit Targets Federal Government
“Systematic racism is an issue across the country, in all our institutions,” Trudeau commented in June, 2022.
Alleging decades of systematic racism, the class action lawsuit – filed in the Federal Court of Canada in December, 2021 – has grown from 12 initial claimants to over 1,100.
The case has been launched on behalf of all black federal employees having experienced discrimination and racism in their employment since 1970, and could cover 300,000 past and present workers.
Alongside the creation of a $2.5 billion compensation fund to address "the pain, suffering and financial losses of black workers" over the past 50 years, the legal suit asks for the creation of a Black Equity Commission charged with investigating the challenges faced by black workers.
"The suit also seeks an equitable representation policy, to ensure the number of black federal employees at least equals that of the general population, and an apology from the prime minister."
This development fascinates from multiple perspectives. There is a setting of precedents. The door is now open for grievous financial-based lawsuits from racialized and gender communities beyond what has existed from Aboriginal community leaders.
Just picture it-- billions upon billions of dollars sucked out of taxpayers to pay out class action lawsuits of this nature. First Nations may be well into it, but other have yet to follow suit. One can picture National Council of Muslim Canadians getting in on the action. Despite the fact that Canada never had an historical Muslim community of any substance, what's to prevent advocacy groups from suing for "Islamophobia" dating back to 1867?
A spin-off effect speaks to a topic Cultural Action Party has previously referenced-- the "dark side" of employment equity. Racialized federal employee quotas result in impediment of employment for caucasians. Sorry, Anglophones, the exit is back that way. Naturally, neither government or media allude to the inverse result of such programs.
Speaking of mainstream media, exposure of this race-oriented class action lawsuit is one step up from nothing. CBC delivered one underwhelming piece on the lawsuit. The rest of legacy media have not touched the topic.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau came out strongly against the $2.5 Billion class action lawsuit-- not:
“Systematic racism is an issue across the country, in all our institutions,” Trudeau commented in June, 2022. There is no indication that our PM opposes the suit in any manner.
What observers are left with exposes a portentous condition. Not only is societal compensation-- malevolence against whites-- the flavour of the Canadian day. So is a new chapter in ethnic reparations-- financial extraction of billions based on claims of historical racism.
Put it together and what results? Frankly, what CAP claimed from the day Justin Trudeau was appointed Robin Hood of the Woke Canadian Forest.
Black Class Action states that if the federal government cooperate with Black Civil Servants, then "they will have a willing partner,” said Hugh R. Scher, a Black Class Action lawyer. “If they don’t, they will have a worthy adversary in court.”
Step right up, NCCM, Sikh-Canadian non-profits, LGBT organization and Transgender activist. The future is yours-- both ideologically and financially.
The lawsuit includes a request for an apology from Justin Trudeau. Based on a plethora of racialized community grovelling, he will be on a gas-guzzling jumbo jet to deliver the apology in the morning. How obvious can it be that our PM is gunning to reduce the status of our country’s Anglo-European communities.
Could it be that Canada is over and done with in terms of its original incarnation? CAP believe so. We have since October 19th, 2015-- the day that Justin Trudeau first darkened the door of the PMO. With media in his pocket to obscure societal transformation, the sky's the limit for inversion of our Canada’s historical social order.
Canada definitely IS over and done with, at least the Canada I grew up in. Trudeau is being successful in his desire and intent to tear this country apart. I can see four parts, the Maritimes, Quebec, Southern Ontario and Western Provinces. Each portion could get along not too bad, although the Maritimes would have drastically lower standard of living. Western Canada would be wildly successful and might even join the Central States down to Texas. Stop and think a bit - Central Canada needs the West, but Western Canada has absolutely no use of anything East of Sudbury. This country simply cannot continue to exist as it is, and that is not a bad thing.
Trudeau buying votes with our $2.5 billion. Create a huge lie, repeat and repeat until it's believed to be the truth. "Big LIE" google it for its author.