96% Of Euthanasia Cases In Canada Identified As White Citizens
“As MAID deaths surge by 15.8%, new figures show 95.8% of users in 2023 were white."
"A total of 9,619 people of the 15,343 who received MAID responded to this question, the vast majority of whom (95.8%) identified as Caucasian (White). The second most commonly reported racial, ethnic or cultural identity was East Asian (1.8%)."
Reacting to this data, it's with "selective shock" that CAP offer our take on the state of assisted dying in Canada. In no manner are we surprised at the statistics. It was anticipated from the moment our Liberal government unrolled a policy of "systemic citizen removal."
What does come as a shock is the fact that PM Justin Trudeau and his executive permitted the death-data to be parsed out in an explicit manner.
95% of cases of Euthanasia in Canada are Caucasian[white] in orientation, states a recent study found on the federal government's website. No clear-thinking Canadian should expect this to be disseminated by mainstream media. They're as anti-white as the Liberals themselves.
Those who default to the idea that First Nations communities are at the top of the MAid "food-chain" can cast aside the notion.
"80 people who received MAID identified as First Nations, 36 identified as Métis and 23 identified as both First Nations and Métis."
Eighty people, as opposed to approximately 13,500 who are(were) white. It is on this basis that Cultural Action Party [est. 2016] go where no one in media-land choose to dwell:
“On 1 October 1949, Mao Zedong launched the Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries to eliminate elements of Chinese society viewed as dangerous to Mao's new government.”
“This was one of the earliest examples of mass arrests, detainments, and killings across all of China that would later be mirrored in the Cultural Revolution.”
Is PM Trudeau's purge cut from a similar cloth? While the MAiD situation remains devoid of overt militancy, parallels exist. In colloquial terms, "old white Canadians" do not generally buy into Trudeau's brand of "soft" communist revolution.
While not necessarily dangerous to Canada's post-modern society, these people can accurately be described as expendable. In each case of social revolution in the 20th century, government employed programs to "remove" specific communities from the fabric of society.
"The Great Leap Forward [China] stemmed from multiple factors, including the purge of intellectuals, the surge of less-educated radicals."
Could the Trudeau government's purge of elderly Anglophones exist as a bastardization of Chinese communist methodology?
“There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime.”
-- Justin Trudeau
"I find stories that are disgusting[regarding China], but in a way I’m harsher on Canada.”
-- Alexandre Trudeau, brother of PM Justin Trudeau.
"The elder Trudeau was asked his views on democracy and communism. He replied that under certain conditions, a one-party state would be the ideal government."
“I wouldn’t be prepared to think I would be successful in arguing that[communism] for Canada at the present time. But such times might come, who knows?”
-- Pierre Trudeau
And still they did not believe. Largely rooted in the fact that for the past half-century, media in Canada have intentionally obfuscated these realities.
We consider the idea that, as opposed to militant behaviour by government toward unwanted peoples, Trudeau’s “no core identity” Canada is laced with elements of “social engineering." It’s in this capacity that affinities begin to emerge:
"When the Nazis seized power in 1933 they promised to create a new, harmonious society under the leadership of the Führer."
"It was based on racist, social-Darwinist, anti-democratic, and nationalist thought. The regime defined who belonged to the National Socialist ‘community’ and who did not."
Is a component of the Liberal governments Euthanasia policy rooted in the "the wanted and the unwanted" dynamic? A look at Mr. Trudeau's behaviour toward Anglophones and Christians in Canada suggests this may exist as a truism.
"They were shamed, excluded, imprisoned, murdered. Volksgemeinschaft was the Nazis’ project of social engineering, to be realized by a plethora of means: state action, administrative procedure, party practice, propaganda, and individual initiative."
Post-modern parallels: Shaming of whites through branding them racist, bigoted and homophobic. Christian pastors imprisoned for refusing to adhere to draconian Covid-era regulations(pandemic source: China).
And of course, systemic assisted dying policies implemented by the current Liberal government of Canada; Justin Trudeau residing.
All of it said, there’s certain to be a large segment of society who would view our feelings as over-the-top, hysterical hyperbole. CAP respond with the claim that, due to media propaganda, it's "supposed to be this way."
That's the way totalitarian societies roll, is it not? In all cases, government maintain significant control over media messaging. Currently, the Feds are paying 35%-to-50% of mainstream media salaries.
Speaking of Canada's neo-communist media structure, CAP did a recent search to see if any media organizations in Canada dared to produce articles explicitly referencing the "white" element in Statistics Canada's data on Euthanasia.
We found a grand total of one, via VernonNow, a small market outlet based in Vernon, British Columbia:
“As MAID deaths surge by 15.8%, new figures show 95.8% of users in 2023 were white”
That's all she wrote, fellow patriots. CBC? Nothing. CTV, Global News, Globe & Mail, Toronto Star, et al? Thus far, nothing. What can serious students of Canadian politics glean from such a situation?
CAP can only offer an opinion: media in Canada maintain as much animus toward Anglo-Christian communities as does our Liberal government.
"There were 2,200 unique MAID practitioners in 2023," say StatsCan.
The irony drips from the political page. While Trudeau, his cabal of half-citizen MPs and "multicultural" non-profits ramble on about systemic racism, concerned Canadians can recognize an ominous truth.
When it comes to the "systemic," government has institutionalized a system to rid Canada of its unwanted. Now, we discover that nearly all of them are white.
We leave readers to draw their own conclusions.
So sad. I’m one they’ll be coming for, but thankfully to Brad and others having the courage to speak out, at least I’m aware of it, to hopefully counter the brainwashing, oh you’re sad, lost you’re job, don’t believe in the mob narrative, we’re the government and we’ve got a good solution for you! Pretty sure that’s happened before in history.
This is NO surprise. Somewhere buried in the myriad of info I've discovered since hell was unleashed upon us in 2020, is a quote from Schwab stating the intention to depopulate starting by race and religion. The white Christian's are at the top of the list and like dominoes the rest will fall until there's only one 'race/culture' left. I dare not say, however, as per Schwab, "they're already indoctrinated and regimented making them easy to control." ANYONE believing they're going to be spared based upon their financial, cultural or religious status, think again. The WEF GLOBALISTS goal is world domination and enslavement until they meet their desired utopian 'state'. This IS DEMONIC. Yet, there continues to be the 3 monkey syndrome (see, hear, and speak no evil) dominating many mindsets.