Anglophones Disappearing From Liberal Cabinet As Trudeau Reshuffles
Canadian media refuse to report on the erosion of male Anglophone representation in Justin Trudeau's Liberal Cabinet.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made his move. Looking to rejuvenate his Liberal government after nearly eight years in office, a freshly-minted Liberal Cabinet confirms a trend not once recognized within Canadian society.
It is with maximum irony that Cultural Action Party[est. 2016] point toward an ominous trend. While woke warriors obsess about the headcount of "racialized" representatives in government, representation of the white Anglophone males in Canadian politics is met with media silence.
Looking back, the final Cabinet configuration of Stephen Harper's Conservative government in 2015 included 39 members, of which at least 18 were male Anglophones.
Along comes Justin Trudeau, and in an instant our communities are down for the count. Campaigning on a "progressive" gender equality ticket, the post- modern configuration has resulted in an erosion of MA(Anglophone male) numbers in major style.
PM Trudeau's initial 2015 Cabinet included 31 members, of which only six were "MA."
Talk about a major tossing out of this brand of Canadian politician. No one says a word about the matter, first and foremost CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail and the rest of mainstream media.
Moving to this week's Federal Cabinet shuffle, the new Liberal MPs entering cabinet are Jenna Sudds, Rechie Valdez, Ya’ara Saks, Arif Virani, Gary Anandasangaree, Soraya Martinez Ferrada and Terry Beech.
That's one MA out of seven new members. On the whole, of 38 current Cabinet members, seven are white Anglophone males.
According to Statistics Canada, from 2016 to 2021, the number of Canadians speaking English as a first official language was 27.6 million. The proportion they represent equates with 75.5% of Canada’s overall population. Statscan also says the gender representation is just about a 50/50 split.
Crunching the numbers informs us that approximately 37% of Canadians are white males. Justin Trudeau's Cabinet stands at 18%-- half of what our uber-powerful diversity-pushers would label a "social injustice."
That is, if the issue was not deemed inconsequential by legacy media in Canada.
What to conclude? Those concerned with such issues should be alarmed. Justin Trudeau has gone and eviscerated Anglophone representation in the Federal Cabinet.
Conversely, the Liberal executive is loaded with MP's of Quebecois heritage. Equally over-represented are 3rd World immigrants.
Translation: Justin Trudeau has a "thing" about the white Canadian male. No wonder he pushes LGBT/Transgender politics to the max. No wonder his politics are devoid of anything that even remotely smacks of masculinity.
Wanna know another move made which should be understood by all Canadians, but won't be?
Trudeau just placed an immigrant from Uganda as Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. Arif Virani, an Ismaili Muslim, is now the top man on the totem pole of the law in Canada.
CAP anticipated this move, and now it has become a reality. We now await the results.
If Arif Virani is anything like Cabinet members MPs Omar Alghabra(gone, thankfully) and Ahmed Hussen(stays, can't get rid of him), our country is in for major changes. Our only hope is that Virani doesn't go "ethnocentric" on us like the others.
Apart from this, Canada's future looks decidedly Islamic-oriented. Trudeau and former Chief Justice David Lametti(also gone) have spent the past several years loosening laws for criminals.
As Minister of Immigration, Ahmed Hussen went way-light on Middle Eastern terrorists. Will Arif Virani follow suit?
Either way, we stand witness to the outcome of "progressive" Liberal government politics-- they haven't changed one bit. In fact, for Canada's "Old Stock" communities, the situation is more ominous than ever.
Branded racist by government, positioned as bigots by media, the reputation of the white Canadian male has been intentionally sullied. Community representation in government is shrinking, while PM Trudeau empowers an immigrant from Africa with the premier legal position in the land.
"The more things change, the more they stay the same" goes the old refrain.
In truth, Anglophone Canada would be fortunately to experience such an outcome. Things are not staying the same-- Justin Trudeau is systemically disempowering Anglophone Canadians.
Meanwhile, Canadian media sit in silence, unwilling to speak on behalf of a rapidly shrinking Anglophone population.
The Minister of Justice now appointed is an Ismaili Muslim.....and the Aga Khan is the head of the world's Ismaili Muslims......
We ,Anglos NEVER askd for "This".
I wonder why trudy and obiden are so ANTI ANGLO when They and Their families are Old stock Anglos🙌🤷