Bill C-67 Instills Anti-White Prejudice In Canada’s Education System
“The most pernicious piece of legislation that any Canadian government has attempted to put forward."
Within Bill C-67, “anti-racism” is described as “the policy of combating racism, such as anti-Indigenous racism, anti-Black racism, anti-Asian racism, anti-semitism, and Islamophobia.”
What is not described are those deemed responsible for the prejudice. It is far from a unique circumstance. While everyone from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to our multicultural non-profits label Canada “systemically racist,” not one of them has the guts to reference the perpetrators by name.
In the bill, “racism” is defined as “the use of socially constructed ideas of race to justify or support the notion that one race is superior to another, whether consciously or subconsciously.”
What has happened to our country? How many Canadians– apart from woke academics and NDP Party leader Jagmeet Singh— believe average citizens uphold principles of racial superiority? Fair to say most believe in paying their bills and putting food on the table. In addition to their children receiving a quality education. Parents must be prepared to throw this in their trash compactors. Canadian intellectual Rex Murphy speaks on the matter:
“The real function of education — which is to train young minds, awake those minds to their full potential and introduce them to the origins and development of our way of life through instruction in the most basic intellectual functions— has been supplanted by a new form of indoctrination looking to ensure that everyone thinks alike and no one holds improper opinions.”
This new form of indoctrination flows from the pen of Laura Mae Lindo, MPP for Kitchener Centre, Ontario. It comes as no surprise that she/her/elle is receiving near-unanimous support from the Ontario NDP government.
Let us broaden the context of the discussion. The larger picture brings about a debate which should have occurred decades ago. It didn’t, and it never will. Certainly not within the halls of Canada’s academic institutions. Was Pierre Trudeau’s original conception of multiculturalism intended to result in ethnic equality? Or rather, was his intention to invert our nation’s social power structure? Or at the least, to disempower the descendants of our country’s original settler peoples.
Either way, fifty years after Pierre Trudeau unilaterally institutionalized “diversity,” the results fuel the debate. Has multiculturalism transitioned to a vehicle of community vengeance? Based on the political behaviour of Canada’s woke warriors, it certainly appears this way.
(5.2) If the Minister learns, upon conducting an investigation or otherwise, that a member of the Council does not have a proven commitment to racial equity in the post-secondary education sector, the Minister shall require that member to take anti-racism training within the following six months.
We note the parallels with communist ideology. Any deviation from government dogma, and the result is punitive damages. Let’s say a public school teacher in China taught that American capitalism should be adapted within their society. Would their fate not equate with what MPP Laura Mae Lindo is proposing in Bill C-67?
(1.1) Every person who disrupts or attempts to disrupt the proceedings of a school or class through the use of racist language or by engaging in racist activities is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine of not more than $200.″
Parents, prepare your checkbooks Your son has been overheard quoting lyrics from rapper Tupac Shakur. Do not pass “Go,” do not collect $200 dollars. In fact, pay $200 dollars because your 12-year old son has committed an Orwellian-derived “crime.” And here some Canadians think Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s freezing of personal bank accounts is political overreach. What Laura Mae Lindo has proposed is nothing less than politically correct vengeance.
Of course, her bill will pass. MPP Belinda Karahalios is the only person who voted against Bill C-67. When PM Trudeau said that Canada is a post-modern society, he kidding around. With Bill C-67, we witness the results. Our country is transitioning to what can be described as a state of “woke fascism.”
It comes as no surprise that Canada’s education system is the prime mover. Our academic world was our first institution to be seduced by socialism– therefore it is the most vehement. Due to academic pressure to re-write and/or erase Canadian history, few will be able to site the source of neo-communism in Canada.
The catalyst is ex-Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau. It is his multiculturalism, his embrace of communist China which opened the doors for the railroading of Anglophones into a social doghouse. The first wave of 3rd World immigration to Canada came from China. The first of these were foreign students. It was from this seed that our universities began to morph into communist-infused, anti-Western institutions.
In 2022, we experience the long-term results:
“This is but a prelude to Ontario’s Bill 67, the Racial Equity in the Education System Act, which to my mind is a breathtakingly radical, deeply transforming piece of legislation that will set the Ontario school system away from its real function, intensify all the latent frictions of identity politics, subordinate education itself to the dogmas of critical race theory and intrude into the professionalism of teaching itself.”
Based on Rex Murphy’s conclusions, we dig deeper into the issues:
Rooted in the shortcomings of 20th century economic-based communism, proponents of Marxism adapted the doctrine to focus on racial unrest in North America. Abandoning Marx’s dialectic of capitalists and workers, they substituted race for class, in an attempt to create a coalition based on racial and ethnic categories.
Ground zero for the movement are North America's educational institutions. In other words, Bill C-67 is a manifestation of Marxist ideology. To pit ethnic groups against one another is to stir up societal unrest. The intention is a form of "revolution" in the spirit of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto.
Can it be that Pierre Trudeau's multicultural ideology has been twisted into a tool of social vengeance? Is the goal of the practitioners equality, or domination?
What we have here is an attempt at an inversion of the historical order. The woke contingent want their pound flesh. And how fortunate they are. Justin Trudeau shares their world-view. So does NDP Party leader Jagmeet Singh. While we’re at it, throw in establishment media, and Canadian corporations. Then stand back and recognise the end-game. A very real social movement is working to transition “Old Stock” Canadians to second-class status.
“Canadian Bill 67, which purports to be nothing but an “anti-racist” bill, is in fact the most pernicious piece of legislation that any Canadian government has attempted to put forward.”
— Dr. Jordan Peterson
From the “diversity” seed planted by Pierre Trudeau we bear witness to the fate of our communities. It is with extreme irony that we recognise systemic racism against Anglo-Canadians as perpetrated by Canada’s educational system.
It's the exact playbook of every totalitarian regime on the planet right now. One can easily replace the subject of 'racism' with any number of other issues - all of them are meant to divide, all of them are hinged in strategies to overwhelm current systems, foment fear and assume more power.
It's happening right now in every single country whose 'leaders' are graduates (formal or not) of Davos' agenda, and what starts as 'legislation' grows to violent implementation, more so with every iteration - in classic totalitarian style. Until Davos is turned into a smoking hole in the ground and it's minion eradicated from the planet, there isn't truly any chance of restoring the freedoms lost in the last 2 years...and they may be gone for good.
Let's be real: these fascists aren't going to stop until they're eradicated - both from the political conversation and from the general population: they aren't going to leave through the ballot. There isn't an example in world history that is untrue; Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, Hussein - and the list is long.
It's about govt. displacing certain ethnicities. Some are more easily controlled and therefore preferred by Liberal politicians. The ones who stand up for themselves and resist must be displaced, make it too uncomfortable to live where they are now. How quickly Toronto changed to a 51.5% visible ethnic minority in only 50 years and it's not by making babies.