Demographic Study Reveals Future Demise Of Anglophone Canada
Does Justin Trudeau have a vendetta against Canada based on it's colonial foundation?
A document summarizing the results of the "Population Projections for Canada (2021 to 2068)" speaks to the demographic future of our nation.
Too bad Canadian media never speak of it. CAP can see why. Reading between the lines of the study illuminates a number of circumstances worthy of national exposure.
Relative to population growth based on immigration and immigrant birth-rates, Anglophones in Canada will likely transition to a minority community somewhere between 2040-2050.
You tell CAP: for what purpose would CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail, Toronto Star and the rest refrain from informing Canadians of the greatest ethnic demographic shift in history?
The answer isn't hard to deduce: because our federal government do not want media to do so. In truth, white Canada's journey to minority status is government's most precious secret.
We drill down on the details:
"In all scenarios, migratory increase would be the main driver of population growth at the national level.
"The proportion of seniors (aged 65 and over) in the population would increase from 18.5% in 2021 to between 21.6% and 29.8% in 2068.
At present, the vast majority of seniors are Anglophone and Francophone Canadians, along with other citizens of European heritage. Statscan informs us that in basic terms, "Old Stock" Canadians will die off at an increasingly rapid pace.
"The proportion of children (people aged between 0 and 14) in the Canadian population has greatly decreased since 1962, when it peaked at 34.0%. Estimated at 15.7% in 2021, the projected proportion of children decreases in all scenarios."
Since CAP’s founding in 2016, this issue has been a hot-button for those concerned about the shrinking of Anglophone communities.
Why? Because it didn't have to occur. Understanding national demography, and responding to its ebb-and-flow, is the job of our federal government. In anticipation of the aging of "baby boomer" Canada, the Feds could have, and should have, developed a program that offered financial incentives to millions of parents to maintain and grow our population.
They never did it. Not Pierre Trudeau, Jean Chretien, Brian Mulroney, Paul Martin, Justin Trudeau, or any other prime minister. Not that they didn't have a back up plan.
Rather than grow our population organically, government turned to what they believed to be a demographic panacea: the establishment of the highest per-capita immigration intake quotas in the world.
"The number of older seniors (aged 85 and over) would continue to increase rapidly in the coming years, particularly between 2031 and 2050 as the baby-boom cohort enters this age group."
"According to the projection scenarios, the population aged 85 and over would increase from 871,400 in 2021 to between 2.8 million (scenario LG) and 3.6 million by 2068."
Ever witness legacy media deliver this information to Canadians? CAP offer a simple translation of the data: Old School Canadians are dying off and being replaced by migrants from China, Pakistan, Iran, India, Philippines, Nigeria and Syria.
Together, these countries account for 80-90% of current immigration intake. It doesn't take Professor Stephen Hawking to forecast Canada's demographic destiny.
Whites are headed for minority status in Canada. Upon which we tally up the number of occasions that government or media has informed society of the fact.
The number is zero.
"Canada is expected to have 8.3 million children in 2068, a 37.4% increase from the estimated 6.0 million in 2021."
Upon which we juxtapose this with the following StatsCan information:
“Fertility rates have been steadily declining since 2009, with the trend intensifying since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: Canada’s fertility rate decreased from 1.47 children per woman in 2019 to a record low of 1.40 children per woman in 2020.”
Translation: Old Stock Canadians aren't having children. Therefore, an increase in the number of children in Canada is to be found in PM Justin Trudeau's preferred form of citizen: immigrants from the 3rd World.
We pick up on the PM's relentless drive to capture the immigrant vote. His motive is simple: these people are the future of our country. As for Anglophones, they can cast off their mortal coil and go gently into that good night.
Our Liberal government doesn't give a damn. Or they prefer it this way. Or, perhaps, it has been the plan all along.
"Conspiracy theory!" shout Canada's woke warrior brigade. Frankly, they can all don their rainbow-coloured bathing suits and jump in Lake Ontario.
A 2019 study shows that the birth rate among immigrant women is nearly twice that of their Canadian-born counterparts:
"The study found that immigrant birth-rates tend to correlate to religion and that Muslim, Hindu and Sikh women were more likely to give birth. Ethnicity and birth rate studies in the past also support the recent findings with Chinese, European and Caucasian women having the lowest birth rates in Canada."
As reported by the CBC. Not. What's up with these media people? Have they signed a contract with government that promises never to inform Canadians of our demographic destiny? With money from Trudeau's Liberals as a motive, the demographic future of country goes undetected.
On purpose. Think this to be ominous? We add an additional possibility to the mix. Government-media hostility toward Anglo-Europeans cultivated over the seven-plus years Justin Trudeau has been in charge has sullied the reputation of white Canadians.
In turn, this may well set up a future scenario like this: not only will Anglophones constitute a minority community-- they may well end-up a persecuted minority.
The result being a social inversion which we refer to as Justin Trudeau's "Woke Revolution." When the PM speaks of our "post-modern" society, is this what he actually has in mind?
Only his hairdresser(and perhaps wardrobe consultant) knows for sure. It's speculation, straight up. But not for one moment do we believe it’s not the case.
Our PM has a vendetta against our country based on it's colonial foundation. Is the demise of Anglophone Canada this man's deepest dream? We wouldn't put it past Justin Trudeau for all the farms in Cuba.
Tragically Canadians are ignorant of the ‘forces’ they are up against. Trudeau is a political implant. No different than Joe Biden. Both countries, Canada and the United States, today are Fascist constructs. Of course it no doubt seems like an exaggeration to identify our vaunted ‘democracies’ with such a vile appalling label. On the other hand it appears to some to label Canada and the United States as socialist and post modern. It is often so dubbed in the media.
Capitalism has been intentionally denigrated — while the entire economy has been in fact turned into a totalitarian/corporate/government construct named and defined by Benito Mussolini as Fascist. Canada and the United States are corporate enterprises not democratic countries — whom are they who chooses the delegates; certainly not by ballot. We get to vote for delegates chosen by an elite — one dare not name — without triggering a set of implanted beliefs, not historically verifiable, most people accept without one iota of verification. Canadians and Americans have been intentionally brainwashed. The schools and the media are constructions. They are said to be foundational. They are foundational but not in the way they are thought to be. They are the means by which you and I are subject to brainwashing. You may think your thoughts are yours — or your opinions are yours! You may think Justin Trudeau or Joe Biden if replaced would be improvements. You have been softened up to accept more control over your life! Is that what you want?
How many millions of people have a mortgage on ‘their’ house? Mortgages contracted at say 3% now rising towards confiscatory rates, indenturing millions in the process. Canadians unlike Americans cannot simply toss the keys to their houses on the bank managers desk and move on. Most certainly if you try that you will be held to account by the law. Soon many house dwellers will discover their principal asset underwater — which means your asset will be worth less than your equity. What if you cannot find a buyer for your house? The bank will readjust the term. Supposing you have 19 years remaining on the mortgage. Banks in Germany offer 60 year mortgages. Your mortgage may be extended to 30 years. Before you ‘own’ the house you are renting! And you have to maintain it. Buy new kitchens and fences and pay the taxes. Oh yeah the taxes. Are you living in a free country? In point of fact you are voting for your chains.
Most of those taxes go to the schools where indeed you may conclude the brainwashing goes on and in and on…
Media in Canada and in the United States is concentrated and you are subjected to media’s programming — believing and having opinions about things that are not true. But how can you have thoughts about anything at all you have never ever considered — or been taught? And if by chance you are one of the few whom have figured out the truth — that you are constantly being subjected to organized brainwashing, you are vilified by those whom have been thoroughly and completely brainwashed. All those taxes you and I pay go towards painting a pretty picture.
The reality is that Fascism and Communism are both Totalitarian. Fascism and Communism are conjoined twins. Whether you vote left or right you are voting for Totalitarianism.
So glad I am on my way out (82+years) not my wat in,
so sad for my children grandchildren and great grand children. Never in my wildest thoughts did I see Canada becoming a thrird world country.