Exposed: Trudeau's Loyalty To World Economic Forum Turns Canada To Chaos
Liberalism in Canada is in no manner liberal-- it is authoritarian ideology dressed up as social equality.
"What we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister (Justin) Trudeau. Yesterday I was at a reception for Trudeau and I know that half of his cabinet, or even more than half, are Young Global Leaders.”
So states Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum. All may be roses and sunshine for him. On the other side of the spectrum we have Canadian society. Looking around, we see that our country is a mess. Not in a half-century have Canadians been so angry, resentful and fragmented.
Our Liberal government is responsible. Fortunately for them, they have media in their pocket to shift responsibility to working class Canadians.
As opined by Terence Corcoran in the Financial Post, "Schwab and the WEF had help in setting up their Canadian infiltration mission from Trudeau’s former chief of staff, Gerald Butts, participant in the WEF’s Davos conferences and a leading backroom organizer of the Trudeau government’s ideological gambits."
"It is far from common knowledge among voters that the ideological model behind the Liberal policy subversive and authoritarian. It also covers a massive policy territory, from climate to Covid-19."
What an anomaly this is. Too bad it is six years late. Then again, it's the globalist way— weave a covert political agenda into society, and when it becomes too late to prevent its success, media then spill the beans.
Such as it was for multicultural policy under Pierre Trudeau. As it is for neo-totalitarianism under Justin Trudeau. More from Mr. Corcoran:
"Klaus Schwab was the first global personality to jump on the pandemic as a vehicle for the imposition of his new world order. As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, he saw major opportunity."
"The Trudeau government jumped at the opportunity, imposing sweeping social and economic controls that have cost Canadians and their economy hundreds of billions of dollars in losses, in addition to unmeasurable personal and emotional turmoil — turmoil that has helped fuel the protests and convoys that have now shattered the surface of Canadian stability."
Corcoran of the Toronto Sun is bang-on. It is nothing short of a miracle that this information has appeared in establishment media. The basic message is that PM Justin Trudeau and his Liberals have severely damaged our nation. Cultural Action Party has always maintained that shadowy global figures linger behind the curtain of government policy.
Now, we see the outcome: Justin Trudeau has followed an ideal. Meaning he has clung to an ideological script. The man is an ideologue intent on securing leadership through establishment of an ideological cult.
He is not the first. Thinking back on tyrannical governments of history, we notice a commonality. Communism and fascism specialize in such a methodology. Justin Trudeau has instilled this in Canadian society.
"His[Trudeau's] reaction is an attempt to divert attention away from the flaws in policy and the failure of the WEF-shaped model he adopted to guide policy. He saw COVID-19 as an opportunity for greater government intervention. Many Canadians now see the government pandemic policies as oppressive overkill."
Quick-- someone hand Terence Corcoran an Order of Canada. Finally, after six years of Trudeau tyranny, media get to the truth regarding the great Canadian transformation.
"Rather than face potential ideological breakdown, Trudeau is now attacking his critics on other grounds, claiming they are racists, subversives, yahoos and Trumpian yobs funded by foreign agents. The prime minister may be taking advice from his old friend, Gerald Butts."
CAP offer an amendment. Not for 24 hours has Justin Trudeau ceased taking advice from Gerald Butts. Our PM does not have anywhere near the mental agility to orchestrate Canada's woke revolution.
Trudeau is(was) the pretty boy pin-up assigned to transition our nation to its post-modern destiny. He is(was) perfect for the job. A specious thinker, Mr. Trudeau evolved in a perfect incubator to serve as globalism's greatest evangelist.
Ego-driven, shaky self-esteem, sheltered and idealistic. Upon election, Trudeau busted out of Parliamentary gates with gusto. His megalomania made sure he wouldn't be limited by something as mundane as being prime minister. He was heading for bright lights as saviour of the world's oppressed.
Pushed forward by international players, the result was to be an eventual date with destiny: Justin Trudeau would make a complete mess of our country. His Liberal Cabinet Young Global Leader brigade assisted him every step of the way.
The result becomes clear: the Liberals are the opposite of everything they say they are. Claiming to be "progressive," the party is a throw-back to 20th century totalitarianism. Dedicating themselves to social equality, they cultivated a demonized community in the form of working class Canadians.
And the greatest deception of all. With assistance from media, a repression of a fundamental truth: Liberalism in Canada is in no manner liberal. Under Justin Trudeau, it is authoritarianism dressed in rainbow-coloured socks.
With files from Toronto Sun.
And if Canadians only knew the extent of it. Trudeau and his libtards are a planters wart with deep roots. You must dig deep down to remove the corruption
In our Parliamentary system, Canadians did not elect Justin Trudeau the Prime Minister of Canada. The elected Liberal members of parliament did that, and he now retains power, only due to their continued support and that of NDP MPs.
It is obvious to me that our PM is undergoing some sort of Mental Breakdown and is acting irrationally. I believe it is now pointless trying to deal with him, and that we must pass responsibility for dealing with the current situation on to those responsible for supporting him.
Further attempts to interact with Trudeau will be fruitless. My recommendation is that the current sitting Liberal and NDP members of Parliament should have the responsibility to deal with this situation, placed directly on THEIR shoulders. They must be held accountable for what they do, and/or do not do.