Justin Trudeau Cancels Canada Day, Is Cancelling Canada Next?
Is Canadian identity being eroded in step-by-step fashion?
Canadian Heritage announced that they will not allow Canadians to participate in the annual Canada Day celebration at Parliament Hill after two years of cancellations due to Covid.
A continuous trajectory it is. With Covid as a baseline, the Liberal government of Canada are methodically eroding the meaning of being Canadian. Once a source of national pride, Canada Day has degenerated into a viper's pit of anger and resentment.
Under the direction of PM Justin Trudeau, it is the perfect microcosm for the transformation of our country. From day one, our prime minister has been working a program of national degeneration-- for a purpose.
Enter Canadian media, partners-in-action:
In response, right-wing political pundit Aaron Gunn gathered supporters for an “Un-cancel Canada Day” party in B.C. and gave a patriotic speech to onlookers.
“And I’m tired of the narrative of this country, and of its story, being dragged through the mud and hijacked by a small group of political extremists,” he said.
Note the positioning-- Mr. Gunn is described as a patriot. For the Canadian press, this is zero steps short of a crime. As with nationalism, patriotism in Canada is a dirty word. Justin Trudeau thinks so, as does political partner and NDP party leader, Jagmeet Singh.
We come to understand their hypocrisy: patriotism is acceptable in the Punjab. Likewise in China, Iran, Pakistan. But never in Canada. By what premise does the woke liberal industry justify their attitudes? It is because our nation was founded on colonialism.
On this basis, it is well and good when Pakistan kills four million people upon its establishment. As long as a country wasn't created by colonization, related atrocities are fine and dandy.
It's an absurd dynamic-- but this is Liberalism in Canada. We note media's application of the term "right-wing." In no core identity Canada, a person does not have to be right-wing to qualify. All they have to do is oppose government, and it's off to the racist doghouse.
Canada has developed a case of the "self-hatred blues." No individual has infused this social paradox within our country more than Mr. Trudeau. Step-by-step, in incremental fashion, our citizenship has been led by the hand toward national self-abasement. It’s an unnatural phenomenon-- a condition millions would realize if media wasn’t covering it up.
Signs are everywhere. A boarded-up Wellington St. on Canada Day. The near disappearance of our national anthem. A decline in the appearance of the Canadian flag. Every bit of it exacerbated by the Covid pandemic. Who knew the dissemination of the virus from China was to be instrumental in Canada's replication of their social model?
Our Liberal government has transitioned Canada Day into Anti-Canada Day. Is this the end of the road for calculated punitive damages toward society?
Not a chance. For Mr. Trudeau, Mr. Singh and those backing them, an end-game lingers in the distance. Can it be that the most extreme transformation in our history is one giant coincidence? Is there no goal inherent within the continuum of Canadian historical development?
It is here that the great divide comes to call. For CBC, Globe & Mail and Toronto Star consumers, this thinking falls into the conspiratorial. The leftists, the woke and their type scoff and jeer at such a suggestion.
Only thing is, they could be dead wrong. As could our side-- possibly. Only time can reveal the true circumstances. As such, CAP is forced to speculate:
Canada is being led along a path toward a comprehensive re-making of our country. Our historical English/French foundation is going to be buried for all-time. Along with it, democratic governance itself.
Out of the rubble will emerge the Canada of Justin Trudeau's dreams: socialist-communist, 3rd World dominant, Anglophones and Christians as second-class communities.
This is, in fact, what our PM alluded to back in 2016-- an establishment of a post-modern society. Covid from China is assisting Trudeau and his backers in emulating China's political condition. Media breath not a word about it.
All of which bring us to a critical question: is there anything that can be done to stop it? We point to what may be a defining factor-- the next federal election. At a risk of over-simplification, we outline a binary scenario:
If the Conservative Party form the next federal government, our transfer to dictatorship status may not occur. It could still happen, but chances would be lessened. If the Liberals win-- it's game over. Four elections in-a-row. Media working at their behest. Immigration to continuously boost Liberal voter numbers.
Such an accomplishment is foreboding. In 2022, the deck is stacked so high you can see Mount McKinley from its peak.
The Conservative Party of Canada versus: Liberals, Media, United Nations, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, China, and additional global players.
Here we discover the essence of the globalist ethos. It is, in reality, a "David and Goliath" scenario. Will the best people-kind win? Never has there been a more critical question in the history of our nation.
Every time that I think that Ju$tin has sunk to the lowest level of a human, he does something even worse than the time before! The next thing that I suspect Ju$tin to do is change the name of Canada. He'll probably say that the name Canada reminds him of Old Stock Canadians and this doesn't fit into his Woke plans.
If Trudeau could, I have a fear he would change the Canadian flag just to remove more of who we are. The thought just came to me and it could be a reality. He's just that narcissistic to try it.