Justin Trudeau Leads Canada To Ruination, And Here's How He's Doing It
“The seeds sown are decidedly ‘Liberal’ in orientation. Not only as promulgated by the Liberal Party of Canada, but through a half-century of pre-meditated socio-political assault.”
The seeds for the fall of Canada were sown decades ago. One major component being government control of media, which function to obscure the idea that our nation is progressing toward its national undoing.
The seeds sown are decidedly "Liberal" in orientation. Not only as promulgated by the Liberal Party of Canada, but through pre-meditated socio-political assault. The founder is ex-Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau, communist-enthusiast. The contemporary conduit is Justin Trudeau, current prime minister of Canada.
Two current events elucidate our thinking. First, a recent referendum on the formation of a Sikh-Khalistan state occurring this week in the Canadian city of Calgary, Alberta.
“The U.S.-based organization Sikhs for Justice has sparked significant controversy by dedicating today’s Khalistan 'referendum' at Calgary City Hall to Talwinder Singh Parmar, the co-conspirator of Canada’s deadliest terror attack.”
Canada's journey from its "True North, Strong and Free" status to its present incarnation as conduit for global terrorism is poorly understood among the public. In this regard, we reference Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek, who willingly permitted the Sikh referendum to take place at Calgary City Hall this week.
"Prabhjote Kaur "Jyoti" Gondek (née Grewal) is a Canadian politician serving as the 37th and current mayor of Calgary since October 25, 2021. Born in London, England, Gondek is the daughter of Indian Punjabi Sikh parents Jasdev Singh Grewal, a lawyer, and Surjit Kaur Grewal."
An interesting counterpoint: in its entire history, Canada has only had three federal referendums take place. The first two occurred in 1898 and 1942; the third in 1992. Advantage, Sikh-Punjabi Khalistan. We witness the irony inherent in the situation. While input on critical political issues from general Canadian society remain near non-existent, the chosen communities of multicultural identity have the privilege of a plebiscite that has nothing to do with Canadian society.
Both Justin Trudeau and partner-in-pseudo-democracy Jagmeet Singh, Sikh-Canadian leader of the New Democratic Party, support Khalistan state independence. To say the Sikh communities accumulation of political power is growing at a rapid rate is an exercise in stating the obvious.
We turn toward our second scenario. As reported in the Toronto Star this week, "extremist scholar Sheikh Yasser al-Habib, was thwarted from buying an island on the Canada-U.S. border because the price tag was too steep."
“They will have their own army, their own justice system, they will manage their own schools and hospitals, and people from around the world will be able to migrate to this homeland."
As it turns out, establishment of a religious supremacist state has been off-loaded to the coast of Scotland. Naturally, the zealots could give it another go in Canada at any point in the future.
When speaking of related "attributes" of Canada in this regard, religious fanatic al-Habib stated that "Canada would make an ideal base because the country is generally welcoming with lax immigration laws."
Why hold back, Mr. IMAM? Why not state flat-out that PM Trudeau has re-oriented Canadian society to make it conducive to establishment of a "Caliphate" off the coast of Canada?
Cultural Action Party [est.2016] summarize with a concise statement regarding the political trajectory that mainstream media are being paid by the Liberals to evade:
From Pierre Trudeau, his mass immigration, multiculturalism and invitation for China to infiltrate society, on through to Justin Trudeau and his political advancement of Sikhism-Islam in Canadian society.
CBC breathe not a word. Toronto Star refuse to tweet it out. All of it flashing before the eyes of tens of millions of “Old Stock” Canadians for the past half-century.
Driving the woke vehicle forward are Canada's "terror tots"-- Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh, in succession. Where is it all leading? If mainstream media refuse to articulate how we got here, one can be certain they will remain mum on where we are heading.
July 31st, 2024: “The arrest of a father and son accused of planning a mass casualty attack in Toronto on behalf of ISIS suggests the enduring appeal of the terrorist group.”
“Ahmed Fouad Mostafa Eldidi, 62, and Mostafa Eldidi, 26, were charged with six terrorism offences, the records show. They are accused of planning an attack for the benefit of ISIS.”
A revealing microcosm it is. This is where Canada is at, and under the Liberals, is certain to proliferate in the future. No wonder Trudeau treats 3rd World migrants like they are "worth their weight in gold." New arrivals lack awareness of what Canadians of European heritage recall as the state-of-society previous to the Trudeau-Liberal assault on freedom and democracy.
Anglophone Canadians and others of European stock-- thoroughly shunned by Trudeau, Singh and their backers-- can recall a Canada previous to the mess made out of our nation by degenerate political forces.
The question of whether Pierre Poilievre and his Conservative Party come along to rectify the destruction is steeped in relevancy. At the risk of pessimism bordering on nihilism, CAP put forth that the Conservatives are likely to function as a temporary stop-gap.
After all, we speak of a pre-conceived neo-communist seduction of a western democracy. Embedding their woke globalist hooks deep into society as inspired by socialist revolutions of history, CAP refuse to recommend that patriots hold their collective breath in this regard.
We, as Anglo-Saxon generations living and working in Canada, NEED to know what we can do on mass to thwart or stop this terrible destruction of our beautiful country/Nation!!
Pierre says he will go back to 2015 and delete all of Trudeau’s policies. But unlike a strong resolute Canada of WW1 and 2 I wonder if we will fight for Canada TOGETHER.