Most Canadians are familiar with the term "a common thread." No doubt the same applies to Canadian media. Yet, in terms of putting together pieces of our Liberal government's political agenda, the practice is entirely lacking.
Nowhere is this more applicable than in regard to what CAP refer to as PM Justin Trudeau's communist-inspired "Woke Revolution."
Let us drill down on the concept. According to Canadian Heritage Department, division of the federal government of Canada:
"Values are a set of individual and collective principles that guide our way of thinking, our decision-making and our behaviours. Ethics refers to the manner in which we behave."
According to our federal government, two values remain fundamental to our society:
-- Respect for Democracy
-- Respect for People
A 2017 article entitled 'The Rise and Fall of Christianity in Canada' offers insight into the poorly understood transition of values within Canadian society.
“150 years ago, Canada was a Christian nation. Religion infused politics, culture and everyday life; it guided one’s vote, one’s choice of spouse, and place of education. To be a respectable citizen, one had to be a church-goer.”
The end of World War II signalled "a rise in the fortunes of Canadian Christianity. As the active loins of the nation produced the Baby Boom, the biggest generational cohort in human history, Sunday School classes were jam-packed. From 1945 to 1965 the United Church of Canada built 1,500 new churches."
Christian values were wholly infused within society throughout this growth period. These values emphasized the sacredness of life, respect for the institution of marriage, as well as the importance of a stable family unit.
“In the 1991 census, 83% of Canadians identified themselves as Christian. In 2011, it shank to 67%. Over a 20-year span the United Church of Canada lost a million members, while the Anglicans shrank from 2.1 million to 1.6 million. Protestants in 1991 made up 25 per cent of the population; in 2011 that was 14 per cent."
Along with demographic decline came the erosion of traditional moral principles and Christian values. To whom can we attribute the degeneration?
Cultural Action Party focus on the degree to which Liberalism, in particular the brand espoused by Justin Trudeau, set up Canada for its descent into moral depravity which, incredibly, exists as a core value of our ruling Liberal government.
Former Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau set the stage for the downfall of Canada’s Christian value system. How so? For one thing, by opening up our doors to communist China. Misunderstood by general society, this diplomatic move opened the floodgates to a form of “creeping communism,” which slowly penetrated the fabric of society over ensuing decades.
As years passed, our nation's fundamental institutions became infused with communist-derived propaganda. The first formal institution to fall to the seduction of godless communism were Canada’s universities. Transitioning to bastions of Canadian self-hatred, academia’s racist and genocidal accusations reduced our national self-image to a pittance of what it once was.
Astute historians recognize the game plan. China may murder millions of its own, yet no matter what transpires, one distinction keeps a card up the communist sleeve. China was not founded based on colonialism. As omitted by our press, this factor has for decades remained central to an attack on Canadian heritage. Readers may want to note the fact that the dynamic went into overdrive the moment that Justin Trudeau became prime minister.
Beginning in the late 1960’s, Pierre Trudeau-founded political initiatives began to "globalize" our society. Without any element of public approval, Trudeau Sr. forced Multiculturalism upon our country. A giant shift from European to 3rd World immigration set up Canada for the eventual fall of English Canada.
By the time Justin Trudeau became prime minister in 2015, Canada was primed for descent into neo-communism. If there is any political figure who exists as an antithesis of traditional Canadian values, it is Trudeau Jr.
Consider the topic of Abortion. Anti-Christian in conception, Justin Trudeau literally forced his Liberal caucus to abide by an anti-fetus policy:
June 14th, 2014: "Trudeau now says all Liberal MPs must vote pro-choice."
No choice-- no democracy. According to Trudeau Jr., there is to be no debate on abortion among the Liberal caucus. Canada is to maintain the widest birth on abortion policy in the western world. The result is a Statistics Canada-endorsed statistic of approximately 90,000 abortions per year among Canadian women for the past 40 years. Adhering to a "no term limit" abortion policy, the Trudeau’s set up Canada for an emulation of China’s birth control policies. China has 1.3 billion citizens, Canada comes in at 38 million.
Not content with a demand for termination of Canada's unborn, in 2016 Justin Trudeau turned his sights toward Canada's elderly.
As the founder of Euthanasia policy in Canada, over 10,000 citizens-- most of them of the Old Stock variety-- were knocked off in 2020. Once limited to physical illness, the Liberals will expand assisted suicide by offering it to Canada's mentally ill sometime in 2023. It should come as no surprise that the leader in worldwide Euthanasia was China-- until Canada recently took its place.
Sanctity of life? Not a chance. Maintenance of traditional, or Christian values? Over our dead bodies-- literally. We witness the usurping of traditional morality as stepped on by Canada's neo-communist national leader.
Anyone up for an explosion of organ transplants? By way of Trudeau and the Liberals, Canada has risen to the leader in Euthanasia-related organ harvesting. Second in command? You guessed it-- that country is China.
There is, however, at least one area in which Trudeau's Canada does not replicate China's communist values. It’s known as LGBT, which among other things, functions as an assault on the traditional family unit. Again, a government policy counter to traditional Christian principles. Again, Justin Trudeau is the pied-piper of the movement.
What can be more anti-Christian than transgenderism for Canadian youth? CAP is hard-pressed to think of one. For our money, this movement represents an apotheosis of anti-Canadian Liberal-Globalist values. Simply put, it's a damn disgrace. One that is fully endorsed by our ruling Liberal government.
After which we add an insightful corollary:
Over the next half-century, Christianity’s reign as the world’s largest religion will come to an end.
According to a report from the Pew Research Center, "Muslims will grow more than twice as fast as the overall world population between 2015 and 2060 and, in the second half of this century, will likely surpass Christians as the world’s largest religious group."
We gain insight into why PM Trudeau is fully dedicated to Canada's Muslim community. fawning and prostrating himself at every opportunity, our current PM hints at the future of Canadian society. A look at government’s approach to religious holidays of Easter and Ramadan speak to the truth of the situation.
Simply put, Trudeau and the Liberals are all over Ramadan, delivering a plethora of well-wishing which always maintains the following structure:
“We offer our sincere well-wishes to Muslims in Canada, and around the world.”
Witness as government go rank over the 30-day celebration. Ubiquitous it is within media from coast-to-coast. Positioned as a giant invitation for Muslims the world over to migrate to Canada, promotion of the Christian holiday of Easter pales in comparison.
Interesting that Canadian media never speak of an out-of-control bias by government toward the Islamic faith. Could it that this is the future of our country, while government speak nothing of the sort?
It may well be. Canada's slow and steady conversion to an authoritarian society devoid of Christian principles should be understood by all Canadians. It isn’t, and it is no coincidence.
As if a premeditated tag-team, Pierre and Justin Trudeau have for a half-century served as facilitators of Canada’s transition from free and democratic society to a 3rd World-dominated socialist nation. Media say nothing of the sort.
Abortion. Euthanasia. LGBT. Transgenderism. Organ Harvesting. Elimination of free speech(Bill C-18), the fall of freedom of the press(Bill C-11).
In truth, all the communist cards are on the table as Canada enters the autumn years of its traditional existence. Canadian media, today financed by the Liberal government, keep it all under wraps.
This is the "gift" that the Trudeau family of Quebec has bestowed on our dying "Great White North."
I agree, "all the communist cards are on the table". And yet so many, Christians of so called faith included, don't see it. The up side communism always falls apart, people don't like to live in it. The downside it takes 50 to 75 years to play out, as history shows us.
Let's not let it get a grip on us
This Is Not My Future.
We Will Be Free!
I would prefer the ballet box but Civil War might be inevitable.