Justin Trudeau's Soft Spot For Islamic Terrorism
How far our nation has strayed from its moral principles.
The recent murder of British Parliamentarian David Ammes illustrates the point. Comparing Canadian presentation with international media output reveals a stark contrast. Only within non-Canadian media sources is there an emphasis on the identity of the accused.
The alleged killer is Ali Harbi Ali, a British national of Somali heritage. While Canadian media speculate on the danger of violence toward Canadian MP's, they omit or downplay the identity of the accused-- on purpose.
Media do not want to stir up "Islamophobia." With this as a pretext, let us consider several incidents of this nature having occurred on Canadian soil.
In early 2019, Nasradin Ali attempted to burn down Langara College in Vancouver. The charges were stayed and the case never went to trial. “He's from Somalia, and I know other Somalians, even though they’re in their 20s now, have lived with tremendous trauma."
In August, 2020, Deng Mabiour, a refugee from Sudan, was accused of first-degree murder in the death of Dr. Walter Reynolds, a family doctor in Red Deer, Alberta. A witness told media that she was in the waiting room when she "heard cries for help and saw a man with a hammer and a machete."
The outcome of the trial, if it took place, is unknown. Both Red Deer city council and local media have remained silent to this day.
In July, 2021, 31-year-old immigrant Umar Zameer was charged with the murder of Toronto police officer Jeffrey Northrup. Zameer was arrested and subsequently charged with first-degree murder.
Toronto Police Chief James Ramer alleged the incident was an “intentional, deliberate attack.” The accused was released on bail on September 21st, 2021.
After the news of Zameer's bail was made public, Ontario Premier Doug Ford tweeted his shock at the accused's release, saying "this is beyond comprehension." Minutes later, the tweet was deleted. The fate of the accused cop-killer is unknown.
In July, 2017, 13-year old Marrisa Shen was allegedly murdered by a Syrian refugee by the name of Ibrahim Ali. The most recent news on the murder case tells us that the trial is delayed until "sometime in 2022"-- a five year span without a single piece of relevant news appearing in media.
In 2018, another Syrian refugee, Faisal Hussain, was accused of shooting fifteen Canadians in the Toronto neighbourhood of Danforth. Among the dead were Juliana Kozis (age 10) and Reese Fallon (age 18).
"Video evidence and eyewitness reports of Hussain's killing spree show a man who is determined, focused and fully in control of all his faculties."
All accusations of terrorism were dismissed. As they have been in all these cases. Unfortunately, this is not the only common thread involved. What we have here is evidence of government, media and legal industry collusion. For all crimes perpetrated by racialized migrants and refugees, details are to be sublimated.
Why? For Cultural Action Party, the answer is found in government priorities. Which is of greater value-- immigration and refugee policy, or the lives of innocent children as young as 10-years of age?
Government policy taking priority over life itself? To what extent does this reflect the essence of a free and democratic society? Yet, in a twisted manner, Canada comes by it "honestly."
“The Liberal Party believe that terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship ...because I do. And I'm willing to take on anyone who disagrees with that."
There you have it. Canada is a terrorist-friendly society. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says so. Media work the will of the his government. Our academic world stand by in silence.
How far our nation has strayed from its moral principles. The incremental nature of the erosion-- coupled with media obfuscation-- having conditioned society into full complacency.
-- Brad Salzberg, CAP Founder(Est. 2016)
Just wait Trudeau loves the Death Cult of evil satanic children so much he will grant them there own Sharia court system like in England. There is a stat somewere that claims when muslims reach a certain amount in any one country they radically push for their own laws sharia law and like anything else they push for if they are met with push back it's racist or islomophobia . Western culture and it's laws are not compatible with islam and muslims so why is our Government trying so hard to normalize and portray islam as a religion of peace when the evidence contradicts this narrative . The Left loves to pander and virtue signal to any race ,creed or religion other than Christianity or the Jewish people they don't seem to have that much love for these religions .The Lefts stance on Islam is awe-inspiring but if you ask a Leftard if they have read the quran and know whats in that dirty little book they say no most of the time and for the one who have they have a strange way of justifying the hate , oppression and racist teachings in it's text . Muslims prophet mohammed was a blood thirsty killer as well as a pedophile and this is who they aspire to be like just ask any muslim and this in it's self should tell you their mindset.. Know and Understand Your Enemy...Disguising danger, disguising evil as harmless or worse: nonexistent, is even more evil. It is the snake convincing the victim to believe it’s lies ...