Liberal MPs Join Common Sense Canadians In Hating Trudeau
“This tokenism is ridiculous. I’m sick and tired of everything being about their friends and their insiders. Screw them.”
Word Of The Day: Ubiquity
"The fact of appearing everywhere or of being very common."
It may not be appearing at your local Pride Parade, but outside the woke liberal bubble surrounding PM Justin Trudeau, it's just about everywhere.
In homes, on our streets, and throughout society, Trudeau is a hated figure. It doesn't take Prof. Stephen Hawking to deduce that most "generational" Canadians, sometimes referred to as "Old Stock" citizens, despise this politician.
Recent developments have been adding momentum to the movement. Canada's Muslim-Canadian community, so politically coveted by Mr. Trudeau, have turned a page in the woke Liberal government playbook.
Our PM's endorsement of LGBT politics and related propaganda has begun to anger Muslim parents. So much so, a Muslim man living in Alberta is organizing what he calls a "Million Person March" against LGBT indoctrination in Canadian public schools.
In no way is the anti-Trudeau phenomenon limited to "new arrival" communities. Canada's oldest identifiable community, the Indigenous population, also have it in for the wokest of the woke:
"The Conservative Party has a 12-point lead amongst Indigenous voters at 31% compared to the Liberals’ 19%. Even the NDP is outperforming the Liberals among Indigenous voters at 25%."
To make matters worse for Justin Trudeau, and better for millions of Canadians who want him gone, recent commentary from multiple Liberal members of Parliament paint a portrait of dissatisfaction:
"Justin Trudeau is facing a serious blow black for the July 26 cabinet shuffle from some passed-over Liberal MPs, who believe the promotions of seven backbench colleagues to the front bench were not merit-based, and the PMO misjudged and misplayed the whole thing completely.”
Not merit-based. Not that this is anything new. From day one, Trudeau's public image has been front-and-centre. It's political optics, as opposed to competency, that control the decision-making desk behind a specious political leader.
Liberal MPs make it sound as if selection of seven new Cabinet members was based on their position within multiple "swing ridings." The goal being to boost public profile for MPs who experienced marginal victory in the previous federal election.
“I am livid,” one Liberal MP said who spoke to The Hill Times to shed some light on what’s going on behind-the-scenes.
“It makes no sense whatsoever why Scarborough has to have two ministers is truly unreal, why Newfoundland has to have two ministers is truly unreal. … This is a prime minister who keeps doubling down, this tokenism is ridiculous. It’s ridiculous, and I’m sick and tired of everything being about their friends, and their insiders. Screw them. I am so pissed off.”
Divine vengeance? For Canadian patriots, it may be slightly therapeutic to discover that those who work for PM Trudeau are as aggravated with him as millions of old school Canadians.
Who actually likes this Trudeau character? The answer, apart from your run-of-the-mill transgender advocates, Sikhs in Brampton and a smattering of snowflakes, is no one at all.
Why does he remain? CAP break it down to its essence: Because Sikh-Canadian New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh signed a document to lock-in Justin as PM until late 2025-- that's why.
Media say nothing of the sort. Meanwhile, Canadians of all colours and stripes continue to stew in our own juices. In the main, legacy media keep him hanging by a thread, for good reason. They are being paid by our prime minister to do so.
"A few MPs said, the PMO chose 'docile' MPs, totally ignoring ones who had successful educational and professional backgrounds, and who had put in a lot of hard work in their parliamentary careers in committees."
"The MPs interviewed for this story said that they have no quarrel with the promoted colleagues, but that their disappointment is with Trudeau (Papineau, Que.) and his senior advisers who made the decisions."
What can one glean from such a scenario? How about the idea that our country is being run by a closed cabal of government strategists desperate to cling to political power.
The result is mismanagement of our country, from immigration policy to the transportation industry, available housing, and the holy grail of universal health care.
Trudeau doesn't care. He just wants to win. Unfortunately for him, the charade has worn thin. The people of Canada have caught on to the political circus featuring woke warrior Trudeau at centre stage.
"The PMO claimed before and after the shuffle, MPs said, that one key objective is to strengthen the economic team. But, these MPs said, they did not see any change in the economic team—finance minister, industry minister, international trade minister—or any senior PMO staff."
Translation: The "progressive" Liberal Party are cast-in-stone. Never do they deviate from their ultimate political goal.
Their gig being to establish a Liberal government-for-life. To accomplish such a task, Justin Trudeau has established the biggest Liberal voter solicitation plan in the history of our country.
It's called "immigration policy," a silver bullet of political permanence for Trudeau and his Liberal team of neo-communists.
Only thing is, it may not work. Naturally, media and our academic world back the plan to the max. Both are being paid to do so by government.
“This cabinet shuffle was not in any way based on merit, or people that deserved to go in cabinet."
Of course it wasn't. It never has been. Away from the media spotlight, Liberal strategists spend their time cultivating candidates based on ethnic identity. By strategically matching 3rd World MP candidates with the bulk of 3rd World-derived voters, the Liberals swallowed up nearly all ridings in the Greater Toronto Area(GTA).
Far more energy goes into this vote-grabbing scheme than what is applied to proper placement in Cabinet. A Liberal strategy for decades, media never whisper a word about it.
Now, even Justin Trudeau's Liberal foot-soldiers have turned on boss-man. Will this be enough to rid the PMO of the most divisive national leader in Canadian history?
All these Liberal malcontents have been silent while Trudeau inflicted continuous ethical corruption scandals and lies on Canadians. Now because they weren’t invited to continue inflicting this disaster they are upset...poor little darlings. How many were cheering when Jody Wilson-Raybould was treated like a malignant disease. Answer: the entire Liberal caucus were standing and cheering. Some like Sgro and Hedy Fry were nasty.
So far all of the articles I've posted on Facebook have been removed because of Trudeau's new content restrictions.