Protests Against LGBT-Pride Reach Unprecedented Heights In Canada
"Protesters opposed to gender-identity policies disrupted a school board meeting in Surrey, B.C. with calls against LGBT indoctrination in our public education system."
Pictured, prime minister of Canada Justin Trudeau promotes transgenderism for Canadians of any age with an appearance on television Drag Queen Show.
The past decade in Canada has witnessed an unprecedented amount of government and media coverage as related to the topic of "community privilege."
Top-of-mind awareness on the subject generally conjures up the concept of "white privilege," as advanced by PM Justin Trudeau's Liberal government, along with mainstream media organizations they fund by the billions.
Readers of CAP media output can guess that our position on the topic remains antithetical to legacy media narrative. In this regard, we can't think of a more quintessential example than the entitlement currently being accorded to Canada's LGBT communities.
Imagine the privilege: in terms of push-back against the transgender-for-children movement endorsed by Trudeau's Liberals, all criticism is funnelled into a single idea:
"This is hate," goes the government refrain. "These homo-haters must be put in their place. There is no room for hate in contemporary Canada" runs the media line.
Of course, there’s plenty of room. Every bit of it reserved for those who dare question the validity of the LGBT-Pride propaganda movement as institutionalized within the Canadian public school system.
Erroneous is their conclusion. How many times do common-sense Canadians have to tell you? Go and be gay, we don't give a damn. But take your hands off our children. Let them grow into adulthood in an organic manner, devoid of a government-funded agenda being forced upon the minds of Canadian school children.
The woke-warriors don't get it. Either that, or they chose not to. And why shouldn't they, when the prime minister of our country works out of the exact same bag?
As it happened, the advent of official Pride Month in June has brought a new flavour to the LGBT-Hetero battle. Simply put, Canadian parents are sick and tired of the whole affair.
Just this week, protesters opposed to gender-identity policies (SOGI123) disrupted a school board meeting in Surrey, B.C. with calls against LGBT child indoctrination in our public education system.
"During question period, protesters held signs and used a megaphone to call for an end to SOGI123 and the resignation of trustees."
Response? "This is hate." What a luxury it is-- a privilege of the highest order. In Justin Trudeau's post-modern Canada, only select communities qualify as those free to play the "victim card" at will.
Apart from homosexuals and transexuals, Trudeau has designated Islamic, Sikh, Chinese to be members of a privileged social club. Once certified, community members can scream "racism" and homophobia till the cows come home on an Alberta Beef farm.
As for the non-designated-- Anglophones, Christians, "Old Stock" Canadians and those of non-francophone European heritage-- you can kiss the privilege goodbye. It's an exclusive never to apply to Trudeau's choices for future second-class community status.
“A group of students is under fire after reacting negatively to a Pride Protest in a suburban Toronto school district. The protest was staged by students who were dismayed that the York Catholic School Board declined to fly to fly the Progress Pride flag after some students brought forth the proposal.”
Holy Cow-- the heteros are angry. The pro-Pride contingent are angry. We stand witness as Justin Trudeau's systemic LGBT promotional vehicle rolls over society, angering citizens of both left and right orientation.
Here's the element Cultural Action Party claim to be missing from the narrative:
The related social chaos is intentional. When one reviews the history of socialist revolutions, one finds a common theme: in all cases, inter-community chaos is cultivated for the purpose of dividing citizen from citizen, community from community.
For CAP, this is Justin Trudeau, the Liberals and their post-modern "Woke Revolution" agenda for the future of our country. CBC will never say it; Globe & Mail will never print it, but at the end of the political day, LGBT culture is a pre-meditated component for socialist revolution in Canada.
Most parents do not hate gays and transsexuals. What we are sick and tired of is LGBT politics, as perpetuated by Trudeau's Liberals, and their partners in media.
Perhaps if they shut up about it, so would we. But they don't, they won't, and thus the result. That the entire phenomenon has transitioned to society's greatest scourge is no coincidence.
"SOGI123 is a set of policies and programs adopted by the B.C. education system aimed at creating inclusive classrooms for 2SLGBTQ students and staff."
Good Lord, is this ever a tired and tedious line of clap-trap. How can the agenda be "inclusive" when everyone who disagrees is corralled into a homophobic isolation tank?
"We can have a discussion that can be quite calm and quite learning for both sides. So it's just the disrespectfulness and the way they proceed to intimidate and bully people that is the problem."
Sure thing, missy. As if no one has ever seen a pink-haired woke warrior screaming in the face of a conscious objector to the tranny-for-youth movement.
What a gang of hypocrites. But you know what? They are going to keep on rolling-- for good reason. PM Trudeau and team maintain a policy of acceptance of transgenderism for children of any age.
Beyond this, who ever heard of a prime minister who is unwilling to support the traditional family unit? Leaders of western democracies do not roll like this. Rather, the phenomenon is to be found among leaders of communist nations such as China.
Justin Trudeau is emulating their positioning. Not parents-- but rather the state-- is to hold jurisdiction over the family unit. This is how it is in China, in addition to the former Soviet Union. For crying out loud, Karl Marx even said so in his secular bible, the Communist Manifesto.
Just don't expect Canadian media to allude to such a reality. They have a job to do, and they do it well. CAP call it "fooling 40 million Canadians into believing that Trudeau's Liberals are a righteous government, when in fact, they are oppressive neo-communists."
The walkout, Global News reported, was "an opportunity to support 2SLGBTQ+ students. A student speaking to Global spoke about how everyone has the right to love who they want to love."
Another tedious piece of nothingness-- one which Trudeau echoes in near-identical words. To which CAP respond accordingly:
"Go and love whomever you want, but just shut up about it."
They won't. Pourquoi? Because the goal has nothing to do with social equity, or for that matter, human sexuality.
"The last few of our board meetings have been disrupted, not nearly as bad as what this was. But … they came with signs and placards. A lot of jeering and bullying-type behaviour."
How more plainly can we put it? Hear ye, Trans-pushers. We are sick and tired of your tedious prattle.
Institutionalized LGBT exists for a purpose: to cause consternation within society. That it's greatest advocate is Justin Trudeau should tell us all we need to know regarding the LGBT-Pride assault upon Canadian society.
Sabotage of Society, Education and Children - Shame
Dear trustees, academics and civic officials,
The LGBTQ+ Community has gone too far. The most disturbing trend in the last few years is the destruction of the innocence of childhood in an attempt to validate insecure and sick adults. So the triple whammy of witless parents, indoctrinating academia and social influencers produced the horror we are in. The totalitarian decision-making power of unbridled ideologues.
Once upon a time, you represented superior knowledge, dignity, values, respect, trust and trustworthy guardians of children, or so society and parents thought. However, what emerged later out of these beliefs, whether all of you realized it or not (academics did for decades), was your submission or collaboration with the Marxist Cultural Revolution with radical ideologies, the sexual exploitation and abandonment of children to sexual predators. Cultural Race Theory, Marxist Critical Theory, Cultural Revolution Agenda, what-have-you! Is there any wonder why we live in an out-of-control society?
The degradation of ethics, educational standards, spirituality, morality, values, principles, family cohesion, political leadership, etc., has contributed to the breakdown of society and the educational system. Schools at all levels have been ideal incubators for the resurgence of Marxism, indoctrinating Islamic propagandists, and a primary refuge for sex offenders.
It is incomprehensible that professionals can crave such radical and perverse activities and pass that on to the children you are supposed to care for on behalf of the parents. It is no longer bizarre to believe that the authorities might be collaborators also, even participants! What drives professionals in your fields to ignore the horrific history of Marxism, Communism, CRT, false gender ideologies, the insane trans movement, etc.? ? ? ? Naivety, negligence, indifference, collusion! Don't you realize the heinous and rapid progression to cruel sexual abuse, satanic-themed rituals, etc., beyond the presumably innocuous Drag Queens' story hours and their training/grooming summer camps (cages!)? A queer rationality with children breaks that from the reproductive futurity of the nuclear family.
Some reference material at the end of this email is American, however, let’s not pretend that’s not happening in Canada although perhaps not to the same extreme yet, Canada is a ‘moral' compass of what is happening in the US. It’s all related and you’re complicit. What kind of supposedly ethical professionals would want to sacrifice children this way?
The outrage of these evils preying on kids with or without parental consent and criminalizing parents who attempt to save their children. It is strangely revolting. Can’t you imagine the arrogance? $25,000 for protesters breaching a buffer zone with these alphabet activities! Insane!
This Marxist Revolution imposed on society and the ubiquitous coloured flag spreading in communities like eyesores aren’t peaceful! To compound the problem, Minister Lecce chastised fed-up Ontarians for complaining! This kind of behaviour indicates that the government is collaborating with the revolution. The tyrannical WEF admits that they are the ones who started the LBGTQ+ movement and who subsidize it. Once confined to the faculty lounges of Canada’s most left-wing universities, wokeism has infected nearly every institution in our society. Politicians are silently abandoning Canadians.
Parents are encouraged to pull their children out of the public school system, ripping off students and taxpayers. Charter schools would allow for greater choice, educational innovation, and better targeting of student needs and family preferences. They would effectively serve as a safety valve for thousands of children for whom the conventional public school model simply does not work for whatever reason.
You hear but don't listen. And those smug officials who don't care about plaintiffs might just be some of the real perpetrators! A sufficient number of them have already been captured in various schools. Anyone who forces discussions about highly sexualized behaviours in children is a child molester. These pathological beliefs and activities must be removed from Canadian public discourse starting with our children by teaching them the value of taking charge of themselves.
Things wouldn't be so tragic if the children were left alone. The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Industry… Abandoning standards in a futile attempt to improve diversity will destroy efficiency and likely do nothing to improve diversity.
So where do you stand, trustees, academics and city officials? Continue the revolution and sacrifice the children to the evils, or become responsible with the courage to restore the education system to its level of excellence! Surely you must realize a level of ethical responsibility for students beyond their school years.