“Priceless’ Artwork, Cherished Toronto Community Space Lost In Fire”
"Early paintings by three Group of Seven members and other prominent Canadian artists were installed along the interior in the 1920s."
"In 1923, the church commissioned founding Group of Seven member J.E.H. MacDonald to oversee designs depicting the life of Christ on the building’s interior."
No wonder PM Justin Trudeau has thus far remained quiet as a church mouse.
"100 Christian churches in Canada have been vandalized, burned down or desecrated since the announcement of the apparent discovery of graves found near a residential school in Kamloops, BC."
It would be negligent enough if the prime minister of Canada described these events as "understandable," which he did in response to acts of arson resulting from a supposed discovery of 215 graves containing the bodies of Indigenous children at a Canadian residential school.
Turns out that by all accounts, the discovery never occurred, and no bodies have been found:
“No Bodies Found After Spending $8 Million Searching For Bodies At Kamloops Residential School”
“Despite the allocation of $7.9 million for this purpose, no remains have been recovered, and there has been no public disclosure of how the funds were utilized,” says Blacklock's Reporter.
Upon which CAP take inventory of the situation. Let us boldly proclaim the following: in terms of social injustice, this stands as one of most despicable faith-related incidents in modern Canadian history.
There's a good reason why it is less-than-understood throughout Canadian society. In this case, the victims are Christian. For nine long years, we have heard the Liberals rant about what they call "Islamophobia," while branding Canadians of European heritage racist and xenophobic.
Yet, when the tables turn, silence is the order of the government day. As juxtaposed with a statement from PM Trudeau issued this week:
“My heart goes out to the Muslim family in London whose home was attacked last night in an act of hate. Canadians have seen how dangerous and ugly Islamophobia is. We have to keep confronting it — wherever and whenever we see it.”
What happened in this case? Pro-Palestinian signs were stolen from a home in London, Ontario. With all the ethnic-related pandamonium in Canada going on, one would think our PM would have more urgent matters to deal with.
In terms of religious community contrast, Cultural Action Party [est.2016] offer up this recent piece of news:
June 7th, 2024: “Ibrahim Ali sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole for 25 years.”
"The victim impact statement was the last of seven presented before Justice Lance Bernard gave Ali a mandatory life sentence without the chance of parole for 25 years for killing the girl in a park in Burnaby, B.C., in 2017."
PM Trudeau's silence regarding this loss-of-life has serious significance. This Ali character is a refugee from Syria, who came to the country in the midst of our PM's 35,000 Syrian refugee intake campaigns. At the time, Trudeau was quoted as saying he would "take responsibility" for the refugees.
It never happened. Why not? CAP speculate that the reason is that it would reflect poorly on the Liberal government refugee policies, therefore the murder was ignored by the Feds.
What transpires within the religion-related saga should be recognized by all Canadians. Blatant bias toward 3rd World religious communities, and insulting ignorance directed toward the Christian faith in Canada.
Media say nothing, Not once have we read even an iota of what is herein expressed. Why is it that Justin Trudeau has no feeling whatsoever for what he purports to be "his own religious faith?"
Talk about building a mystery. The whole thing is quite sick. Then again, it's important to understand certain elements of Trudeau’s psychology. For him, Canada exists with a perpetual "black mark" against its national legitimacy. Based on our colonial heritage, the PM maintains an ongoing animus toward our country.
Deeply integrated into this is the history of the Christian Church in Canada. Thus, the animosity held by our current PM, in addition to socialist "partner-in-crime," New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh.
‘Clearly This Is Genocide’ : Exclusive Q&A With NDP Party Leader Jagmeet Singh
‘The only way we can truly honour those little children, those lives that were lost, is to fight for justice today,’ says Jagmeet Singh in an interview following the findings at the Kamloops Indian Residential School."
To be contrasted with the following, as published by Western Standard News on May 9th, 2024:
“The announcement of the discovery of 215 children's graves at the Kamloops Residential School site by the First Nation in 2021 prompted an international outcry.”
“However, despite this revelation, no remains have been recovered to date.”
CAP would dearly like to know why our country has been saddled with Canada-hating, Christian-loathing federal party leaders. To add salt-to-the-wound, our society is presently caught in a political prison whereby Canada-basher #2 is the individual responsible for keeping Canada-basher #1 in his position as national leader.
"St. Anne’s Anglican Church, built in 1907 and 1908, was designated a national historic site in 1996 and in 1980 it was designated under the Ontario Heritage Act by the City of Toronto."
“Built in the Byzantine style, St. Anne’s was designed by the noted Toronto architect Ford Howland to serve a large and vigorous parish,” the Ontario Heritage Trust noted."
Forget about the church, it's Byzantine style, and it's collection of Group of Seven paintings. Unless it's religion of the 3rd World variety, Justin Trudeau couldn't give a good god-damn.
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If it was a mosque the legacy media would be all over this. Evil times.
I’ve often wondered about the cause of the historic Notre Dame cathedral fire. What a shame our woke divided world has become. When Muslims are a minority, they care about human rights. When Muslims are a majority, there are No human rights