Truckers Convoy Branded "White, Male Pity Party" By Canadian Media
There has to be a purpose for media's disdain toward working class Canadians.
"Canadian complacency—and denial—about the strength and sophistication of homegrown, white-centric, domestic extremism has cost us big time."
Sensible Canadians have to wonder where it all comes from. How did our country arrive at this most unnatural condition: systemic prejudice against its majority population. It doesn't exist in China, India, Pakistan, or any other top source nation for immigration to our country.
Prejudice against Anglophones is a staple within our leading institutions. Irony drips forth as citizens with common sense observe a pattern. It is considered a righteous act when "racialized" Canadians speak on behalf of community rights. When "Old Stock" Canadians do so, it's a "white pity party."
Ottawa's Hill Times refer to the Truckers Protest as an "anti-Vaxxer clown show." The crowd consists of working class Canadians. The majority are white males and females. As a result, it is open season for media arrogance, insults and ridicule.
Why is media like this? Such vitriolic hatred of working class Canadians must have a purpose. For Cultural Action Party, its roots are found in a decades-long agenda of political transformation. It began with Pierre Trudeau, and has reached its pinnacle with Justin Trudeau.
As exemplified by a freezing of protestor's bank accounts, we witness the methodology. All those who oppose government are pariahs of the state. Government treat them with scorn. The greatest advocate being Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. First, he brands the protestors white supremacists. Next, he runs away and hides. Followed by invoking the Emergencies Act. He's all over the place-- but it doesn't matter. Media have his back no matter what transpires.
All of it conjures up not democracy or liberalism, but rather "woke-based" neo-totalitarianism. To stand up against government is a criminal act-- even when no laws have been broken.
As the dust settles and media move on to the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, we perceive the fall-out. Convoy leaders are in jail. No negotiations took place with the awful white men and women. Instead, the result has been a tightening of neo-authoritarian screws. We recognise a recurring pattern: there is no purpose in going up against government. The result will only be a deepening of state-control.
For some unknown reason, media refer to this state-of-affairs as Liberalism. Wanna know what Liberalism is in Canada under Justin Trudeau? One day in a period of four-years, citizens are granted an opportunity to vote in a federal election. Once a government is formed, society spends the next four years trapped in a vice of pseudo-communism.
A commonality exists under neo-totalitarian dominance: the cultivation of a demonized community. Rather than responsibility flowing toward government, it is off-loaded to their designated villain community. Within historical dictatorships, media exist to perpetuate the stereotypes.
Don’t you know? “The white males of the protest are a radicalization buffet for working-class pretenders marching against Canadian elitism fueled by pig roasts, legalized pot and foreign demagoguery.”
Meanwhile, media portray said communities as harbingers of racism and bigotry. It is these types who are responsible for "Islamophobia." Traditional Canadians are genocidal toward First Nations, anti-Chinese, and homophobic. How great an animus can government, media and our academic world hold toward Anglophones? The sky's the limit-- it never stops, and likely never will.
We speak of past and present. What of the future? We, the so-called "privileged" peoples, have much to look forward to. As a result of immigration policy, Anglophones will within three decades transition to a minority community. Upon reaching minority status, what will be the chances that demonization will subside? CAP will go first: there is no chance at all.
There you have it, fellow patriots. The railroading of Old Stock Canadians into second class community status. This we call "Second Nations" Canada. All signs point toward its fulfillment as perpetuated by Canada's controlling institutions.
We know this plan has been a while in the works. Importing voters. Also I watched recently an investment pitch by Wall street brokers. They indicated that trucks will be fully S.A. by 2027. I find it difficult to believe an automated vehicle will be able to negotiate control in mid winter through Rodgers pass or other tricky roads during bad weather. There are some things machines can't do Somehow these elites think they will not need a segment of the population in the near future. Scary to think people are so driven by greed they don't care about their fellow humans and wether or not they exist. What a ridiculous time in history.
To use a metaphor the structure of a nation resembles the structural nature of the body. Essential to the functioning of the body is the circulatory system and the red blood cells which deliver nutrients to every part of the body. Equally the truckers fulfill this essential role. They are the lifeblood of the nation!! Though they do not assume the pretense of the politicians or the press they are indispensable to maintaining the functioning of a country or a civilization. The premier who is the adopted child of a cabal who ironically embrace the notion that the destruction of a civilization through the application of genocide will result in a more equitable system. Paradoxically you destroy everything and everyone in order to perfect society!! Machines, robots and genectic hybrids will fulfill the destiny of mankind into the near future. However they embrace the approach of a psychopath who in order to achieve a better existence would cut his own wrists. Oh what altruism and these degenerate elitist are the only ones to take responsibility for a nation!! Psychopaths should be institutionalized. Unconsciously this pedigree is asking for its own euthanasia however because of their inordinate use of projection they project their death wish unto the public. Such is their notion of progress. Point their fingers, accuse and judge. Prove it or shut up. They would embrace a dictator who is only interested in the destruction of his domain. Sanctioning slaughter. Please cut your own wrists. At least the romans allowed for that selfless sacrifice!! Oh and take your brethren with you. The human race will survive.