Trudeau Betrayal Of Freedom Of Speech Advances Communist Conversion
Trudeau’s internet censorship is another incremental step down the ladder to the death of democracy in Canada.
Over the past several years, mainstream media in Canada have made myriad references to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's statement of admiration for China's "basic dictatorship." It should come as no surprise that the most crucial element of our PM's approbation is being omitted from media presentation.
Not only does PM Trudeau admire communist governance in China. He is also in the process of replicating Chinese government policy on Canadian soil.
Among the most pronounced of the transformations is found in the form of internet censorship. Canadian censorship expert Michael Geist has some serious words of damnation for what establishment media conveniently overlook:
“Earlier today, the Liberal party convention approved (subject to a final vote) two stunning policy resolutions with enormous implications for freedom of expression."
"It approved a resolution that seeks to hold on-line information services accountable for the veracity of material published on their platforms, and to limit publication only to material whose sources can be traced. If enacted, the policy would undermine freedom of the press and could spark widespread censorship on Internet platforms.”
It's all going to happen, and there's nothing Canadians can do to stop it. It's what occurs when a rogue, neo-communist government seizes control of a society, and refuses to let go.
The over-arching element of PM Trudeau's emulation of China's "Great Internet Firewall" goes as follows: control over internet content has been transitioned from private social media ownership to the Liberal Government of Canada, via the CRTC.
It's a giant of a move, as downplayed by CBC and corporate media. Why? Because legacy media will benefit from a deliberate erosion of freedom of speech in Canada.
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Section 2(b) – Freedom Of Expression
Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication.
As Gordon Lightfoot sang, "so long, it's been good to know ya."
Hear ye, Hear ye: the Liberal government has just destroyed a fundamental of democratic governance. Truth be told, it's not the first time, and it will be far from the last. This is what occurs in a society being systemically transitioned from democracy to authoritarian state.
That state is Trudeau's post-modern, "no core identity" Canada. Away from the media spotlight, astute Canadians recognize the game plan. Our PM has consciously taken a step to "hollow-out" the contents of our society, leaving it open for a new core to take its place.
That the post-modern core is steeped in China-style communism has thus far eluded the people of Canada. That internet censorship is fundamental to the transformation is poorly understood among what is now a 40-million person Canadian population.
"These resolutions are only the latest in a series of legislative and policy measures in which the government and the governing party have become increasingly comfortable with speech regulation that raises serious constitutional concerns."
After which CAP add a corollary: "raises serious constitutional concerns" in a country in which the government dedicate themselves to maintenance of their constitution.
Sadly, this is not Liberals. The erosion of rule-of-law in Canada is an outgrowth of the Covid pandemic. China's dissemination of this modern-day plague has resulted in a plethora of constitutional breaches, all of which were justified by the need to "keep Canadians safe."
Cultural Action Party has always been suspicious of this scenario. There is no such thing as a constitutional breach in China, at least in “street-level” terms. What they employ is akin to "Supreme Law." China's controlling Politburo, a group of 24 male officials who oversee the party and central government, maintain absolute control of a population of 1.3 billion. Their word is the law.
The Liberal's Bill C-11 and Bill C-18 will transfer control of the Canadian internet to this format. CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail, Toronto Star-- don't count on them to position the end of free speech in this manner. Media want what the Feds want. Why? Because, theoretically, it will transfer billions in lost revenue to social media back to mainstream media.
Thus, government and media teamwork-- as it exists in communist China. One has to be a bit of a sleuth to put these things together. Justin Trudeau is counting on Canadians not to fathom the reality of our loss of free speech. Hence, media positioning on the matter.
According to Professor Michael Geist, "Bill C-11’s regulation of user content raises troubling possibilities with Canadian Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez consistently failing to provide a credible explanation for rejecting safeguards for user content, leaving many to believe that regulatory power is the goal."
Oh boy, does CAP ever go all-in on this one. Geist's comment is right on the money. "User content" means an ability to censor individual user posts on the web. As in, a breach of "individual rights" as promulgated in Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms(1982).
Another potential Charter breach right here. But you know what? The Feds don't give a damn. Justin Trudeau is taking our nation to a place where no one wants to go-- an emulation of Chinese society upon Canadian soil.
It's all part of a covert communist transition. The moment Trudeau Jr. was placed on the throne of Canada is the moment in which our democratic downfall began.
So-called father Pierre Trudeau initiated the separation with repatriation of our Constitution in 1982. Catalyst for a break from association with Britain, presumed son Justin Trudeau is continuing the process as we speak.
May 2nd, 2023— "The Trudeau government is set to use the Coronation of King Charles III as an opportunity to reveal a new design for the Canadian crown that sits on the Royal Coat of Arms."
It's a new design, alright-- one which furthers the erasure of Canada’s connection to the British Crown, Anglophone heritage, as well as Christian identity.
Note To Self: Communism hates the British Crown, Anglophone heritage, and Christian identity.
In CAP's humble opinion, Justin Trudeau is out to destroy it all. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, constitutional rights, rule-of-law, the entire kit-and-kaboodle.
“We must be honest with ourselves and see that this is where we are today with current and future policies that risk turning Canada into a dangerous model that more repressive regimes may cite with approval to justify their own anti-democratic measures.”
Damn straight. Trudeau’s internet censorship is another incremental step down the ladder to the death of democracy in Canada.
History is what happened. It cannot be changed. But it can be interpreted. For all but a tiny percentage of people they believe the versions they have been told. Facts are malleable. Data more so. Politicians lard their speeches with slogans and tropes and memes that reenforce in the public’s minds’ narratives which are almost impossible to countervail.
No matter with whom one is conversing, any attempt whatsoever to suggest there maybe an entirely different narrative, than the one collectively received, is met with the universally accepted narrative shared by more than 99% of society. People have lost the ability to reflect and ask questions.
There are there are no openings in closed minds. That is exactly what is intended by ruling elites. When has it not been so?
Every means of controlling what people accept — without question — as the ingrained narrative, is so deeply imbedded and entangled in every facet of their daily lives anything which does not fit their presumptions may as well not exist.
The state has a monopoly over the means of controlling the public’s every perception.
This begins with their parents whom already present a fabricated reality. Trusting one’s parents is not an active or a conscious decision made by one’s children. They have no defences at all. They are exposed every moment to a reality which is reenforced by the society which has birthed them. The masses is not a meme without consequences.
As naturally as breathing we survive by acknowledging the reality as given. Surprisingly this is a universal impulse and important to our survival. But it is a very primitive instinct. Not only do we believe things which are not in our best interests to believe but we want to believe them. Indeed even when it should be our main conscious effort to question whether there is a snake in the grass or not — which our distant antecedents ignored to their peril — we no longer accept this need to be alert; we have been brainwashed to accept there are no such thing as snakes. Worse even! …We have come to believe there is no grass either. Mass society is a dangerous jungle.
The state is the grass! The grass is full of snakes!
And to survive we are forced by custom to comply with the diktats as conceived by those with the power, money, and motivation to deceive us. Make no mistake though, our automatism and theirs is done, so to say,
mechanically. There is no overall mind controlling the entire ball of wax. But there are interests. We all have interests. Clearly we are easily seduced by the extant narrative.
For instance politicians naturally serve their own interests — first! Their success is your compliance. Their compliance is naturally expected by those pay them. Without their compliance they would never be preselected to represent a particular constituency where we vote.
What is worse, we so badly want to believe we are calculatingly seduced by methods applied by time tested methodologies. We believe the simplest drivel. When a politician says “Americans understand…” or “Canadians know…” followed by whatever trope is imbedded in the minds of the electorate they know mouthing these tropes before announcing the big lie always works.
“Canadians understand that the Liberal party have you backs, and that protecting society from those dastardly (people in trucks) whom are are a threat to democracy, must be muscled out of the way because they are threatening to overturn the government.”
Meanwhile the general public are led to believe that without the state flexing its muscles Canadians are in danger of losing their freedoms. Justin Trudeau is a bare faced liar. Yet the Liberals are no longer held to account by the fourth estate. The fourth estate has been bought by the state. The media is controlled by interests that conceal rather than expose. And politicians enabled foreign interests to own both Post Media and the Globe & Mail. The governing elites fund the CBC. Media serves oligarchic interests.
But try telling your neighbour that this media concentration is dangerous to their health. They have no idea that this is even a bad and dangerous threat to their family and their livelihood. Media is not your friend. Government is not your friend. But people obviously believe otherwise. Why? Because media simply reenforces the messaging their parents and grandparents represented to them. And the schools and advertising and movies and network news continue, without respite to endlessly echo.
Who wants their beliefs undermined? But if we do not work to defeat the tendency to concede our autonomy to the state we are doomed. And even when you stop believing you will be in the minority. We are easily seduced. We want to believe. We want our enemies to save us. How ignorant is that?
My sister thinks Trudeau is handsome and wonderful, people love him. She is more dangerous that a nuclear bomb.