Trudeau Government Set Up “Totalitarian-Style” Isolation Centres Across Canada
Isolation sites by any other name would be considered the policy of a fascist government.
According to a media outlet based in India, the Liberal government of Canada has been quietly funding the construction of isolation facilities across our country. A recent article published this month by TGI Global features the following headline:
“Slavery in 21st Century, Welcome to Trudeau’s Canada"
"There are now eleven isolation facilities located across nine Canadian cities. The Trudeau administration has recently been under strong pressure from the public after deciding to open a new isolation facility in the Windsor-Essex area."
Strong pressure from the public? If it has occurred, media did not spread the word to the people of Canada. Just this week, Liberal Cabinet Minister of Health, Jean-Yves Duclos, announced funding of a new isolation site in the Windsor-Essex region.
Meanwhile, TGI Global target the Trudeau government with some serious allegations:
"These isolation centers elicit only a negative response amongst the Canadians, who view them with the utmost mistrust. They have even compared these isolation facilities to the concentration camps, set up by the Nazi administration."
From Sunny Ways To Isolation Centres: The True Story Of The Trudeau Government.
This is not the first time such commentary has been directed at our ruling Liberal government. Over a seven-year period, Justin Trudeau has transitioned from hero of the underclass to overlord of the ruling class.
Around the world, critics have come at Trudeau with accusations of varying degree. Members of the European Parliament brand him a dictator. Media in the United States consider him a tyrant. The U.K. press call him a communist.
Lucky for our PM that Canadian media do not follow suit. Lucky for him to be able to direct one billion Canadian taxpayer dollars per year to over 1000 media outlets for propaganda purposes.
This way, CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail and the rest will refrain from presenting political reality. Under the iron-clad rule of Justin Trudeau, our country is well down the path toward conversion to an authoritarian state.
"The construction of these isolation centres raises many questions about the Trudeau government. Why is the federal government making decisions on behalf of provincial governments when healthcare is primarily a provincial responsibility?"
CAP respond in kind: Because formerly distinct levels of government are presently coagulating into a united political entity. We wonder if others have picked up on the trend:
Municipal, Provincial, Federal. In terms of political ideology, does it not appear that all three levels share the same approach? One cannot become the mayor of a major Canadian city without being a warrior of the woke variety. MP's, MLA's, City Councillors-- ideological belief systems are today uniform throughout Canada's political class.
This new-found synergy is emblematic of transition to a socialist state. In China, the political class are united in ideology, as well as methodology. Justin Trudeau is in the process of converting Canadian politics to this structure.
READ MORE: Pandemic Reduces Canadian Birth Rates To All-Time Low
Turns out CAP are progressive too. When first placed in office, we saw Justin Trudeau as a supporter of neo-communism. As he clamped down on the country, we progressed to the idea that Mr. Trudeau is a full-patch communist. Upon witnessing the Liberal government's approach to Covid, we progressed to concept that, in reality, Justin Trudeau is a neo-fascist dictator.
"Perhaps the present government is not realizing that the need of the hour is constructing more houses as the number of homeless Canadians is increasing steadily, rather than focusing on the construction of more isolation sites."
More isolation sites-- at this stage of the game? Truth is, Justin Trudeau will not let go of Covid. While our general population see it largely as a condition of the past, the Liberals continue to utilize the pandemic for their ultimate purpose.
Justin Trudeau has a desperate, pathological need for control. For him, Covid is a political blessing. As disseminated from China, it provides justification for the Liberals to emulate the Chinese style of governance.
Isolation sites by any other name would be a replication of fascist government policy. Concentration camps has a rather nasty ring to it, so CAP hold off on making that association.
To isolate is also to concentrate.
I first became aware of the construction of these concentration camps sometime in 2021, hearing they were being constructed close to major Canadian airports, such as Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. How does one file a FOI request to know exactly where they are, what their internal and external structures are and the true purpose of these facilities? Canada and Canadians must ROAR in opposition, lest we accept the horrors of the past Nazi Germany and extermination camps.