Trudeau Instructs Immigration Minister To Pull Out All The Stops In 2022
During the time of the greatest social restrictions in a century, Justin Trudeau rolls out the most aggressive immigration program in history.
Canada’s new immigration minister, Sean Fraser has been tasked with implementing the agenda Prime Minister Justin Trudeau outlined to him in a recent mandate letter.
Fraser’s instructions are a calling card to pull out all the stops on immigration in 2022. In stark contrast to Covid lockdowns for current residents, PM Trudeau is throwing the doors open to migrants over the coming year.
Two initiatives have been established to prioritize immigration intake from the 3rd World. The first is family reunification policy:
“Introduce electronic applications for family reunification and implementing a program to provide temporary residence to spouses and children abroad while they await the processing of their permanent residence applications.”
To clarify, immigration policy refers to “family” as:
Spouses, same sex partners, common law partners, conjugal partners, children, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, grand-daughters, grand-sons.
“Far from contributing to Canada’s economy, ever since the mid-1980s, immigration has in fact cost the country billions of dollars that will never be recovered,” argues Herbert Grubel, Professor Emeritus of Economics at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia.
“As new residents of Canada, immigrants become consumers of the country’s public services – from healthcare and education to infrastructure and public transit. These services are financed through taxes, which are collected according to people’s incomes.”
The most extreme element of these results is found in Family Reunification. It is through this immigration stream that hundreds of thousands of elderly migrants arrive in Canada. Lacking language skills, they tend to be unemployed. Advanced in age, they consume health services beyond the average citizen.
But they can vote. This is what Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government care about most. They are willing to forfeit billions of dollars to lock their party in as government-for-life.
On the subject of refugee policy, we discover another 3rd World-centric program for 2022.
Afghan refugees: Fulfill Canada’s goal to resettle 40,000 Afghan refugees.
Here, Justin Trudeau issues a mandate even less economically beneficial than family reunification. The living expenses of the 40,000 will be covered off by Canadian tax-payers. At the point at which these refugees gain citizenship, they will be entitled to bring additional Afghanis to Canada.
Those who qualify include:
Spouses, same sex partners, common law partners, conjugal partners, children, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, grand-daughters, grand-sons.
See how the system works? Nice to know that a tiny sliver of society will come to comprehend these details. That only leaves 98% of Canadians who will not. Pourquoi? Because media do not inform the public of these circumstances.
Application processing: Trudeau calls on Fraser to “reduce application processing times, including to address delays that have been impacted by COVID-19.”
Notice anything peculiar? While Canadian residents are being restricted more than ever before, government is driving immigration like there is no tomorrow.
Western News Watch cannot help but compare the phenomenon to Roman Chariot Races of ancient times. Conjuring up images of Charlton Heston in “Ben-Hur,” our Liberal government are driving the immigration horses toward the finishing line.
What’s the big rush? Concerned parties should be aware of the transition of the program to the impersonal. Government are in the process of extracting the personal element– face to face meetings– from the process. The entire structure is to be transitioned to the electronic variety.
Very efficient this is. Media say nothing. They offer no significant detail, nor analysis of the circumstances.
All leading to the most spurious of circumstances: while Canadian society is being distracted by the pandemic, our country is being fundamentally transformed. It is one thing for government to do so in a forthright manner.
When the entire process is clandestine, informed Canadians must wonder what the heck is going on. Fortuitous it is that Trudeau has media in his back pocket to prevent such an occurrence.
The people in Canada need to stop paying their taxes and any government wages for these corrupt POS that are running this country, Trudeau being at the top of that list along with Ford . We the tax payers are the ones that these tyrants to work for , not to work against us and this country. We must demand that they step down before this country is completely destroyed. Sadly we may already be to late for that.