Trudeau-Supporting Muslim Organizations Drop Liberal Party Funding
Will the cancellation of Muslim organization funding spell the end of the Trudeau government?
"For 12 years, Roohollah Firooznam ran a company that installed and operated security cameras for Iran’s hardline regime."
According to a recent article from Global News, "Firooznam’s business partner was a senior Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps commander who spent a decade guarding Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader."
"In 2018, Firooznam was issued a travel visa after he proposed visiting tourist attractions and sightseeing in Canada.”
In 2018, under the Liberal government, PM Justin Trudeau selected current Somalian citizen and Liberal MP Ahmed Hussen as Liberal Minister of Immigration.
Not that Mr. Trudeau wasn't fully dedicated to Canada's rapidly-growing Muslim community in the first place. For eight years, our PM has lauded, promoted and funded the Islamic faith within Canadian society.
Vancouver lawyer Ram Joubin said he has "received more than 300 reports from the public about suspected Iran regime associates in Canada, leading to about 700 names and entities."
Again, no one should be surprised. Recognizing the power of the Muslim vote, Trudeau went-all out in an attempt to pander to the community for votes.
His behaviour stretched from funding various "multicultural" non-for-profit organizations to speaking at fundraisers at multiple mosques, inclusive of dressing up in Islamic garb while reciting prayers for conversion to the faith.
Canadian would have to be travelling in space with former Governor General and ex-astronaut Julie Payette to not recognize a current shift in Canada's political orientation.
By all accounts, by way of all major polls, the Liberals appear to be in dramatic freefall. Now comes another serious blow to the Trudeau regime.
Muslim non-profit organizations, so very plentiful from coast-to-coast, appear to be turning their backs on woke globalist prophet Trudeau:
"A group of leading Canadian Muslim donors will no longer raise money for the ruling Liberals because of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's failure to call for a ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza war," said the Canadian Broadcasting Corp last week.
Is Justin Trudeau’s woke bubble about to burst? Is it accurate to say that at this point in time, the only thing keeping the Liberals in power is one signature from New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh?
Not that you will hear such things said by way of mainstream media. Like Trudeau, they are clinging to hope. In their case, the hope that federal government funding won't dry up if and when the Liberals are removed from power.
"CBC said the group, set up in 2014, claimed 400 members and had directed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the party."
Is the tide about to turn on Justin Trudeau's woke socialist revolution? Away from the media spotlight, the Liberals have for eight years been working an agenda of socio-political conversion.
From democracy to pseudo democracy. From free and democratic society to neo-authoritarian governance. CAP bet our bottom dollar that Canada's leading journalists are astute enough to recognize these tacit transitions. They say nothing about it because they are being paid to say nothing.
Muslims make up around 5% of Canada's 40 million population. Over-represented in government, community power has flourished during the "Trudeau Years, Part 2."
For ex-Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau, the preferred nation was China. It was during the "Trudeau Years, Part 1" that Canada took on its current designation as an open-border, multicultural society.
Being a family of globalists, Justin chose Islam and Sikhism as pet political causes. The Trudeau family are always like this. They love to place foreign nations above their own country. Nothing is more important to Justin Trudeau than health, welfare and quality of life for non-Canadians.
But what happens when one of his chosen ethnic communities turn away from Canada's king of woke?
Cultural Action Party [est.2016] can only speculate on the situation, like this:
The cancellation of Muslim organization funding and general community support spells the end for the current incarnation of the Liberal Party of Canada.
Perhaps even more so than the shunning of the PM within mainstream society? Hard to draw a conclusion on that one. But it does speak to a phenomenon never expressed by legacy media.
When to transition a western democracy to a global village, the influence of the original source nations for immigration gain significant power within society.
So much so that a federal election can be skewed, as reported regarding an alleged interference into 11 riding victories for the Liberals in the 2021 election.
If the power of foreign influence can make a prime minister, it may also break a prime minister.
For CAP, we don't care why Muslim organizations and their money turn their backs on the Liberals. We only care that it occurs. For freedom-loving Canadians, it's a positive sign. Justin Trudeau's socialist revolutionary spirit must be cut down to size.
And indeed, the tables they are a'turning. Shunned by the press in Canada, both Britain and Australia are set for giant reductions in immigration quotas. Canadian media go low-key on it because they work for the Liberals.
Next up, the fall of the Trudeau-Singh-Sikh-Punjab politics in Canada? If it occurs, then Justin Trudeau is absolutely done-like-dinner.
With two favoured funding groups down for the count, Trudeau won't have prayer in Mecca of getting re-elected.
Hard to say. The voting population in Canada has been brainwashed by Liberals for generations and that continues without any interruption to this day. I have no hopes for different result in upcoming election. The opposition has no tools how to stir away the blindfolded voters from Liberals to Conservatives. Canada, from this point of view, is done. :(
All dictators rule through fear and punishment. Trudeau is a dictator. Trudeau is a lying piece of scum. His funding for the media made it very easy to coerce them into promoting Trudeau’s lies. Trudeau spouts misinformation and disinformation. And because he is the leader of the Liberal Party he has coerced and punished Liberal MP’s so they too don’t step out of line. This is all about total control.