Trudeau’s Internet Censorship Top Priority When Parliament Returns
After controlling our bodies with Covid comes controlling our minds through internet censorship.
With Parliament returning in two weeks, the debate on internet censorship is set to proceed. A revamped online harm bill is expected to include terrorist content, hate speech and content that would incite violence.
Any political observer worth their salt understands the relentless nature of Justin Trudeau’s woke liberal agenda. Simply put– it never stops. As a result of Covid, an attack on personal freedom has permeated society. Our physical selves are restricted from myriad activities. If one looks deep enough, parallels with social structure in authoritarian states can be seen
So much for step one. Next up is to apply restrictions to the internet. Of course, it’s for “our own good”— as is every piece of Liberal government restriction forced upon society.
The Liberals now have living, breathing Canadians under their control. It does not yet apply to the internet, and this must change. After controlling our bodies comes the control of our minds. All the woke rhetoric in the world doesn’t alter the fact that a move to censor the internet is a ruse to control the thinking of our citizenship.
Just as it is in China. Away from media rationalization, Trudeau and his quasi-communists are aiming for an emulation of China’s Great Internet Firewall.
“If you open the window, both fresh air and flies will be blown in.” was a favorite saying of Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping‘s in the early 1980s. No one has applied this theory better than the communist government of China.
China’s Great Internet Firewall blocks website content and monitors internet access. Their government’s internet censorship restrictions are more comprehensive than those of any other country in the world.
“Laws and regulations prohibit the spread of information that contains content subverting state power, undermining national unity [or] infringing upon national honour and interests.”
Dr. Michael Geist, Internet law professor at University of Ottawa has commented on government’s censorship bills:
“As government moves to create the Great Canadian Internet Firewall, net neutrality is out and mandated internet blocking is in.”
In an obvious reference to the Great Internet Firewall of China, Prof. Geist reveals the Trudeau government’s plan to emulate communist-style censorship. In China, “freedom of expression and due process is out, quick takedowns without independent review and increased liability are in.”
The Liberal’s Bill C-10 is expected to mandate content removals within 24 hours with significant penalties for failure to do so.
As a follow-up to Bill C-10, Bill C-36 would apply to public communications by individual internet users including on social media, as well as on personal websites– for example, that of the Cultural Action Party of Canada. In other words, incremental application of internet censorship. First the corporations, then individual citizens.
University of Ottawa Centre for Law, Technology and Society has offered their opinion on Bill C-10 and Bill C-36:
These bills will “jeopardize Canada’s claim to being a leader in advancing free expression, a free and open internet, and the human rights upon which our democratic society has been built.”
How apropos. To be forthright, jeopardizing personal freedom is Justin Trudeau’s favourite hobby. He doesn’t care much for democracy, as inherited from Canada’s prototype globalist Pierre Trudeau.
In case readers believe CAP messaging to be an exclusive of “right-wing” conspiracy theorists, take a gander at who else holds a negative view:
Commenting on Canada’s proposed censorship, internet giant Google states that “there are aspects of the government’s proposal that could be vulnerable to abuse and lead to over removal of legitimate content.”
Based on public feedback– not to mention that of the corporate and non-profit variety– it is no exaggeration to say that Liberal’s internet censorship proposal is the most hated piece of legislation in modern history.
Put it all together, and what do we have? Simple as Nova Scotia apple pie. The Liberals will pass this legislation for certain, and the Canadian internet will transition to a “mini-replica” of the internet in China.
And to think some people believe Canada is a democratic country.
He has turned the CBCNN into a Liberal propaganda rag, and likely intends to make it the only source of internet information. Places such as CAP and Rebel will be banned and made illegal, followed, in time, with monitoring all our cell phones, texts and eventually our bank accounts. Homes will be taxed and seized by Trudeau, and our TFSA accounts nationalized.
Just watch me.
It's too late? A Cancer.