Trudeau's Latest Media Move Emulates 20th Century Totalitarianism
"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government has proposed the idea that subsidized media outlets publish government-authored articles."
"According to an October 28, 2024 article by Blacklock’s Reporter, the International Development Research Centre, a Crown corporation run by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government has proposed the idea that subsidized media outlets publish government-authored articles."
Anecdotal evidence suggests what mainstream media in Canada refuse to indulge in. Namely, that "post-modern" propaganda techniques tabled by the Liberals echo totalitarian political methodology drawn from 20th century fascist governments.
Liberal Government Decree, 2020: "Global Affairs Canada (GAC) accredits media representing a broad range of organizations so that they may attend and cover events hosted by the Government of Canada."
"Media representatives wishing to have access to an event must be registered, accredited and hold a valid GAC media identification badge."
Nazi Party Decree, 1934: "Anyone who worked for the press was directly subordinate to the Ministry of Propaganda and was accountable to the Ministry – instead of to their publishers."
"During the first weeks of 1933, the Nazi regime deployed the radio, press, and newsreels channeled popular anxieties into political measures that eradicated civil liberties and democracy. Journalists had register in a professional roster to be able to exercise their profession."
July 24th, 2024: "Bill C-63, the Online Harms Act[Canada] seeks to control language and grant government power to punish citizens for what the government deems to be unfavourable speech."
"The government has sold Bill C-63 as a way to promote the online safety of Canadians, reduce harms, and ensure the operators of social media services are held accountable. In reality, however, the bill is Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’ concept brought to life, where government controls information and limits free exchange."
CAP place it in the hands of our readers: is the practice of publishing federal government-penned articles in mainstream media outlets not reminiscent of fascist governance of the past century? What's the difference between government-written articles in the press as compared to control of media journalism at the hands of the Nazis?
According to a scathing report from the Fraser Institute, Bill-63 “dictates that citizens may not only be punished for speech crimes, but also punished when another person or group of individuals believes they are likely to commit such a crime.”
Believes they are likely to commit a crime? Holy Cow-- our Liberal government really do believe in "diversity." It appears emulation of the Nazis isn't quite good enough-- they incorporate Orwellian[communist] censorship practices as well.
“In the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, 'thoughtcrime' is the offence of thinking in ways not approved by the ruling party. In the official language of Newspeak, the word 'crimethink' describes the intellectual actions of a person who entertains and holds politically unacceptable thoughts.”
“The legislation[Canada] outlines punishment mechanisms at the government’s disposal, including electronic monitoring devices, house arrest or jail time. Frighteningly, if the government doesn’t like what you say or even suspects they won’t like what you might say, then you could face serious repercussions.”
How do ya like them Liberals now?
October, 2024: "A federal agency[Canada] has suggested writing its own news stories for trusted media platforms to publish."
July, 1933: “The Ministry of Propaganda produced and disseminated their own literature, which was solely devoted to spreading Nazi ideology.”
After which Cultural Action Party [est.2016] deliver a question that legacy media wouldn't pose for all the rice in China:
Has our Liberal government integrated authoritarian media practices of the past century into contemporary Canadian society? Would CBC, CTV, Global News, Globe & Mail, Toronto Star and such choose to entertain an observation of this nature?
Of course not— because at this stage in our country's history, establishment media are dependent on the Liberals for their survival.
"Beginning in 2019, Parliament changed the Income Tax Act to give yearly rebates of 25 percent for each news employee in cabinet-approved media outlets earning up to $55,000 a year to a maximum of $13,750."
Those who believe in freedom and democracy stand aghast. Not only are the Liberals considering forcing mainstream media to publish articles written by government bureaucrats. They are also paying 25% of mainstream media salaries.
We stand witness as the "sunny ways" of 2015 transition to the totalitarian days of 2024. Insightful Canadians could see this coming from the moment Justin Trudeau was installed as prime minister nearly a decade ago.
“Famed English philosopher J.S. Mill was particularly observant in recognizing the perils of controlling and punishing speech government officials deem dangerous.”
In his seminal political work, 'On Liberty,' Mill stated “if any opinion is compelled to silence, that opinion may, for aught we can certainly know, be true.”
Justin Trudeau has no interest. For him, performing totalitarian transitional surgery on Canadian society has been name of the game from day one.
Canada desperately needs recall legislation. Never before, in the history of Canada, has it been more obvious. Trudeau must go.
In Canada we have no guaranteed freedom, no respect from gvt, no fairness toward all cdns and no sense of responsibility from parliamentarians on their actions or Inactions while in gvt.