U.S. Lawmakers Table Bill To Prevent Trudeau-Style Authoritarian Crackdown
Personal Bank Account Seizures, Cryptocurrencies, Digital ID, Universal Basic Income weave an untold tale of totalitarian-style government behaviour.
Although they didn't originate the term, Canada's Liberal government have redefined the phrase "more to the story than meets the eye." A rarity it is to uncover a decision made by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau devoid of stealth and subterfuge.
Our most recent example arrives via government's response to the Ottawa Truckers Convoy. Most Canadians are familiar with one ramification-- a freezing of bank accounts as punitive measures against organizers and participants.
Behind the surface is found unexplored territory of government overreach. So much so that lawmakers in the United States want to protect American citizens from the neo-communist crackdowns occurring in Canada.
We enter the world of cryptocurrencies. A fundamental of this monetary system has planted a bug in systems of government. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin fall outside the parameters of federal government control. While the details escape general society, power players in our political arena are gunning for change. The phenomenon is anathema to Trudeau and the Liberals.
"Banks investigated the accounts of anyone identified by the [Liberal] government as being a participant or a donor and froze them, all without warrants or court approval. This was a manifestation of expanding state power, which would have been unimaginable just a couple of years ago in a democracy."
Right--in other words, a form of authoritarianism has taken root in Canadian soil. Media say nothing of the sort.
"Trudeau’s move to cut off the truckers’ money, aided and abetted by the banking system, was extraordinary."
In the United States was it extraordinary. In Canada, media are paid by government to present the extraordinary as ordinary. Such divergence in media presentation says more than a Canadian will ever know. Literally, that is. In 2022, government are paying media to maintain a firewall around news presentation. It is the way the press function in China, and Trudeau wants this for Canada.
"Representative Warren Davidson’s bill protects the right to self-store digital assets and blocks any law or regulation that mandates third-party custody."
Hyperbole does not apply when we state that this issue is a giant. Canadians can bet their bottom tax dollar no federal Canadian party will entertain this form of legislation. Meaning that the Trudeau government are in the process of institutionalizing the greatest piece of financial overreach in modern history. On instruction from government, Canadian banks maintain the right to seize funds in private citizen's bank accounts at will.
While some believe that social harmony was the stimulus for the Emergencies Act, an ulterior motive exists. If one believes this to be the end-game in the process, they best think again. What may exist at the core of the matter is found in the realm of Digital Currency, and its relationship to Universal Basic Income.
On December 16, 2021 MP Leah Gazan introduced Bill C-223, which if passed, would establish the first national framework for a Guaranteed Basic Income in Canada. The same text was introduced as Senate Bill S-233 by Senator Kim Pate — a coordinated effort from within the House of Commons and the Senate for Basic Income.
Who doesn't like free money? While positioned as an act of altruism, negative repercussions exist in the shadows. We have here a potential set-up for replication of China's Social Credit system in Canada. UBI is distributed via digital currency. To get paid, a Canadian must have a Digital ID.
A work of Liberal-Globalist art it is. Feigning altruism for Canada's poor, society transitions to one in which citizens are tracked and rated according to a Social Credit system-- as it is in China.
"The Chinese government is actively shaping citizens’ behaviour using the threat of technology-enabled blacklists, and it’s enlisting the private sector to help turn rulebreakers into virtual second-class citizens."
Ringing any bells, fellow patriots? Is this not the exact outcome for Trucker Convoy participants? No wonder politicians in the United States want to nip this in the bud. No government overreach into private financial affairs of private citizens.
In Canada, not so much. In fact, likely not at all. Thus it is that Justin Trudeau paves a path for implementation of the deepest desires of the World Economic Forum:
"Innovations in technology are driving rapid development of new forms of money. The way global leaders from public and private sectors develop, coordinate and regulate such digital currencies will have profound implications on society’s capacity to harness their benefits."
"Two distinct forms of digital currency – central bank digital currency (CBDC) and stablecoins” – have caught the attention of policy-makers and the private sector in recent years."
A light bulb moment occurs as we come to understand the true motive behind Trudeau's personal bank account seizures. As it always is with nefarious globalist policy, the move is an incremental step in a covert long-term plan.
We attempt to establish the “bottom line." It is, in fact, the very same as what Cultural Action Party stated the moment that Justin Trudeau became prime minister:
Canada is being incrementally transitioned into a socialist state. It is a calculated and pre-determined agenda. Justin Trudeau has been assigned to fulfill the goal, and despite all his bumblings, he continues to deliver the goods as ordered.
I think the real question here Brad is, how did Trudeau get this power, when it wasn't in the Emergency Act already? Proof being, the comment Freeland made, when she stated that these new bank powers, would be remaining in the Emergency Act!!!
So where did these powers come from? Well they were in the Terrorist Act of 2002 after 911 attacks took place!
The Trudeau government, combined the Emergency Act with the Terrorist Act, probably around the time Trudeau started calling the Truckers Terrorist, or shortly after!!!
I would also like to point out that Trudeau combined these two acts, without any political vote, by house members or provinces alike!!!
Could the enter system be in on this great cover-up, giving ALL government levels, these extra powers?
We must all be afraid, and we must all Vote this upcoming election