Want To Reduce Racism? Condemn Government, Not Canadians
"The evidence is clear. Islamophobia is an acute threat to Canadian Muslims and urgent action is needed," says committee chair Sen. Salma Ataullahjan.
“Senate Report On Islamophobia Says Urgent Action Needed To Reverse Rising Tide Of Hate”
November 2nd, 2023: "Human rights committee report took a year, involved 21 public meetings and 138 witnesses."
At a risk of overt sarcasm, you could take 8 years, involve 188 meetings, and call 1388 witnesses, and it won't make a bit of difference.
Call it a misplacement of responsibility. What "anti-racists" want is for the attitudes of the general public to change, when what is needed is change from government, media and academia regarding racism in Canada.
"The evidence is clear. Islamophobia is an acute threat to Canadian Muslims and urgent action is needed," Sen. Salma Ataullahjan, chair of the Senate human rights committee, told reporters Thursday.
"We must commit to building a more inclusive country and to better promoting our Muslim relatives and friends, neighbours and colleagues."
And how to proceed, Ms. Ataullahjan? Why not go directly to those who shape public perception on racial issues in society? While your at it, Salma, try asking yourself whether CBC, Toronto Star, Globe & Mail and Montreal Gazette have made your problems worse, as opposed to working to minimize social conflict.
But you won't. Instead, the goal is to re-orient the thinking of non-Muslims by, as you say, "better promoting our Muslim relatives and friends."
But darlin,' isn't this exactly what PM Justin Trudeau has been doing for the past eight years? How's that been working out for you and yours?
We begin to understand the stiff-necked approach to an attempt to transition society away from its collective perceptions. This will fail, and make the problem worse. Then again, there are public figures who leverage the prickly issue of race-relations to purposefully stir up social anxiety and anger.
One of them is, of course, Justin Trudeau. Another is woke globalist back-up quarterback, New Democratic Party leader, Jagmeet Singh.
The report says the committee was "disturbed to hear that incidents of Islamophobia are a daily reality for many Muslims, that one in four Canadians do not trust Muslims and that Canada leads the G7 in terms of targeted killings of Muslims motivated by Islamophobia."
And who, pray-tell, is responsible for flooding Canada with 3rd World migrants without providing adequate housing? Kindly name the politician who has promoted Islam above all other religious faiths?
How many times has Trudeau appeared in the news in support of the Islamic faith? On how many occasions has the PM appeared at Canadian mosques? How many national leaders have donned Islamic garb, sat on the floor in a Mosque, and recited the "Shahada," a prayer for conversion to the faith?
There's only one: Justin Trudeau. If this individual was truly interested in "social equity," would he not at least fake participation in a Christian church service? How about even once? After all, Mr. Trudeau claims to be a "practicing Catholic."
But he never does. For certain, our aberration of a prime minister is not solely responsible for racial tension in Canada. Yet, Muslim-Canadian Liberal MPs call for "the people" to change. Please inform CAP as to why they should listen?
Why should Canadians empathize with M103 "Islamophobia" motion founder, Liberal MP Iqra Khalid? Technically speaking, she's only half a Canadian. The other half is a citizen of Pakistan. Do you really believe that full citizens would embrace her rhetoric? Complaints and whining being wholly ineffective in this regard.
Another one who works out of a similar bag is Liberal MP Salma Zahid. Born in Pakistan, the Liberal politician is technically 1/3 Canadian. In addition to her birth-place, she holds both British and Canadian citizenship.
On this basis, why should Canadian-born, "Old Stock" citizens listen to her complaints? If Canada is so awful, a plane to Pakistan is available. Such politicians are not fully dedicated to Canada, so why should Canadians be fully dedicated to them?
All of which will go over the heads of our "anti-racism" brigade.
"The report found that Muslim women have become the primary targets when it comes to violence and intimidation because they are easily recognizable from their attire. As a result, many are afraid to leave their homes for work, school or other activities."
"The profound effects of gendered Islamophobia are such that it compels certain women to consider removing their hijabs to enhance their employment opportunities," the report said.
Then do it. Show some adaptability to your adopted country. Perhaps Canadians will appreciate the move. It's what's inside that counts, right?
Besides, it's not as if there isn't two sides to the Hijab wearing coin. Think about it. Your sisters in Iran are fighting to achieve the very opposite of your goal, like this:
"Renowned Iranian actress Hengameh Ghaziani, known for her public opposition to the mandatory hijab, says she has been summoned to appear in court for her stance against the mandatory hijab law, compounding fears for her freedom after she was arrested last year for participating in a women's rights protest."
Just think, Ms. Salma. You could mitigate anti-Muslim racism in Canada, while showing solidarity with Muslim sisters in Iran. But you won't.
Help us understand. You brand us racist, and then expect Canadians to like you? Isn't that a tad illogical? One thing is for sure-- traditional obstinacy will get you nowhere-- the arrival point of all the fuss made in a futile attempt to re-wire the thinking of Canadians.
Do yourself a favour. Begin at the top. Government, media, academia are making the problem worse, not better.
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results."
Doubtful it is that "anti-racism" warriors will listen, though.
"Testimonies highlighted the fact that Islamophobia in the workplace is not merely the consequence of a handful of people's actions; rather, it is a systemic issue that is widespread."
"Systemic racism." The very same tedious bollocks Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh have been pushing on Canadians for years.
Have you seen any improvements in race-relations as a result?
You're right over the target, Brad! Another great article. 👍
Yup, they want us to think "it's Complicated". It's NOT.
Gov created racism, managed it, funded it, then acted surprised by it. 🤨
Also, easy to note is how much Anglo's, Christians and Catholics have "Changed" to accommodate others while many others haven't changed a damned thing for centuries. 😡 It's THEIR turn to make some massive changes in an effort to "get along"... we've bent over enough while they take, take, take.
Do not be deceived! This is Shariah law!