When It Comes To A "State Religion" Justin Trudeau Chooses LGBT
Never mentioned by media that in a nation with an "aging population and workforce," Trudeau backs birth-rate eroding LGBT, abortion and Euthanasia to the hilt.
October 5th, 2015-- "The Liberal plan for a strong middle class will invest to build Canada again. As part of our platform, we will provide direct support to low- and middle-income students."
"Liberals will create jobs by making the most significant infrastructure investment in Canadian history. We will offer more support to those working hard to join the middle class by giving families more money to help with the high cost of raising their kids, and investing in social infrastructure, including affordable housing and child care."
November. 29, 2017— "Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau offered an apology in the House of Commons to members of the country's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and two-spirit community (LGBTQ2)."
"Trudeau’s broad apology for state-sponsored, systemic oppression and rejection” included acknowledgement of abusing the power of the law, and making criminals of citizens.”
Upon which CAP offer up an observation eschewed by Canadian media. PM Justin Trudeau's virulent dedication to causes "close to his heart" are a far-cry from the contents of his Liberal Party's original political platform.
How many Canadian voters understood in advance that a Trudeau-driven government body would be hard-wired toward particular ideologies, as opposed to pragmatic political issues.
Much of it is manifest in the area of religion. Our press won't offer up the thought, but in truth, Trudeau's "leadership skills" have for nine years espoused full-on dedication to Islam and Sikhism, coupled with a corresponding debasement of Christianity and Judaism.
As with the Liberal's advancement of Canada's LGBT industry, a fundamental transformation in religious community dedication was never a component of a Liberal government platform. In presumptuous style, "they just went ahead and did it."
Thus arrived "post-modern" Canada, a piece of Trudeau-family presumption which rivals ex-Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau's non-democratic enforcement of Multiculturalism and it's ideological by-products.
Diversity, Critical Race Theory, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, in addition a woke pejorative branding society as "systemically racist."
Over a nine-year period detractors have to come to understand the communist, or in the case of LGBT, the "neo-communist" nature of PM Trudeau's ideological agenda. In communist societies, religion is shunned; its adherents oppressed by government.
“When the era of Communist rule began in Russia in 1917, religion was seen as a hindrance to a thriving socialist society. As Karl Marx, coauthor of the The Communist Manifesto, declared, Communism begins where atheism begins.”
Post-modern, or "progressive" communism deviates from this concept. Trudeau hasn't promoted atheism so much as he dealt in the fine art of "substitution." Human nature being such that people desire faith, be it monotheism, polytheism, or otherwise.
For Justin Trudeau, LGBT is a secular religion. His vehement dedication manifest in a recent appointment of a Senator from the province of Alberta.
"Dr. Kristopher Wells (He/Him) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Child and Youth Care, Faculty of Health and Community Studies, MacEwan University[Alberta]. He holds the Canada Research Chair (Tier II) for the Public Understanding of Sexual and Gender Minority Youth and serves as the founding Director for the MacEwan Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity."
"Currently, Dr. Wells serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of LGBT Youth, which is the world’s leading research publication on 2SLGBTQ+ Youth."
Thematic in the description is the word "youth" as it applies to the prickly area of transgenderism. One of the most contentious issues in Canadian society, Trudeau chooses to draw from this ilk for his latest Senate appointment.
It's a curious move on many counts. The PM's poll numbers look bleak. His pact with his direct competitor, New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh has just come to an end.
In a general sense, Albertans hate Trudeau. Could the Senate appointment exist as a "let's stick it to Alberta" moment in the eyes of our current prime minister? If it does, it suggests an ideological fanaticism inherent in Canada's national leader.
So down-on-his-luck is Mr. Trudeau that even LGBT industry leaders are turning their backs on the "woke one."
"LGBTQ2 activists say Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s pledge to remain the Liberal leader through to the next election, despite dwindling public support, is putting them at risk."
No need to view yourselves as unique, people-kind. Trudeau has a nasty political habit of putting all Canadians at risk, so in this you are not alone. As much as you enjoy playing the "victim-card," Trudeau's malevolency toward society is ubiquitous. A recent article from Western Standard News elucidates the current condition:
"Trudeau Looks For Electoral Advantage From Pro-Gay, Anti-Catholic Stance"
"The prime minister has appointed one of the leaders of the Canadian anti-Catholic movement to the Senate. Kristopher Wells, whose policies about schools are controversial with parents (to say the least) has been attacking Catholic education for years."
In his words, “institutional Churches have no place in the classrooms of the nation.”
But transgender-for-youth does, eh? In this is to be witnessed the twisted nature of Liberal Party politics. Without any form of mandate from the Canadian people, Justin Trudeau attempts to transition LGBT to a "state religion."
If media eschew these concepts, they are freed from a deep-dive into government motivation. Based on virulent promotion of 3rd World religion in Canada, Cultural Action Party [est.2016] offer up a fresh idea.
What would voter perception be if the Feds did not drive the chariot of LGBT with abandon? How would “old school" Canadian voters perceive dedication to fundamentalist 3rd world religion if LGBT was not part of the ideological mix? Would public perception be that of the feeling that the Liberals were transmigrating Canada to some form of fundamentalist state?
Thus, for the purpose of off-setting such a perception, government place equal emphasis on an antithesis of religion in the form of LGBT and transgender advancement. If they didn't do so, how could they claim that the government is truly "progressive" in nature?
Pretty tricky, eh? The result being an attempted establishment of a post-modern "religion" in the form of advancement of all-things-LGBT.
Now, as the sun appears to be setting on the Trudeau regime, he sticks it to us in the form of ensuring LGBT representation will live on in the form of a Senate position. Non-elected, approved by Governor General Mary Simon, Senate appointments exist until the ripe old-age of 75, when a fat pension awaits for the rest of one's life.
That's Justin Trudeau for you. Is this politician in reality a petulant, vengeance-seeking trouble-maker?
Our PM wants all Canadians praying to the god of LGBT. Never mentioned is that in a nation with an "aging population and workforce," Trudeau backs birth-rate eroding abortion, Euthanasia and LGBT to the hilt.
Trudeau's MO is the WEF agenda. Post-nationalism. Destroy our borders, language, and culture. Increase immigration beyond the limits of our creaking systems. And thus destroy the nation. Leading to "one world".
This guy has to be the BIGGEST disappointment in Canadian history.Elected under false pretense.If he ran a business would be dragged into court for false advertising.False warrior for pretend social justice has caused a pandemic of disordered thinking masquerading as truth.Working hard to destroy our understanding of reality and common sense.No wonder Poilievre called him wacko.