Why Accusations Of Hate From LGBT Advocates Are Misplaced
Get the LGBT propaganda out of the Canadian public school system and the conflict will subside.
Pictured, PM Justin Trudeau, the most divisive prime minister in the history of our country.
Each day that passes in the world of LGBT politics in Canada brings more of the same. Another Pride Parade, another "act of hate" against homosexuals and transgendered citizens, according to advocates.
To be sure, it's a falsehood. But what else is to expected in the post-modern society that PM Justin Trudeau has cultivated since taking office in late 2015.
In "no core identity" Canada, the cult of victimhood has transitioned to the social order of the day. In terms of playing the "victim-card," LGBT advocates are running away with the ball.
Hyper-sensitive as they are, every piece of pushback against Pride constitutes an "act of hate." Beyond the community itself, what gets CAP's goat is the manner in which this social dynamic is being portrayed by mainstream media.
Our press agree. A citizen tosses a can of black paint on a rainbow crosswalk in small town Canada. That's a "hate crime," say LGBT advocates, and media gladly comply.
"Facing Calls To Act, Canadian Lawmakers Note Rising Tide Of Hate And Violence Against LGBTQ2S+ Community’
"Marking the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, federal lawmakers are drawing attention to an increase in hate and violence directed at members of the LGBTQ2S+ community in Canada, while facing calls from advocates to act to address it."
Upon which CAP point toward critical elements in the debate that have with full intention been omitted from media commentary:
-- The extent of push-back against public LGBT and Transgender promotion is directly proportionate to the degree to which government, media and academia are pushing an unwanted condition upon society.
-- The woke warriors of LGBT, as well as media, refuse to make a critical distinction. Those who oppose are not targeting homosexuality. Rather, concerned Canadians are focused on LGBT propaganda being aimed at children and youth.
In this we reach the core of the conflict, something that CBC and corporate media are loathe to do. Through ignoring these factors, government-media exacerbate the conflict. Refusing to distinguish between adult homosexuality and transgender targeting of youth is essential to any reasonable debate on these topics.
Say no-go on that one. Just ask journalist Shree Paradkar from the Toronto Star, who writes:
"Muslim participation in protests against Pride has become a knotty issue involving religious beliefs, political expediency and in some quarters a flirtation with outright hate."
Let us lay it on the line: Toronto Star is the leading Anglophone-bashing media outlet in Canada, and their journalist is a shining light of woke hatred of non-racialized Canadians.
On the topic of Muslim-Canadian push-back against LGBT indoctrination in our schools, we note the following:
‘Canadian Muslims Invite Everyone To Join ‘Million Person March’ Against LGBT Indoctrination In Schools’
"The September 22, 2023 protest is set to unite all religions in the defense of children against LGBT indoctrination in Canadian schools."Â
As published by Globe & Mail, along with Global News and CTV.
Not. It will be a balmy winters day in Nunavut when legacy media in Canada touch a topic such as this.
Why? The answer is found in a social development rendered taboo by our controlling institutions. Cultural Action Party[est. 2016] refer to this as "inter-community solidarity."
Our Liberal government, and our prime minister in particular, hate this kind of thing. Pourquoi? Because it stands as an unprecedented example of unity among Christians, Muslims and various religious communities in Canada.
An affront to the "divide and conquer" strategy it is. After all, the history of social revolutions reveals a commonality among those who lead the charge.
Social division is key among all examples. Father of communism, Karl Marx, wrote so much in his Communist Manifesto. Mao Tse Tung employed as much, along with Joseph Stalin and other historical despots.
Crucial to success is division among a nation's identifiable communities. For CAP, Justin Trudeau fits into the despotic ruler mode. If one cares to notice, his seven-plus year run as PM has done nothing to cultivate unity within Canada's pluralist society.
LGBT? Heterosexual vs. Homosexual. Racism? White against non-white. Abortion? Pro-life vs. pro-death. Euthanasia? Pro-life vs Pro-death. Religion? Christian against Muslim. Transgender? Parents vs Educators.
The list goes on. Let us branch out to simulate what would be an ideal statement from a national leader at a time when our fragmented society could use a bit of healing.
Hypothetical Statement From A Prime Minister:
"Government encourage citizens to unite as Canadians. White, Black, Asian, Gay-- all are part of the national fabric, and as such, deserve to live with dignity within our pluralist society."
Never. There isn't a hope in Hades that PM Trudeau would deliver messaging along these lines. For cryin' out loud-- the man has been prime minister for nearly eight years, during which time he has not once made verbal reference to English Canada, or our Anglophone communities.
Conversely, let's consider how many times Mr. Trudeau has publicly referenced Muslim-Canadians, Islam, Ramadan, "Islamophobia" and such.
Try 8,888,888 times, and keep on counting. Pray-tell, what kind of message does this deliver to citizens of our country?
The answer, of course, is no message at all-- because mainstream media has not once alluded to any element of which we speak.
Conclusion: Justin Trudeau enjoys the chaos emanating from social conflicts such as that which LGBT dealers have brought to Canada's social card game. Either this, or the man is simply following globalist orders from on-high.
Repeat: What anti-LGBT advocates want is to have the propaganda removed from the Canadian public school system. It's a far cry from a "this is hate" motif emanating from Canada's monolithically woke media.
Get the LGBT mess out of our schools, and the conflict will subside.
Teachers are controlled by the union and not the other way around as you think it should be. Unions are a major political funder. Unions act on behalf of Union execs & power trips. Unions will follow the money. Toss out all unions, they have overplayed their usefulness.
Hate crimes; misinformation; disinformation; racism are but a few divisive & ridiculous words being thrown around, as if they think the majority of Canadians are 'stupid' and they are the preachers of righteousness. Makes me cringe.