Foreign Aid is Re-Distribution of Wealth! Communism. Note that the recipient countries are Marxist and Muslim. Check your clothing tag.....Marxist or Muslim?

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Right. Another point entirely overlooked by media: the Islamic-centric nature of Canadians foreign aid.

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Yup! I just checked a few items ... Bangladesh

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Past all the politics, why are we giving aid to the country with the second largest economy & the largest exporter in the world? Not to mention the most billionaires in the world.

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Yes, why?

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I care much less about foreign aid than I do about the bottomless pit of money being funnelled to 5 percent of the population and about Jody's poison pill directive she implemented before she "quit". If there isn't some sea change in Canada about this shit is gonna get real bad. Eby gave Haida Gwaii away without apparently any consideration of what happens to fee simple land owners and business owners. He plans to implement changes to the Land Act that will place veto power in the hands of an aggrieved minority over 94 percent of the land base of the province. He must be stopped. The golden goose of taxpayer money being shovelled to native interests must be stopped. It's at almost unimaginable proportions and getting bigger every day. No one really knows how much, but it's probably accurate to say more than the national defence federal budget on a yearly basis. much more.

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Before him, Pierre Trudeau opened Canada's doors to China and their usury.

Next, Justin did the same for Sikh/Islam

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And what tattoo does JT sport? Haida Raven. Here’s the meaning:

The Haida tell many wonderful stories featuring Raven who in their mythology, legends and traditions is seen as a provider and bringer of light to humanity while also being a trickster. It was Raven who was the transformer, healer and magician and yet is often presented as being greedy, lustful and mischievous.

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well, indeed. the handover of Haida Gwaii likely is a constitutional violation. It was done very quickly, much to the consternation of federal authorities. Likely a vote getting move by Eby.

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My husband has repeatedly said, this will all end when either the Muslims or East Indians, I add to that the Chinese become the ruling party in our country! That time will come and I think the ingenious know it and are squeezing all they can out of us while they still can.

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Absolutely unacceptable when Canadians that were born live and work in this country are struggling, The elderly, the veterans , the working disappearing middle class and the youth of Canada should come long before any other countries. God has turned away from us.

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What a disgrace this is.

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There is no better definition what Canada stands for than 9 years of JT dictatorial leadership . Canadian population is politically lazy, stupid and unwilling to take any steps to change the current dictatorial regime. What we have in Canada today, we deserve. Simple like that.

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Imo, we don't deserve it. The globalist wool has been pulled over the eyes of common sense Canadians by a complicit mainstream media. This is much, although not all, of the source of our problems per Liberal Party and their media partners.

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We do deserve it! The recent political views of Canadian population are result of their laziness, luck of serious education and common sense. The globalist wool being pulled over the eyes is an excuse for being uneducated and stupid. It is the laziness of the majority of the Canadian population that gave such a huge room to JT and his cohorts, that brought Canada to the political and economical knees.

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University education teaches communism as a perfect example of life. They hijacked our children's malleable minds at our own expense. Those who did college and tech school or just worked are called uneducated and dismissed. Thankfully people are waking up, particularly the younger generations who have realized that their degree doesn't matter and they still can't afford what their grandparents had, even if they arrived from Europe with nothing!

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Most of the money given as foreign aid is not a direct investment. It is money given with strings attached. Various well connected individuals middle the deal. Certain companies — not necessarily Canadian companies — are employed lobbying the government and middling deals far from transparent. Politicians in Canada are far from virtuous. In fact they contrive to engineer deals where their end is obscured by a skein of contracts that will never be unravelled. Hundreds of millions of dollars are skimmed off and are then deposited *offshore* virtually untraceable. All the participants are entitled — they claim, to their fee — for brokering the deal.

The receiving entities operate the same scam on their end. Canadians are as good as any other at this game; better in fact, because they are *trusted.* These people at one point were contriving to sell water sourced in British Columbia to California.

In fact Canadian transactions are far less transparent than in the United States. The Media in Canada is owned and controlled by American companies hence most people have no idea the degree of corruption in Canada. Behind the scenes corruption is the name of the game. Some of the foundational contracts are worth billions — the deals are not gifts or foreign aid — they are structured to look that way.

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Thanks for this

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can you imagine if that money was spent on canadians, real canadians that is, what would our military look like, how well would the seniors be, btw how many millions were giving to quebec, i still say a national vote should take place, hey quebec you,re either with us, or you your separate ways. its a simple question. its time to re-build this country, bye bye trudeau, bye bye quebec.

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Right, if it occurred Canada would be empowered in a major way, which imo, Trudeau DOES NOT WANT

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Is Justin Trudeau “Grooming” Little Potatoe the Second Xavier “ to step into Daddy’s shoes. Didn’t Xavier travel to INDIA with Justin when their plane was GROUNDED. This worries me. Could it be they are trying for a third Reign of the Trudeau’s. This makes me nervous. This must end

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A critical question.

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Everyone shut out these foreign aid dollar figures to all voters, we need to end the reign of Trudeau and his corrupt government, the uninformed public needs to know what really is going on with this absolutely irresponsible bunch in Ottawa. Thank you Brad for all your efforts.

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You are welcome. From your pen into the ears of Canadian voters

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Wonder if they get that many of those countries are part of the BRICS alliance?

They're tired of being cowed by western entities, and who can blame them?

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