Jun 28Liked by Brad Salzberg

70%, too bad the people couldn't have woke up last election as the more time the liberals are in the more damage they do. Most of the 30% will never wake up - they're too woke.

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The 30% are likely 3rd world migrants, gays, and of course, idiotic white snowflakes, in many ways, the worst of them all.

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deletedJun 28·edited Jun 28
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"If voting could make a difference, we wouldn't be allowed to do it."

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Jun 28Liked by Brad Salzberg

When he says he is staying on because he still has more work to do he means he has not destroyed Canada enough yet.The evil deeds of a twisted indoctrinated mind.No serious moral reasoning here ,only crude ideology.A virtue signaling liar and hyppocrit pretending to work for the greater good.We need more than 70% awake who can see through his deception.I worry that the Trudeau wrecking ball will be going into high gear as the next election draws near.

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"When he says he is staying on because he still has more work to do he means he has not destroyed Canada enough yet."

I believe this, but what is the real motive? Is he simply insane??

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Jun 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

It's the WEF mandate....he is a traitor and has been installed..... he takes orders from them not the citizens or the polls....



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He's blackmailed into following WEF orders?

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Not sure...have heard from brother that he might be blackmailed but I think that once you are a WEFer, you sign up to be a traitor to your country...he is a traumatized person left by his mother to be raised by PET and is the spawn of Castro.... he has no identity and is an actor....so, there's a lot there to unpack.... he is flawed and the WEF love that kind of person who is looking for an identity and tribe..... he is well aware of the plan and is going right along.... no excuses...I think he is well aware and not blackmailed..... this is was a traitor looks like....all the WEFers act the same all over the world....it's baked in the cake..... him, Singh, Freeland and more than half of the Liberal gov't.... I'd be curious to see who of the Liberals who have jumped ship recently are/are not WEFers....hmmmm

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Jun 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

well brad, go back to 2015, i said it then, and i say it now, he is waiting for people to strike back, then he can call it sharia law or just freeze canada forever. this guy has to go completely out of the universe,

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May well be

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what else is he gonna do. he hasn't done anything else of note in his life.

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Power. Control. Credit. Justification.

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Corus Entertainment share price: 0.16 cents. Go woke, go broke. Shaw Family should be ashamed of themselves and move to China.

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Mainstream Media is tanking, but media do not broadcast the fact, because it would be counter-productive.

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"A nation that turns it's back on God is turned into Hell....."

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Bill Wrote…

That’s because its key finding was that the Trudeau government’s slow response to that threat “was a serious failure and one from which Canada may feel consequences for years to come.

“The implications of this inaction include the undermining of the democratic rights and fundamental freedoms of Canadians, the integrity and credibility of Canada’s parliamentary process and public trust in the policy decisions made by the government.”

While public and media attention has focused on which politicians the NSICOP report secretly alleges were working with foreign powers against Canada’s interests — wittingly or unwittingly— the publicly available version of the report is a searing indictment of Trudeau and his government for its wilful blindness in failing to counter this threat.

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It is impossible to believe anyone would poll support for this wretch. He is both bought and threatened by interests antithetical to our Canadian values — no matter those values are frequently hijacked in support of actions promulgated by an international stateless elite.

History as taught in our schools is distorted. Sure the teachers teach where, when and what; but they never teach who, or why — as if any teachers would dare teach who, or why — since their jobs depend on staying mum.

Why have the stooges in our Canadian Parliament conceded to allow foreign interests to buy the media in Canada. Probably those supporting Trudeau only watch, read or listen to these foreign owned media properties. Whose interests does one suppose foreign owned media serve?

Naturally these stateless elites are loyal to their particular and *peculiar* interests and not yours or mine or the Canadian public.

Whom are they that sets the agenda and consequently the curricula taught in our schools? The entire curricula is larded with meme bombs, lies, obfuscations, deflections and common tropes — much of it tested using a multiple choice format which is what a Hobson’s choice meant originally. The is no room there for the truth is there? Just the facts children. Testing for knowledge rather than understanding leads to a confused populace.

The truth backed by scholarly inquiry is simply not taught! Tenure is granted to the bought and bribed. When was the last time a question of real substance was asked or answered in parliament.

Parliament is like a cluttered beach front bordering a swamp completely inundated with flotsam strewn about by winds and waves. Here and there there are a few patches of golden sand offering a promise of what could be. Off shore the trash is regularly dumped in the ocean. You are sold on the patches of golden sand — with never a word about the trash dumped offshore every day. The whole thing stinks.

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No one does, but he's still there because of JAGMEET SINGH. That's the reason, although media never really say so.

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I think Jagmeet is backing Trudeau because Trudeau threatened to deport Jagmeet back to Indian. India wants to Hang him .

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so o the ameicans. heaven help canada if trump gets back in, at least he won,t have to protect canada, so that will be one worry for him to worry about. he won,t look at trudeau again, he backstabbed president trump, there will be no second time.

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deletedJun 29
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Equalization / transfer payments in the 514 (the kingmaker). The gravy train stops, the revolution starts.

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100% nasty

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Can we arrest Trudeau as soon as he looses the next election or are we going to let him escape the country before he can be indicted for CRIMES AGAINST CANADIANS.

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