Jan 30Liked by Brad Salzberg

It could be 100% wanting him to resign and it would not happen.According to him we are not intelligent enough to know what is best for us and the country but HE does.So he must hang on to power by whatever method works and continue on his holy mission to make the world a better place.That's what happens when a self anointed ,virtue signaling ,brain washed mentally ill person hold the reins of power.

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Well put

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A perfect description of this unqualified and incompetent P.M, the absolute worst in our country’s history.

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Feb 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau has all the hallmarks of a natural born psychopath. A psychopath is the last thing anyone wants in the PMO.

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First thing WEF wants. They would have hired Hitler if they could have.

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Both parents had a hx of mental illness so the genetics are there.I also believe that he suffered a lot of non acceptance from Pierre as he was growing up as well as other important traumas.(Margaret's bipolar escapades)The minute you allow someone like that some power over others LOOK OUT.The vengeance and love of punishment knows no bounds.

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Jan 30Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau's failure to appreciate the polls and resign could make the psychopath more unpredictable and dangerous.


by Bill Rymer and others...

The Trudeau government's actual plan laid out in brutal clarity:

The prevailing socio-economic chaos is deliberate. Our leaders are malignant Marxofascists who fully intend to collapse what little remains of free market capitalism to install complete state control over our natural resources and the means of production. We all know where that will lead.

The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.

It is the strategy of forcing political change leading to societal collapse through orchestrated crises. The "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, amassing massive unpayable national debt, and other methods such as unfettered immigration thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse by overwhelming the system.

Cloward and Piven were both professors at the Columbia University School of Social Work. The strategy was outlined in a May 1966 article in the liberal magazine The Nation titled "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty".

Cloward and Piven's article is focused on forcing the Democratic Party, which in 1966 controlled the presidency and both houses of the United States Congress, to take federal action to help the poor. They stated that full enrollment of those eligible for welfare "would produce bureaucratic disruption in welfare agencies and fiscal disruption in local and state governments" that would: "...deepen existing divisions among elements in the big-city Democratic coalition: the remaining white middle class, the working-class ethnic groups and the growing minority poor. To avoid a further weakening of that historic coalition, a national Democratic administration would be constrained to advance a federal solution to poverty that would override local welfare failures, local class and racial conflicts and local revenue dilemmas."

They further wrote:

The ultimate objective of this strategy – to wipe out poverty by establishing a guaranteed annual income – will be questioned by some. Because the ideal of individual social and economic mobility has deep roots, even activists seem reluctant to call for national programs to eliminate poverty by the outright redistribution of income.

Michael Reisch and Janice Andrews wrote that Cloward and Piven "proposed to create a crisis in the current welfare system – by exploiting the gap between welfare law and practice – that would ultimately bring about its collapse and replace it with a system of guaranteed annual income. They hoped to accomplish this end by informing the poor of their rights to welfare assistance, encouraging them to apply for benefits and, in effect, overloading an already overburdened bureaucracy.”

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Thanks for this. Cultural Marxism

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Trudeau's pushing legislation now on guaranteed national income, and Biden's collapsing the USA economy by flooding the USA with millions of welfare dependent migrants. What they're doing is obvious. Yet this treason goes unchecked.

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Trudeau has a lot more to do! Of course he does! We are not quite totally culturally and economically collapsed. Yet. Lot’s for Trudeau and Free-Land have to do to finish the job! Since we have zero protests however I think he has done his holy work, the rest is just minor details.

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Ya we're not quite there yet. Trudeau's got lot's of work to do yet. If Pierre Poilievre we're to get in, he'd still have time to turn this ship around. But Trudeau intends on grounding this ship. As obvious as it is to us that there's a madman at the helm steering us aground, it makes me wonder if Pierre Poilievre is seeing the urgency. I know Pierre Poilievre goes after Trudeau every day in Parliament, calling Trudeau out on his destructive policies, and they do try to ground Trudeau's legislative attempts to ground the ship. But the problem is that Trudeau's coalition outmatches everything the official opposition puts foreward. I think Pierre Poilievre and his Conservatives know full well that Trudeau's trying to steer the ship astray, but all of their attempts are failing. The problem may be that Trudeau's charted new waters, and taken Canada far beyond where we've ever been before. What is Pierre Poilievre supposed to do with that? If he committs mutiny then he's the one breaking the law. It's easy for everyone to sit back and say well Pierre Poilievre isn't doing this or he isn't doing that. But there's only so much that he can do. And there's an election coming. Once Pierre Poilievre were to win the election he could then do something, chart a different course and turn us around. He probably shouldn't show his hand ahead of the election. The media would turn him into shark bait.

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Feb 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

The government, whose primary responsibility is to protect the Constitution, is clearly set on subverting it. The society of any people that accepts this is doomed. In this situation the Governor General should be exercising her special powers to dismiss the government, but, alas, she appears to be just another stooge incapable of fulfilling her responsibilities.

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Mary Simon, dim-witted puppet

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Indeed! What a rat he is! I say leave him in and watch the Libtards implode!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

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removed & incarcerated, we cannot let this neo nazi get away with what he has done along with his cohorts!! He must be used as an example so that it NEVER happens again!

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When Political Leaders and their members of Parliament need body guards if talks volumes about what they are doing is wrong/bad and they know it.

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Well at this point Canadians are getting really fed up with waiting. Trudeau and his Liberals aren't going to leave willingly.

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RemovedJan 31
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Feb 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

Well he just got away with accepting a lavish vacation gift because it was from "friends". In my opinion that's still unethical, the optics are terrible. But that's how honorable people think. More people are starting to see him in this light, as offensive and out of touch. Like Marie Antoinette saying "let them eat cake".

So the more that the public hears the more hatred it will sow. The public HATES Trudeau because he keeps getting away with atuff like this.

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A bullshyte excuse

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Yes it's that easy for captin wonderpants. He has always been able to get away with really bad behavior by simply doubling down on his bs excuses.

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RemovedFeb 1
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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

Yes. They. Will.

I have tons of family in New Brunswick, some in Nova Scotia, and some in Montreal. They're all die-hard Liberal voters. They actually believe Trudeau gives a damn about their shore erosion. They think the shore erosion is caused by humans, climate crisis, and that paying high taxes will fix it.

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RemovedFeb 1
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Yes that's right. And that's why he looks so out of touch with Canadians. He's removed himself from the people, still screwing us without touching us. All the while declaring he is doing it for Canadians, because Canadians want it. Trudeau is a pervert in every sense of the word. He's raping Canadians of their freedoms, their economy and livelihood, our national identity, stripping us of all that makes us great Canadians. It's why he sullies the patriots, calls Canadians who supported the freedom convoy a "fringe minority". We stand for everything he stands against. Canadians want to make Canada great again while Trudeau's actively destroying Canada. It's why they see Trump as such a threat and try to tie Pierre Poilievre to Trump. It's not that people love Trump the man, it's what he stands for, and it's been amazing to see how brilliant and strong Trump has been throughout this. He's really led the world towards Nationalism while the Globalists have tried to tear Nations apart. Pierre Poilievre is almost like Trump. Trump's inspired many new Conservative leaders in other countries, like Hungary, and these people are starting to take their countries back from the clutches of the WEF UN WHO Corporate Autocrat Globalist Elites. Trudeau's a Globalist and he has the power of the Globalist cabal. We're not fighting one rogue dictator here. We're at war with the world.

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Trudeau is bent , a psychopathic “ Chuckie “ who is out of his league to govern a country even with all the help he gets from WEF and McKinsey Consultants. He’s simply not fit . He and political Jackshit Singh are ruining our country but fulfilling the globalist’s Agenda . The same goes for hi stepping jackboots Freeland. Her despicable actions in the Emergencies Act over reach is unforgivable.

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That 15% have something to learn. The hard way, poor things.

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Polls are of limited use but perhaps people will take note and do something about it. I have posted the following on The Intrepid Viking's site.

"You may not believe this but 'procrastinating' is the longest single word anagram out of 'stupidity and arrogance'. Sounds just right.

Sadly we need another 'u' to get Trudeau but we can have 'Aid satanic turd progeny' for a full phrase which fits the bill nicely."

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RemovedJan 30Liked by Brad Salzberg
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The people cannot gold him to account. Hence, Dick-tator

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