Considering 90% of Canadians are not happy with the election results. It makes you wonder if perhaps he may have not won and just decided to remain with the minority status quo and pretend nothing ever happened, because $600 million seems to be pocket change for this PM.

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I think it’s great Trudeau is his own man and not governed by the media . He also wanted parliament to work not be governed by committees. Trudeau is a strong leader that the opposition can’t abide

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Where is the kinder, gentler life we once knew? The barbs of social media and 24/7 news cycles, have poisoned everyday life. The Cobra-Covid has reared an ugly head that holds and plays so many in its trance-like gaze. There is too much rage, and alternatively so much apathy, there is too much hatred, and there is too much polarization: Politically and socially we are swirling down and down the drain, with no relent. Justin Trudeau is a pariah. He represents nothing other than a vacuous proponent of Communism. Entitled, misguided and dangerous, he is the mouse in the pantry that needs to be routed out. Vermin. Elitist vermin.

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Hey man Trudeau is not a mouse on the contrai mon ami he is the giant of freedom

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what I find astonishing is how ...I'm trying to grasp the word for Canada...uninspiring Canada is...spineless due to the removal of Canada's history. People are 'unhappy' regarding the election, well I don't see them storming Parliament Hill.....Well...here is a quote from an American senator. He says the vaccine enforcement is UNAMERICAN AND UNLAWFUL...have you heard ANY of our weasel politicians speak this way. I really HATE CANADA, sorry. I HATE CANADIANS, I hate this country....AND YES I WANT TO LEAVE.. my family immigrated here. MY CHILDREN FEEL DISPLACED, and HATED, and they are the minority. WE DO NOT FEEL CANADIAN.. and this is the mistake Canada made... BY NOT INSTILLING LOYALITY into Canada.. I was shocked as I called some restaurants owned by the 'newcomers'...who DO NOT EVEN know who John Diefenbaker is..and who DO NOT HAVE A CANADIAN FLAG OUTSIDE THEIR STORE, and who do not even know we have a bill of rights and who do not even know what they are doing is DISCRIMINATION..ie...vaxx passports..they said its the LAW..

Canada never instilled the loyality it should of! America does, alliagance to the Flag, the American national athem, the Flag at homes...

Instead Canada and Trudeau's family disrespected Sir John A. ...and I have repeadetly asked the moron of the Mayor of kingston to put him back! the fact is he's a Marxist..just like all the newcomers and the young adults.. they have no back bone..

the young adults should be at Parliament Hill, like those protests for Vietnam War..but instead our youth are too busy being on Youtube partaking in travelling the world either in their mini bus or on the plane MASKED LIKE DOGS! the MASK IS A BULLY TACTIC but the youth of today are embracing..what fools!


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Who is he lol what kind of a nutbars are you to make John a Canadian benchmark. He destroyed our aeronautics industry

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please block this liberal mental case!

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