Apr 21Liked by Brad Salzberg

There are treasonous PEOPLEKIND in the House of Commons

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Apr 21Liked by Brad Salzberg

I shared this previously elsewhere, regarding the pro-Hamas mob protesters, but will share here as I’m still horrified at what happened. It is clear, many institutions we rely on in Canada and the Civilized world require immediate reform, including Woke education, government corruption and appeasement, and the need to grow a pair of balls.


“Thanks for sharing. The protesters are an example of do-goodism gone wrong. A few months ago, my 87 year father was walking down popular street in large city on west coast. A large male “Palestinian” protester was shouting pretty awful things, that most non-indoctrinated individuals would find unacceptable, (“gas the Jews, etc”).

My father comes from a time when people were allowed to share their opinions and disagree with others. My father shouted something back to counter what was being spewed out unchecked. The protestor came right over to my father on the busy street, yelled in his face very close, and then suddenly head butted him.

My father is 87! The protestor man looked twice as big in size and probably half my fathers age. I think most normal people, who see a large size male, wearing Hamas regalia, being yelled at very close, would feel uncomfortable.

My father ended up with a bleeding face, black eyes and fell down hurting his hip. The protestor took off, and my father got up, chased him, took a photo, while his face bleeding.

Someone called the ambulance and police came, so I’m sure they took the guys name and information. As far as I know, nothing has happened to this individual for assaulting an elderly man.

On the one hand, I was horrified about what happened, how Un-brave a large male ‘Palestinian' protestor was in attacking an elderly man who disagreed with the mob narrative, I also thought to myself if it were me, would I have kept my mouth shut. On the other hand, I’ve never been more proud of my father!”

Update: A few months has passed and the legal system has since sent my father a “victim impact statement.” Not sure what this will do, perhaps to provide the Hamas protester some Kindergarten lessons on ways to de-radicalize the medieval mindset.

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Apr 21Liked by Brad Salzberg

We no longer live is a democracy where people are capable of bringing down a Communist / Marxist government. This is one great tragedy Canadians face if people refuse to demand change today! Don’t give up Stand up and be heard as well as responsible for your children’s future!

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Apr 21Liked by Brad Salzberg

Can anyone tell me what good it’s done Canada to have a federal government this past 8 agonizing years? It seems to me that each province could be in control of their own destinies and be a hell of a lot better off than we are with the group of federal bandits who have seized control and refuse to give it back!!

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Apr 21Liked by Brad Salzberg

And how much more damage will be done to Canada between the present and the next federal election? Lots!

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Please also mention that Quebec, through the Bloc, and its provincial parties, overwhelmingly votes for anything that weakens Canada and gives it unity, like French language laws, immigration, and civil law. Quebec must go also, to have a united Canada.

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Until WE the people take matters into our own hands nothing will change and the rape of Canada will continue.You ask "Why don't they belong to the same political party? In appearance they don't but in reality they do. Both are staunch WEFers. .It is easier for Singh to fool everyone and maybe get some xtra votes under the pretense of getting the liberal government to give into their demands( see how hard we are working for you the little people of Canada).This charade is all PRETEND .I would love to be privy to the Trudeau /Singh conversations when they think no one is listening.Uncle Klaus must pe proud of his proteges

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Loopholes are every single thing to Turdeau. It's what he's all about.

It's what we need to make sure never happens again. Four years to the day, damn the pension.

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I am delightfully amused lately by the Conservatives referring questions to the “ NDP-Liberal Government” in the House, much to the obvious chagrin of some long standing NDP members of Parliament 🤣🤣🤣

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Guy Fawkes was right

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The continued conflation of "dem furreingers & der furreign religions" with agendas manifestly anti-thetical to those same faiths is doing no service to any (putative)resistance to the tide of woke terror.

"Advancement of Sikhism and Islamic culture and religion. Both men are pro-abortion, and pro-Euthanasia. For them, mass immigration is essential. Climate change and related carbon taxation are a must. LGBT and it's offshoot transgenderism a necessity"

Outside the bubble world of nagging, ragging 'ol stock'/laughing stock nostalgists, the news of the day is how the direct contrast between the ACTUAL RESISTANCE to WOKE TERROR as manifested in protests by "islamic" immigrants to it's imposition in schools and the cultural collective - as opposed to the meek silence of their WASPY betters - is happening in parallel to the similar resistance on the part of "islamic" governments in parts of the world where the diplomacy of the western "powers" seem to consist solely of demanding the opening of the gates to lgbt+ agendas and little else.

I have no idea what the 'Sikh" society's position on gender bending may be, but it's crystal clear that these efforts to simply lump together every wzzyfzzy's brand of social philosophy together - in the interests of what appears to be a failed effort to evoke backlash against 'yimmigrants' in general is not gonna pull this "Canuckistani Cataclysm" outta the fire!

Based upon the tried n tru principle that "the enemy of my [main]enemy is my friend"... rational & intelligent resistors to woke terror would be seeking tactical alliance with those who's refusal to bend to the agendas of the day should be inspiring respect... rather than smears and contempt. Put down the GMO-laced spliff... and awaken to the only way outta this mess!

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Wow, now we're getting banned from commenting...

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Is this WHY Jagmeet Singh says “he will be Canada’s next PRIME MINISTER”. He said it in the HOUSE and there was an uproar of laughter! He just stated this again recently. Is this the “PACT” he signed with TRUDEAU. Is this why

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