Jun 27Liked by Brad Salzberg

I wonder about this in the long run. Was it Laurier and Sifton who populated Alberta and Saskatchewan with immigrants? No one remembers it but, some might not think that Alberta and Saskatchewan are hotbeds of LPoC love these days. They were but were turned Do you really think Muslims want to have a gay pride month?

Saskatchewan and B.C. had their provincial Libreral parties change their names to BC United and Aask progress party. .

They "Need" to be turned.

I had a plan to send pics of Blackdace at gay pride March's to Mosques in Montreal

Now I'm dying from Cancer and so getting my coup de grâce from Canadian politics.

If someone wants to take this torch pls reply and I'll send prayers. To pass the torch from my failing hands so to speak.

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Jun 26Liked by Brad Salzberg

Some of these comments today are taking a nasty turn, is this also something Trudeau and his corrupt bunch have done to us NICE Canadians?

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Yes, please keep the comments civil, as they have been thus far

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Jun 26Liked by Brad Salzberg

Hummm, Ruby Sahota, Vancouver's worst landlords were, possibly still are, members of the international Sahota clan. Being high caste they like their multi-million 'ranches' and 'farmhouses' out of town well away from those they fleece. Related?

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Is she from that family?

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Remember Calgary Liberal MP Kent Hehr was booted from cabinet and hung out to dry when he was accused of calling a provincial staffer 'yummy' 10 years prior to being elected a Liberal MP. ...but that handicapped white boy didn't get any help from anyone. A simple accusation. Who was the acuser again? ? Oh ya, some woman who waited ten years to complain. What a frkn joke.

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deletedJun 26·edited Jun 26
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Wonder how the WE Charity boys are voting this year 🤣

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WE Charity folded

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... awesome eh! ...did the boys leave the country too? Good riddance if so

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are you in love with maxime bernier.

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deletedJun 28
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Please stop...it serves no purpose

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So in other words, the ones that are running...

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deletedJun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Brad Salzberg
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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

Saw that, just emailed NCCM about it


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deletedJun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Brad Salzberg
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Am writing a new article about the rapid rise of 3rd world political power in canada

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deletedJun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Brad Salzberg
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It will be interesting to see if Poilievre replicates the race-matching Liberal government strategy. In my opinion, some of the Liberals-- Salma Zahid for one-- was never fairly elected in the first place. She's a plant, as is Iqra Khalid, again, in my opinion.

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deletedJun 26
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Spin doctors, however...

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All of PP's decisions are based on polling and once selected as the next dictator he will do exactly what he wants to do...or what his wef masters want.

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What if what he wants to do is pro-Canadian?

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Unlikely, considering john baird, campaign mgr & consultant, his partner (in many many ways) is WEF. It is all a game of illusion.

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well we knew you were a dumb ass liberal. have you stopped crying yet muffin after the centre of the universe was took over by a conservative.

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I'm a PPCer but, my health permitting I will be giving money to the CPC person against Freeland.

Its messed up but, There I am..

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i see right through you.clown, send in the clowns.

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deletedJun 26
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if i am a house slave what are you, man i think you should be in some comedy skit,

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deletedJun 27·edited Jun 27
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hen the real canadians stand up and fight, get out of the way.because we are taking our country back. maybe maxime will be able to save you.

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deletedJun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Brad Salzberg
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