The whole bunch are card carrying communist pinkos bent on destroying our once proud nation and are doing a good job of it. Supported by the Quebecoise and jagmeets NDP lot we hardly stand a chance of righting this wrong.

Down with blackface and his bobblehead fools it is time for a revolt by the masses, down with the rich and elite it is time that reasonable middle class folks called the shots after all we are in the majority. Bring back common sense and decent living conditions rid ourselves of the woke idiots who are trying to control everything fire the teachers and university leftist lot that preach transgender theory they are poisoning our childrens minds.

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Cult of Liberal Communism

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The truth about the Trudeau's is that we have a bunch of Laurentian weirdo elites running our country into the ground. These snobs think their ideals matter. Nobody cares what these idiots think. Yet here we are stuck with these idiots running our country.

China is no joke. They want to rule the world. They've always wanted to rule the world. China is the number one threat to the world. They're a threat because they want to take over. They aren't satisfied with working together for equal partnership.

The army they've built isn't to just show off. They built an army to take over by force any country that gets in their way. China has always been the biggest threat to the USA. Yet the USA does massive business with China, strengthening that country. The Biden's and Trudeau's have been taking money from China since they started dealing with China. China may be some far off wonder land to the Trudeau's but that's irrelevant to the reality that world hegemony and national security are the biggest concern, and therefore the only concern. The Trudeau's are elitist snobs pretending to be the Rockefellers. In reality they're just a bunch of greedy selfish con artists.

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Agree with this assessment. Canadians lack understanding of the Trudeau China Quebec dynamic.

Its a power grab, not management of a country.

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I agree. Trudeau is not a real prime minister. He's not interested in managing. It's been obvious from day one. We can see him completing one task after another for WEF or with certain others, in plain sight and in secret. And we can see what he's not doing for Canadians. We watch as he taxes us to death. One tax after another. He thinks we are stupid, that we can't see what he's doing, and that we all believe what he says. Sure there are some dummies who do worship the ground he walks on but they are becoming fewer in force. Trudeau likely sees that as well because he doesn't get the tame reception he used to get. Now the public is calling him a traitor out loud and throwing gravel at him. That is going to affect the timing of this power grab.

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In it for himself and his Quebec cronies

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Hopefully he doesn't speed up his hostile takeover of the free world, post nation state.

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I ignore everything the lieabrals say, there a scam at least they think they are kidding us

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There are so many examples of elites having inherited the wealth and position others before them established by means ethical and unethical, legal and illegal. But nevertheless in general, by hard work — the physical, emotional and intellectual application of their time and energies bent towards certain betterment for themselves, their communities and their country.

Elites have always had motives and aims which while not always transparent, mostly aligned with the public interest. Unfortunately elites are often used by agencies they do not themselves understand. And therefore are subject to those — usually exogenous agents — in ways they could not have foreseen. It goes without saying few people understand the nature or the aims of those exogenous agents. Yet most peoples lives are not untouched by the consequences of their ignorance.

Of course here we are talking about money. Not though the simple accounting of wages minus expenses which concern the average man or woman. Although they certainly cannot help notice the effects on their real incomes of the actions of the elites within their own country and these exogenous

agents. Money is easily debased. Interest rates are the prime means of debasing the currency. When people go on a borrowing binge to buy houses whose costs have increased by low interest rates this increases the assets of the banks. Your debt for anything is the banks assets. When you buy a house at an inflated cost you owe the bank more money. Inflation transfers the people’s assets to the bank. And of course property taxes go up correspondingly.

Ultimately people seek political power to advance their own interests. Though in a democracy this is not admitted. Obtaining political power in a democracy necessitates the use of persuasion. This necessitates lying and the corollary; deception. Think how most people respond to bribery. Bribery is an incentive but in the political sphere it is couched as a positive inducement. These incentives appear at first to be all oranges and lemons and sugar and spice.

Governments love such incentives. Because they disguise the necessity of bigger government and more taxes. After all nothing is free. Bigger government includes a bigger bureaucracy. Once a bureaucracy emerges it rapidly becomes entrenched. Of course the bureaucracy includes the incentive for politicians to pander to the bureaucracy and the people whom ostensibly benefit by the enterprises the bureaucracy assimilates. This growth is more like a cancer than the real economic

growth which would include higher real wages and purchasing power. Private businesses pay taxes and wages.

Bureaucratic enterprise consumes resources and the need for higher taxes.

Bribery obviously works! Because people vote for more government and more bureaucracies every election. Governments make sure the immediate beneficiaries of government largess are made in ridings where such largess buys majority representation. Of course this perversion of democracy eventually corrupts.

Whom are these exogenous agents I referred to above.

A little corruption is inevitable. But when a country loses control over the money in circulation, corruption takes the place of reasonable government.

Canadas debts are a consequence of government corruption. Why? Because the Canadian economy has stopped being a benefit to the people whom elect them. The government is bought off.

Corporations lobby for legislation which permits concentration and monopoly. Corporations are indebted to lenders as well as shareholders. Parliamentarians and the courts were lobbied to allow the MSM to be sold to corporate interests which are corporate owned and in fact and indeed promulgate the interests of international banking, international corporations and what’s much, much worse, powerful interests of other countries like China.

Once a country loses control of its best interests other interests metastasize. Banks love government debt! Why? Loans are a banks assets. An indebted country has problems which are disguised. For example indebtedness requires those debts are serviced — before any other expenditures can be considered. The present prime minister, exactly like his father increased Canadas debt. This results in inflation.

Everything costs more. Purchasing power declines. Interest rates climb. Enterprise is stifled. Invention and innovation are not the province of monopolies. The incentive and innovative offer leave, in exactly the same way as so much of Canadas productive enterprise has left.

Guess what happens? Politicians begin persuading voters that direct foreign investment is a good thing. So corporations borrow money from banks and buy Canada’s resources and consolidate enterprise. And worse! Ex politicians begin to lobby government to allow foreign sovereign debt. So China buys Canadian resources, like mines, oil leases, pipelines, commercial property. All of these things are sold to Canadians by governments with the enormous power of the MSM which is owned by exogenous influencers, like foreign owned corporations, international bankers and foreign governments.

Canada is run from behind the scenes. Pierre Trudeau defenestrated Canadas Parliament when he forced Canada to adopt the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This turned Canadas sovereignty over to the Supreme Court. Legislation the people of Canada would not adopt — things Canadas parliament would not adopt are secured by the Supreme Court deciding important issues by gradually changing policies incrementally by stealthy rulings most people never hear about. Right now the Israelis are protesting because Benjamin Netanyahu wants to take control of Israel’s Supreme Court. Maybe he sees how it is in Canada!

The Trudeau’s loyalties are not to Canada or Canadians’. He is corrupt. The Liberal party is corrupt. The NDP is corrupt. The Supreme Court is corrupt.

Very shortly the Public Service will strike. Government ensured the Supreme Court would permit bureaucrats to strike. That’s the bribe. Canada is a country with a depreciating currency because the money is churned and circulates by government fiat.

There is no real economy.

Canadas Federal Government is run by a small clique of elites whose wealth is secured by your debt. The decisions they make behind closed doors are not made in the interests of Canadians.

Canadas assets are pledged to exogenous and extremely powerful interests by the people who promise you they have your interests at heart. They do not. Canadians imagine their country is theirs. Nominally it is. But in reality you and I are indentured servants. Why do we put up with it?

Because your education was devoid of civics. Canadians were not taught about the Constitution. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was a Constitutional amendment. No not called a Constitutional amendment.

Canadians believe many things which are just not true.

When you use unconstitutional means to effect a change in government, that’s called a Coup.

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