Apr 7, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Methinks Trudeau is a disciple of the Anti-Christ......As it is about race and culture....it is also about destroying any vestige of Christianity in Canada......turning the land into a Soviet of multicultural, multi religious fiefdoms.......A nation divided against itself..... as the Holy Bible states...cannot stand!

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

The first step to stopping Turdeau’s and Jagshit Singh’s insanity will be the next election..until then..we can only fight the issues one issue at a time as they show up..everybody keep up the good fight..the Dirty Duo will keep doing as much damage to Canada as they can..not is to fight evil.

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When I first became fully aware of just what this mental midget Trudeau was doing most of my friends and relatives believed I was overstating the facts, when I stopped watching Canadian main stream TV and reading so called Canadian news propaganda by the Liberals in power they thought I had gone over the edge and became too radical. I am beginning to see a groundswell of people starting to see the reality of what this demigod is doing to us as a country.

It is about time the average Canadian starts paying attention and engaging these communist idiots before it is too late. People need to realize that we are reaching a point where it will soon be too late. our Government is becoming more Quebec controlled every day, important power structure and Government offices are centered there frequently. The amount of actual English speaking people of Anglo heritage diminish almost to the point of no return. Why are we allowing this, why are we allowing non citizens or even new citizens to take over power in our country especially when they not only do not have our interest at heart but openly speak against us as a race, that is absolutely disgusting and would not be allowed in any other country.

Both my parents served during WW 2 they came to Canada to start a better life for us and I am like so many other children of that era, extremely proud of what my parents did for the world at war and for us children. They became Canadian citizens in all respects and remained proud Canadians until the day they died. I can imagine them rolling over and weeping at what we have became.

Down with this traitor and his traitorous crew, down with Singh and his bobblehead fools and down with the seperatiste in Quebec and let me remind most people who are not aware of the facts which are when you travel Quebec you will see the least amount of Canadian flags flying anywhere in Canada, you might want to think about that.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Does he forget that he is white?

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I find this article to be accurate. My perspective is that the West in general and caucasian people in specific have been attacked continually by academics and their activist offshoots since Marx. The result is a massive demoralization amongst "White people" that has allowed all of the developments described in the article to occur. The entire well-meaning progressive "white liberal" Left can only feel okay about themselves by aligning themselves with the causes of every identity that is NOT White, Christian, straight and so on. And those aligned on the Right, or just inclined to reject this demoralization, are left with anger and resentment as their positions.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

If he wants to play Mr. Dressup with other cultures then go to their country. He won’t be missed here. Disgusing individual!!!

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Hi Brad,

You are probably not aware of our latest book on this topic but you should be: https://www.amazon.com/Anglophobia-Unrecognised-Hatred-Harry-Richardson/dp/0645716324/ref=sr_1_1?crid=25PBJXXFT9TU9&keywords=anglophobia+the+unrecognised+hatred&qid=1680923075&sprefix=anglophobia+the+unrecognised+hatred%2Caps%2C818&sr=8-1

It covers this topic from first principles and contains much information and analysis which would be invaluable to you.

Harry Richardson

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Hi Brad, great post! I'm sure you would be interested in our new book "Anglophobia: The Unrecognised Hatred" which is now available on Amazon. Although having an Australian flavour, we cover this phenomena from all over the Anglosphere and meticulously document and analyse it. Feel free to contact me Harry Richardson at harryyo@gmail.com. Keep up the good fight mate.


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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

The 2025 election is already won , Trudeau won.. When's the CIVIL war?? It may come to that seeing that DEMOCRACY IS A THING OF THE PAST.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

We have to find a way out and beyond Trudeau/Singh.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

I wonder how many people have exited Chinada by now

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We whites are too blazey for Trudope. He can play Mr. Dressup with them and loves the costume attire because his brain spends 99% of its time in fantasy land as it is!!!

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History shows that there was more Irish slaves than black slaves . Being Irish I would like to see an Irish month before a black month as Irish more oppressed than blacks. Do you think CBC would show the world this true history of slavery? Not, as it would go against their narrative.

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In reality Trudeau doesn't care about anyone, Sikes, Muslims , Lesbian/Queers, Indians, Syrians Canadian Indians, no-one. It's all about using whoever he can to achieve his goals. , a communist Socialist Canada totally controlled by no other than Chairman Trudeau.

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