I think everyone is getting sick and tired of these woke assholes. Time enough lets take back our schools kick all those perverts and bums to the curb and let them take the great Turd with them.

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In full agreement. They're social agitators, not unlike communists of the past.

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This will never end.....just got this from the Wellness Company that Dr. Alexander is on the board of...... I suggest you sign up...it's a great website! https://twccanada.health/blogs/well

OMG!! Is this true?

When will Medical Tyranny STOP in Canada?

"No parks with no shot? No way!

Have you seen the latest COVID vaccine lunacy from the Liberal Party in Canada? They want to bar unvaxxed people from public spaces and small businesses.

Think you are going to take your child to the toy store and then for a walk in the park? Not if the Liberal Party has its way. The Liberal Party proposed on their website that if elected, they will require proof of vaccination credentials for people to shop in small businesses or just to stay outdoors and enjoy a park. The Liberal Party even plans to dedicate 1 billion in taxpayer dollars to a COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination Fund to aid provinces and territories to “implement a requirement for proof of vaccine credentials in their jurisdiction for non-essential businesses and public space.”

Worse yet, the fund will cover legal costs “to ensure that every business and organization that decides to require proof of vaccination from employees and customers can do so without fear of a legal challenge." This means that the Canadian government will provide funding for businesses that agree to bar you from their establishment should you try to rely on the court system to protect your rights.

Using tax dollars to entice corporations to implement policy is corporate fascism like the Nazis practiced. Be vigilant and stand up for medical freedom.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

After reading the first post and before reading yours, I was going to say this is an ongoing battle and we appear to be getting the message out to those who generally don't get involved, except when it comes to their kids. But after reading your post, and I've heard rumors of this topic on the LPC website, I'm back to losing my mind!

I'm not taking that damn vaccine no matter what! So I guess I'm going to consider myself persecuted. Again.

I have 3 friends who all had one thing in common before covid. They were all cancer free.

Since taking the vaccine, because they were extorted, take it or your fired, all three saw their cancer come back worse than it ever was the first time they got it. One died within months from stage 4 bone cancer. The other two are faced with a new bigger battle, bigger than ever before, and they're getting surgery (brain, and breast) next week followed up by week's of chemotherapy. They're summer is shot.

I'm no doctor, but I'm convinced that having taking the vaccine has caused their cancers to come back, like throwing gasoline on a wildfire.

Not to mention the apparent significant increase in unexplained deaths and that my mom died from a flu shot in 2011. No vaccine is 100% safe.

I'll never take this shot. They'll have to hold me down, and they probably will.

This is terrifying.

What is the Conservative Party saying about this?

This should be a number one priority for them.

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Bast-Turd using Trans to create social chaos, justifying authoritarian crackdown.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

I am politically homeless as I see that no one is going to save us from any political party....would be good to contact the Cons and ask them....get it in writing..... we need to take to the streets again.....they scared a lot back inside after the Convoy..... we need to stop being scared and regroup and organize an even bigger protest..... they are banking on people never coming to Ottawa or putting on a big protest ever again......

They will have to hold me down, too..... :(

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Grass roots protest is the only remedy

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We create our own DESTINY , so get off your ass and do something about it if you don't like what you see happening in Canada. Remember buy your guns and ammo while you still can , you may need them some day to defend your wife and children.

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This will never end until Trudeau and his gang of degenerates are imprisoned or gone from Canada.

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deletedMay 19, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg
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Grass roots protest the only way to deal with this scourge

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