Arif Virani is my local Federal MP and a member of the Liberal Party of Canada. Every month I receive a flyer from him, and he never ever misses an opportunity to place the RACE CARD. Note that Arif Virani is a Muslim born in Uganda, but as a child his family was driven out of that country by racism. Arif Virani must be a slow learner.


In the Spring of 2021, the CBC ran a series of articles that speculated that there could be as many as 215 graves of Aboriginal children at a Residential School in Kamloops B.C. In the Spring of this year the land where it was claimed those graves were, was dug up and nothing but old decayed tree stumps were found.


One diligent researcher did an extensive search of a list of over 100 people who were listed as possibly buried at the school site in Kamloops. She was able to locate the official death records for all but 2 of them. Not one of them died at the school. Two of the 100 did died as children, but from Tuberculosis, which was rather common at the time, and it is most likely that they contracted the disease before arriving at the school. The others all died in some other place long after they left the school.


MSM continues to foster the rumour that children were forced to attend Residential Schools. That is an outright lie, the children were sent to the school by their parents. There were some cases where children were taken into care, due to problems such as neglect and/or alcoholism at home, however most children described there stay at these schools very positively. That should surprise no one. Keep in mind that these children were from very small, isolated villages often in remote regions of Canada with very low population densities, so there is no reason to expect that spending a few months of each year at a Residential School would cause many problems.


None of what I’ve said above is a secret. Arif Virani knows the truth of the situation, yet he along with other members of the Liberal Party, the NDP and members of Canadian MSM continue with their divisive, racist, anti-White, anti-European rhetoric.


Canada benefits from immigration, but the country has no need for people like Member of Parliament Virani. The NDP and Liberal Party may gain votes and benefit from this hateful rhetoric, but it is of no help to anyone else. A means of ending this must be found, and Arif Virani will likely not be too pleased with some of the solutions now being considered.


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What you say about Virani does not surprise me. He is one of Trudeau's select 3rd World political players. These people are hit men for the woke Liberal agenda.

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Does this question need to be asked? It goes without saying media attacks on a successful Conservative strategy will continue as it is seen as a credible threat to topple the Trudeau regime.

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Off course...just like in the US. That is all they have. It is now clearly obvious that during the last election the NDP encouraged their voters to cross over and vote Liberal as they knew that they could not win the election. They had done this with the understanding that the Liberal agenda would include mush of what the NDP wanted and now they are calling for they are now calling for their pound (ton of flesh) of flesh.

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answers are so obvious when asking blatantly rhetorical questions....btw, when can we wake up from this manically dystopian nightmare???

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