You know the answer to this, they know, as they are bought out by communism.

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The media is screwed and so are we, every day i look at people they must be zombies as no one in their right minds cant grasp what is going on with media collusion.

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Trudeau's Canada. ! I was fishing the other day and a crazy drug addict came up to me and asked if she could use my cell phone. She said that there was something in the river ( HA! ). I told her to go to the MALL and call the Police. The Police showed up. 6-8 Police cars, a fire truck, two ambulances . a special Police Command vehicle . The mulled around for about half an hour looking in the river until they used a ladder to climb down for a better look. There was nothing there , she was seeing things but they came and used all these resources for nothing. I told them she was stone and seeing things but to no avail. Sad, this is what Canada is becoming . SAD!

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