This may sound petty, but hopefully her gender, appearance and annoying baby voice will not be appealing to the masses. A charismatic figure she is not, and with so many people voting for leaders who are good looking, charismatic and charming, she may alienate voters. I know many Liberal men who cannot abide her, Jewish people who will not vote Liberal again if she is the leader, and many male immigrants who would never vote for a woman. We can only hope.

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Liberal party = pit of vipers.

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It isn't that often that I disagree with Brad (99% concurrence), but in this case I do. REASONS: 1) She has ZERO Personality, 2) Many Right-of-Centre would go Ballistic if she ran and would work tirelessly to see her defeated, 3) The No. 1 issue will be the Economy and despite her Cabinet assignments she has no expertise of any value, 4) Mark Carney is waiting in the Wings and he is deeply steeped in both WEF and Magic Money Tree issues. ... ... I'd bet my very, last Crypto on this one.

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Mark Carney is definitely a contender, he has all the globalist characteristics necessary for approval from the NWO.

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BTW - - Brad I just received an Inspiration from a Comment on your SubStack. I have LIFETIME bans on Facebook and Twitter, but so far none in Russia. I'm gonna work on that.

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Ah yes, bank wars. "ALL wars are banker wars" - Mike Rivereo. I HATE that after all the things TRUDEAULT has said about NAZIs, there she is defending the very same CARD CARRYING nazis HARPER helped Obama and Hitlery and Nuland and Soros install with their colored revolution, NAZI coup, which replaced the elected Ukranianisn government of the day, a few years ago.

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