The only area of Canada that has a majority of old stock Canadians is the prairies. If the Liberals win the next election there will be revolt that will make the Truckers convoy look like child's play. The meeting place will be a western city and it will result in the beginning of the end of Canada. Trudeau will have gotten his wish.
So why would family oriented traditionally conservative deeply religious people allow themselves to be pandered to by a trans oriented perverted PM? I honestly don't get it. He doesn't represent their values any more than ours. He represents trans' values, authoritarian elite's values.
So who ever this person or clan (lobby group) is, they're likely in it for their own advantages, and don't represent the values of the community they claim to represent either.
just revisiting comments I have made, seems I under estimated everything, that asshole is absolutely destroying our once great nation, fraud and scam after scam (arrivescam) being the latest, he is a card carrying commie of the worst type. Homeless everywhere drugs everywhere and even encouraged by this lot of useless idiots disguised as Liberal MP,s.
its too late to close the barn door and we are truly screwed. No one will cross the floor and kick this bum out and in 3 years time by the next election he will have imported at least 3 million more degenerates into this country who all are given voting rights along with their entry visa on arrival. We are doomed
Whether we like it or not, the numbers don’t lie, fortunately for me I’ve lived my life in a Canada of the past as I am now in my twilight years, I feel sorry for my two sons and my two grandchildren.
Whites are dangerous. That’s the message. And Maid must be extended to help the extinction speed up.
Note how govt never release stats that break down Euthanasia and Abortion by ethnic identity. Cuz 98% are white
The only area of Canada that has a majority of old stock Canadians is the prairies. If the Liberals win the next election there will be revolt that will make the Truckers convoy look like child's play. The meeting place will be a western city and it will result in the beginning of the end of Canada. Trudeau will have gotten his wish.
Trudeau wants the end of Canada and the birth of Canadastan
This will be a wonderful new beginning, which will have a domino effect on the rest of Canada
So why would family oriented traditionally conservative deeply religious people allow themselves to be pandered to by a trans oriented perverted PM? I honestly don't get it. He doesn't represent their values any more than ours. He represents trans' values, authoritarian elite's values.
Community pressure is what a Sikh professor told me
So who ever this person or clan (lobby group) is, they're likely in it for their own advantages, and don't represent the values of the community they claim to represent either.
just revisiting comments I have made, seems I under estimated everything, that asshole is absolutely destroying our once great nation, fraud and scam after scam (arrivescam) being the latest, he is a card carrying commie of the worst type. Homeless everywhere drugs everywhere and even encouraged by this lot of useless idiots disguised as Liberal MP,s.
its too late to close the barn door and we are truly screwed. No one will cross the floor and kick this bum out and in 3 years time by the next election he will have imported at least 3 million more degenerates into this country who all are given voting rights along with their entry visa on arrival. We are doomed
No we are not!!! Stand strong and don’t give up!!! He is doomed. We are not! Keep the faith. Don’t give up!!!
Whether we like it or not, the numbers don’t lie, fortunately for me I’ve lived my life in a Canada of the past as I am now in my twilight years, I feel sorry for my two sons and my two grandchildren.
Understood--they will be persecuted by our government and their neo-communist regime.
Same, but numbers do lie if they are manipulated and have been proven to be.