Like I said before , at this point in time there is nothing Canada can do to significantly lower Global Carbon levels. Trudeau's is all about stealing your money and having total control over every aspect of your life.

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If Trudeau ran a company like he runs this country.....he would be investigated, audited, monitored, interrogated, polygraphed, fingerprinted, prosecuted, sued, convicted, and sentenced. I'm waiting for him to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize!

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An ironic poSSibility

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With our upside down inside out world I'm sure you won't have to wait too long.One gets rewarded for the most malfeasance now instead of good deeds.

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This jus in...

Justins Kannknuckleheadistan IS a corporation. You can find the corporation number for every branch of your faux 'gubberment' in the Dun & Bradstreet Index pilgrim.

Sorry, but it's YOU hoo wll be "investigated, audited, monitored, interrogated, polygraphed, fingerprinted, prosecuted, sued, convicted, and sentenced." That wil be YOUR(collective) "PIECE PRIZE" ... for taking the last forty years of incremental state terror lying down!

Hey! Don't blame moi... I'm jus the "mrna" in yur (soon to be all-human derived byproduct)Tourtière!

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this guy may be 'white - or 'wong' about the corporate thang ...

but hey! At least he's fightin back!

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“The darkest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.” -Dante Alighieri

Another fake crisis to instil fear through propaganda, divide the masses and create hysteria: Woke hypocrisy and line pockets with other people’s $, Import and appease racists and radicals, blame the Unvaxed on a Covid drug that didn’t work, encourage gender bending with the young, colonial/oppression academic mumbo jumbo guilt narratives, paying protesters to support Hamas, paying eco-activists to start fires, forcing mandates, ignore Nuremberg code, cheer Nazi’s in parliament, arrest Truckers, arrest journalists for asking questions, depressed you lost your livelihood don’t worry there is MAID, normalize garbage, homelessness, crime everywhere. Can’t afford meat/fish for your family, there’s always bugs.

Is this the great Woke Utopia they gushed about?

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Excuse to convert Canada to Canadastan

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Utopia for the elites only.The rest of us headed for hell.

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There is no climate crisis and CO2 is a tiny part of our atmosphere that is necessary to sustain life. The actual pollutants from burning fossil fuel do need to be addressed along with plastic waste & all the other waste that only get lip service or pretend solutions like blue box trash that mostly end up in land fills.

Carbon tax & credits is just another way to suck money out of us & to prepare us [if the elites have their way] for international taxes.

By the way, I've never received anything back from the government to do with carbon tax.

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Taking the fact that the WEF and the United Nations signed an agreement to assist each other to implement UN AGENDA 2030,, it is obvious that the WEF and UN have the same ruinous future planned.

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Plan from 1966 states in part....“Widespread campaigns to register the eligible poor for welfare aid, and to help existing recipients obtain their full benefits, would produce bureaucratic disruption in welfare agencies and fiscal disruption in local and state governments. These disruptions would generate severe political strains, and deepen existing divisions among elements in the big-city Democratic coalition: the remaining white middle class, the white working-class ethnic groups and the growing minority poor.” Two communist professors wrote the Cloward Piven Strategy...and nowadays we have another 'professor' bragging he's penetrated ze cabinet on behalf of a 'forum' that's actually a closed shop

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I laughed out loud when Tucker Carlson said he had met Chrystia Freeland and stated that she was "too stupid to tell you, me or anyone else what to do, think or say.". I think the investment world has shown us that...

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We must ACT now to remove these LIBERANOS and their ENABLERS from the NDP. So tired of this ridiculous statements! But WE cannot let them wear US down! Soon they won’t have a voice or platform to preach from!

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If you want to discuss anthropogenic causes of environmental issues - lets talk about cleaning up our garbage output, cleaning up our shorelines, reducing our 'footprint' on the scale of consumerism based sprawls and stop the whole cycle.

Nipping part of what's feeding the fire by cutting out the consumerism, may have the possibility for a greater purpose of developing once again soulful connections among the peoples and to find the real likes in receiving actual physical hugs, not by emoji's ... but outside of this, the narrative is purely Malthusian in it's intent.

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Bill Rymer wrote...

There's not a rational person left in charge of this Postmodern shit show. We are being controlled by revolutionaries after the COVID coup d'etat where complete incompetents overthrew responsible government so they could author our demise!

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Foo Foo's "climate agenda" is simply an extension of the CHICAGO CLIMATE EXCHANGE scam run by Rickie Sandor and the rest of the ghouls who funded Barry Hussein's rise to power after they pulled him outta the 'LOWDOWN CLUB' in ChiTowns "Tenderloin" and set him to work hustlin bigger game.

Although I was tryin to alert the dopey dope--smokin denizens of Jonestown North already back in 2014 to the pending arrival of this "tax on breathing" in the works, the know-it-alls of Knuckleheadistan were blithely barren of any intent to save their ass-ets or ass-izes ... no surprise there.

"Once you price CO2 and put a price on it, you find, as you would with any

other product, it tends to be rationed. We as a people on this planet have lived

under the false concept that air and water were free. And we’

ve learned with a planet of 7 billion people, that we have to ration these precious goods. And the

good old price system is the best way to do it. ~Richard Sandor

Why the intentional ignorance to matters of intense personal import? Well, as I wrote at the time -

"That’s right! Richard Sandor is one of them – those Central and Eastern European folk whose parents came to North America as immigrants with a predisposition to speak Yiddish, make fun of goyim, and never pay retail. He’s connected, in other words," ... and WE ALL KNOW... we cannuck talk bout DAT!!!!!

gOOd luck with this wilful ignorance of the MAIN ENEMY IN YUR MIST thing y'all are draggin around likes a 'ball n chain' pilgrims. When yur howlin n moanin be all done... the man will be happy to reliefs ya's of your mortal sorrow... and escrow possessions!

GMO dope anybody? It's a great 'palliative' for those who wanna speak without acting.

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