The Muslim Brotherhood's Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America is a document that was seized in an FBI raid in gave the name and address of their representative in Canada.....residing in Halifax! And who is our federal Transport Minister?
I don’t understand how Canadians can put up with this tyrant and his wild spending ways. We only have 38 M people-how can anyone think we can sustain our country when we are giving away billions and billions of dollars every year. Anyone who actually has to follow a budget should understand just how unsustainable this is and that “the budget does not balance itself”.
No surprise his brother worked for and promoted Iran. Their father did a real number on educating them via his corrupt friends. The brainwashing and engraining them started by kindergarten. He can’t think for himself!!!
The Muslim Brotherhood's Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America is a document that was seized in an FBI raid in gave the name and address of their representative in Canada.....residing in Halifax! And who is our federal Transport Minister?
Foreign powers have cemented their useful idiot into the PM's shoes. Despicable!!!!!!
I don’t understand how Canadians can put up with this tyrant and his wild spending ways. We only have 38 M people-how can anyone think we can sustain our country when we are giving away billions and billions of dollars every year. Anyone who actually has to follow a budget should understand just how unsustainable this is and that “the budget does not balance itself”.
Where is the political vehicle to fight back?
No surprise his brother worked for and promoted Iran. Their father did a real number on educating them via his corrupt friends. The brainwashing and engraining them started by kindergarten. He can’t think for himself!!!