A gvt exhibit to promote HATE, nothing else. Do people not notice that everything is being dumbed down? People are only being pulled down, no one is being elevated, the gvt is lowering the bar "to be more inclusive" so that gvt is the only source of "what is right". Horse face jacinda arden was very clear in NZ "only the gvt can tell you what is truth"

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I'm WHITE , there's nothing that Trudeau can do or say that makes me feel bad in anyway! Canadians know what his game is about, all Trudeau is doing is publicizing his HATE Crimes for all the World to see. Trudeau will pay one day and when that day comes Canada will have the biggest PARTY ever .

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Whiteness is as legitimate as any other ethnicity. The liberal fascists disagree, and want us in a racial garbage dump

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Disgraceful to those people who that built this country. You can be sure I will not be visiting any art gallery that promotes this garbage. Pity thatat bullying; lies; propaganda are prevalent in ART. Not Art! NOT

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When GAZA was first established in 1948 it had a population of 200,000 people. That number has doubled every 20 years since then, reaching 2,300,000 in 2022.


1968 – 400,000

1988 – 800,000

2008 – 1,600,000

2028 – 3,200,000 (projected)


If the land area of GAZA were to be doubled next week, 20 years from now the population density would be the same as it is today.




• The number of Christians in the Middle East is 10 percent of what it was a century ago.

• India and Pakistan were partitioned in 1948.

• China maintains re-education camps for its Muslim Urghur population.

• France has numerous Muslim-only No Go Zones, where even police cannot enter without a well-armed escort.

• Toronto is home to North America’s largest Muslim population.


This is not uniquely an Israeli problem. Can you see where things are headed?


National wealth is very closely linked to a country’s average IQ scores. Google ‘Average IQ by Country’ and note how many of the scores for Islamic countries are 83 or less. The Palestinians do not need to have more children, they need to have smarter children.


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Nov 15, 2023
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Whtyes are the ones disappearing from our shores. Minority Status coming by 2038

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Nov 14, 2023
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Arrogant whyte hatyer

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