May 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

I admire the patience of the opposition in the house of commons for not having called Trudeau names worse than wacko before now.How frustrating it must be to have to deal with Trudeau's antics day after day-not answering questions,not understanding the real science,posturing and name calling people who don't share his views,getting away with flagrant scandals,projecting an image of holiness and morality, wasting billions of taxpayer's money,pretending to work for Canadians all the while working for Schwab of the WEF etc etc etc.One just has to interview people on the street to hear all the expletives used in reference to our "dear leader".The term Wacko Trudeau pales in comparison.

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The Liberals and media partners will continue to goad the Conservatives, pushing their emotional buttons until one or more of them explode. Then they will be branded white supremacist.

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May 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

Wow! If saving Canada from left-wing Marxist Islamic Ideologies means being labelled a white supremacist I will wear this label with pride! My country is worth the World to me and my family and calling me names will never stop me from being a Patriotic Canadian! God Bless Canada!

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Being a nationalist is not the same as being a so-called white.supremacist. This game is a Marxist-derived ploy to destroy patriotism in Canada, something that Justin, brother Alexandre and Pierre Trudeau before them despise.

Unless it takes place in China, Iran, India or Pakistan. Then, it's perfectly acceptable to them.

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May 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

A Nationalist I am! Worth fighting for guaranteed!

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May 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

We must fight like hell to save Canada as a Nation!

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The word traitor comes to mind....

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May 2Liked by Brad Salzberg

They need to bring capital punishment back for traitors!

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May 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

TRAITORS, Singh was interviewed on Power Play Today and he also fits that description to a tee, he is as treasonous as Trudeau.

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May 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

Our parliament is a joke, did you know that Trudeau and the Liberals do not have to answer any questions? That is right, I got that right from the horses mouth the Speaker of the House, when the Freedom Convoy was happening. I was bombarding him with emails, and asking why during Question Period these people are refusing to answer the questions. I wanted them to get Contempt same as a court. They do not have to answer any of the questions. So I ask what is the point of having Question period and wasting our tax dollars. I can not and will not watch it anymore cause it just brings out the anger in me. I am so tired of being angry.

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May 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

It seems that the OPPOSITION is wasting their time asking Trudeau to repel any laws. Trudeaus' agenda is to destroy Canada , he would like to see 1000'ens of drug addicts die every day in BC. If Trudeau wins ( steals ) the next Federal Election do you think there will be a Canada wide War where some Provinces separate?

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There is also a need to take the civil service into account. Every single member votes without fail. So do their relations, their friends, their allies, and their colleagues. And they all vote in lockstep for the exact same thing: the pork in the public barrel.

You want to stay on the good side of the Bloc quebecois; they are and remain a parking lot for disgruntled provincial voters that loathe conservatives. And you will never ever be able to break into English Montreal (read, the west side of the island, aka the 514); they will always finish far and away in first place in any porking contest.

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When jury duty selection arrives, I now reply that according to our current PM, I am a racist due to my personal medical choices. Voila - no more jury duty EVER.

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If you're white, you're out.

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True-Dope policy

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well there used to be 3hated people in canada, after yesterdays debacle it jumped from 3 to 5.i guess we can start with the king of canuckistan, then there is the short nazi, then there is the terrorist, then there is the kings doll, fergus, and finally the separatist from quebec, those are most dangerous people in canada, someone told me to ask, i said why not, it is the truth.

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You left out Singh.? Or have him and king Trudeau melted into one entity.

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It's a beautiful love story......

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Totally agree!

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Many civil servants are brainwashed daily by the Liberals / NDP TRAITORS INTO BELIEVING NOTHING BUT LIES DUE TO PURE GREED!

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PP did the Sikh thing too, some weird ceremony where he actually bowed. You can't call yourself a Christian and be bowing to other "gods".

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Bill Rymer wrote...

Our government couldn't manage a piss-up in a brewery yet they constantly talk down to the people they were elected to represent as though those who put them in office can't look after themselves, can't make good decisions while pretending to care for their constituents as though they're incompetent and/or marginalized.

This behavior can best be labeled as "condescending" or "patronizing" suggesting a superior attitude toward others, often coupled with a false sense of care or concern since the need for control is invariably hidden in a false desire to help.

Condescension or patronizing behavior can stem from various psychological factors such as a need for control, a desire to feel superior, insecurity, or a lack of empathy. It might also be a learned behavior from past experiences or cultural influences. In some cases, individuals may use condescension as a defense mechanism to mask their own insecurities or feelings of inadequacy.

And no one could be more narcissistically deluded or desirous of unearned power and acclaim than Canada's own Prime Minister along with the sycophantic toadies with whom he has surrounded himself who comprise his cabinet.

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