Canadians have been subjected to extremely sophisticated brainwashing techniques promulgated over years and years upon them which has had the effect of rendering them impotent. Education, so called is not education but brainwashing. By the time a person has navigated their way through school they believe they have been taught the important things. What they have learned though is obedience! Canadian men and women believe obedience is a virtue.

Recently the state imposed a draconian confiscation of our Liberties. If you have not head that word spoken recently, or you never never heard it do not suppose it is an accident.

Forcing people to vaccinate their children with an untested vial of god knows what concoction while we are told “trust us” and if you don’t the Prime Minister and a ridiculous troop of obedient underlings will shout you out as a misogynist. The word of course is a malapropism — it is not meaningful in the context.

This flippant disregard for the public seems not to register on them. The Prime Minister is a liar. Yet the public tolerate his vitriolic assaults on them. Why are Canadians not marching in the streets? The obvious answer is they are brainwashed. …Consequently they are as obedient to the siren sounds of authority as the Eloi in HG Wells novel “The Time Machine.”

For those who are illiterate, or don’t read; the Morlocks eat the Eloi!

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Would bet that Trudeau himself has been subjected to brainwashing techniques.

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The majority of people in Canada and the World agree with her. Trudeau is a disgrace to everyone that believes in Democracy and Human Rights and Freedoms.

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Just read an article on CTV news website stating that Pollievre has "denounced" his conservative MPs that met with this far right woman with her Islamophobic views and that the 3 MPs "regret" their decision to meet with her. I guess Pollievre isn't so Freedom Loving after all.

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One is a black female. Is she also a "neo/nazi?"

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consider the source ctv controlled by trudope

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That isugly that he did that!!!

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Frankly, PP will.never become PM regardless. Canada is controlled by woke globalist forces

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Feb 25, 2023
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Nobody more’fake’ than the one heading this country. Will take my chances wit Pierre- lot smarter than the Liberal we now have running(ruining) the country!!!

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Feb 25, 2023
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I guess all we have is time, to see what happens. He is destroying this country- in spite of the lies he spews about how much he’s looking after it🙄all the best for ALL Canadians😊

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All we have is time, because the people of Canada have ZERO influence or control in terms of Canadian federal politics. We are at the mercy of Trudeau and the foreign globalist agents controlling the WEF puppet.

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I watched Laura-Lynne Tyler-Thompson on Youtube today, (Feb. 24), where she tore a strip off Trudeau for his disgraceful treatment of Cristine Anderson, and a second stripping went to the Conservative "leader" for attackijng three Conserrvative MP'S for supporting the German dignatery.. Pierre backed upp Justin 100 %., He mayu be using the sa,me playbook as his predecessor

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anything the media spews is utter hate & lies

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especially cbc

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We need more like her in canada! Awesome lady!!!

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Trudeau is a Chinese boot licker and will do ANYTHING to destroy anyone and everyone. And as far as Max goes I don’t trust him.

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Quislings line Kinsella need to be called out for the censorious totalitarian enablers that they are...cynical, manipulative arsonists, selling fire insurance, dressed as firefighters and reeking of gasoline.

They conflate sincere reactions to the damage that they inflict with ‘intolerance’ to facilitate submission and greater destruction. The very definition of abusers.

They and the apex abusers like Trudeau that they enable need to be called out on their systemic predation.

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Mostly cowardly media we've been used to. Bravo independent media.

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It's down right evil of the mainstream media to knowingly profess fakery reports and positions that lack basic common sense and honesty. When is the next train to Clarksville?...don't know if I'm ever coming home!

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The truth about "Islamophobia" can be be well understood and analysed when you listen to the Rupa Subramanya Show "Is Canada an Islamophobic country?", Part 1, True North Media, February 17, 2023, when Raheel Raza (President of the Council of Muslims Facing Tomorrow) and Rahim Mohamed (Freelance Columnist from Alberta). Respected and well-known, both share their truths. 1). Very eye opening and educational for all to hear. A must listen. "Part 2" came out February 24, 2023.

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Yes, a very good episode it was.

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I live in Ottawa. I have cause to be downtown sometimes twice a week. I am a customer of two different Banks. Each of them are a block away from Wellington Street where last February the truckers protested Justin Trudeau’s approach to COVID. And because I never witnessed any of the behaviours cited by Prime Minister Trudeau when I walked up O’Connor St to see for myself what such a protest would look like I was surprised at how much of a non-event it was. Yes the Truckers annoyed people with their noisy air horns during the first few days but they stopped the horns blaring

after being told to quit. Because it was so subdued and because my wife was convinced otherwise by the news reports I suggested we take a stroll in front of the Parliament buildings so she could form her own opinions.

This was a Sunday. The Sun was shining brightly. We brought our dog for a walk along Wellington Street. …As did many other people. The atmosphere was festive. The doors on many of the trucks were open and parents were lifting their children up into the cabs for a peek inside the cabs. I neither saw any angry faces or heard any angry words.

Even the dogs were happy. There was dozens of dogs sniffing around and happily tail wagging their way along Wellington Street. Tables were set up and if you wanted a coffee, sandwich or hot chocolate they were on offer and free for the asking. There were yes, lots of offensive posters, wired and tied to the iron fences separating Wellington Street from the Parliament Hill. But these days “fuck” is a common expletive. Many of the signs said Fuck Trudeau. I asked the truckers why they were still there. They wanted Trudeau to meet them and they were waiting for him to listen to their plight. Long before the truckers parked their big rigs down town Mr Trudeau was knew their destination was Wellington Street. The couple of truckers I talked to about the strike never expected to be there more than a few days. Had Trudeau met with them the Truckers would have left town.

After reading todays Globe and Mail I had my suspicions confirmed. He is an elitist prig! And a liar. I would suggest a congenital liar. His remarks about the Ukraine and Putin were couched in the voice of a typical cowardly bully. Jeering at Putin at a safe distance is typical of a coward. Canada is a member of NATO. Trudeau provoked the Russian leader.

And the lead article in the Globe and Mail’s Opinion section is larded with the typical Jewish brand of misdirection, lies, and omissions. Jonathan Garfinkel attempts to convince the ignorant reader that because he cites in elaborate prose, the opinions of a selective few individuals that Putin is not a nice guy he is wrong. Essentially he says Putin has no right to protect Russia from NATO aggression and his doing so is not a legitimate justification for his proactively defending Russia against yet another attempt to discredit Russias very existence. Garfinkel’s brethren hate Russia. The “Russian” oligarchs were Jews and in the case of Bill Browder whom in his book comes across as a righteous thug and thief surely believes he had ever right to borrow huge sums of dollars and buy up the distressed assets caused by the incredible incompetency of Putin’s predecessor, Boris Yeltsin.

Yeltsin dismantled the former Soviet Union. Was he naïve? I would say spectacularly so! He had no experience with Jewish economic predation. But Putin has the historical memory of Jewish predation of 1917. Just as do Americans now have today? The Sealed Train is not a myth. The Bolsheviks were Jews almost to a man. What the Jews perpetrated in Russia was a crime against humanity!

The consequence of the Jewish financed Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 was starvation and death for far more than Jews claim died in German work camps during WW II. Probably the best exposé of Jewish predation in the USSR was written by Anne Applebaum in her book Gulag.

The truth is as they say out there! But Canadians are brainwashed. Why a single voter would vote Liberal or vote Trudeau is a mystery. His political leanings are towards Totalitarianism. Forget the left right narrative. Trudeau is a monster. Anyone with a conscience would have denounced Chrystia Freeland for her advocacy of the UPA, a fascist paramilitary organization accused of committing atrocities against Jews and Poles during the Second World War.

During WW II her grandfather Michael Chomiak, whom she repeatedly cited as an inspiration, was the editor of Krakivs’ki visti, a Nazi newspaper in Krakow. I like to say, you cannot make this stuff up.

We have not heard much from Freeland of late. I guess Trudeau muzzled her!

Again today it is Jewish arrogance and hubris in Ukraine which is entirely responsible for Putin’s so called aggression. Our Prime Minister is a dangerous proponent of the World Economic Forum and of the UN Agenda 21 – 2030. As stated “You will own nothing and be happy.”

The question is — Who will own everything? NATO is responsible for promulgating the view that Putin is the aggressor. I prefer to remember Madeline Albright interview before her death that 500,000 dead Iraqi children was worth stealing the Iraqi oil.

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TS quoted Poilievre as well. What is up with him?

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Pierre Poilievre definitely put his foot in it on this one for sure .I'm a Conservative to my boots but this one is causing me doubt and concern regarding the man.

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Toronto Star did it too. Sad state of affairs

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