Trudeau is a tranny with a predilection for pedophilia.

He's also a dirty little dictator.

This targeting of children is classic pedophilia, and it's a constant pursuit of this Liberal Gov't.

Using children to push a Liberal agenda (Trudeau's forever government) for the secret purpose of giving him even more power. He's planting the seeds of Liberalism in the hearts and minds of our children.

Remember the WE scandal when he used the targeting of children to turn them all into little progressive Liberals which turned out to also generate personal wealth?

Wasn't that racketeering too? There's no end to the corruption oozing out of the Trudeau government.

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a DLD...exactly

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So True

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So sad.

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Chemical and physical castration of boys, removal of sex organs in girls plays right into the depopulation agenda and zeros in on the depopulation of European white descedents in trudeau's canada.

Nobody cares who is a homosexual as long as they are not actively recruiting in schools (the military doesn't even do that anymore). People used to pay good money to go see very talented transsexuals in shows and applauded them, but nobody wants burlesque performers teaching children in school in their stage clothes. ( why do they have to wear stage costumes?)

The gvt/media are using a strawman argument, making claims about others that do not exist and that actually represent their own actions.

Canadians are not homophobic, or anti trans, the gvt is however anti- freedom and is accurately abusive.

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trudope/liebrals are a cult

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Exactly what I believe, an evil cult, Canada was on a road to hell the day Trudeau became P.M.

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SO true

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Only 3 provinces? I would hope that we are smarter than that.Should be all the country.Some must be worried that transfer payments will decrease if they don't obey.We really need to stand united now more than ever.

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Alberta should join thr movement

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Satan is the author of confusion and since the beginning of time has sought to undermine, infiltrate, destroy or control anything that is pure and good. He is the Adversary! Trudeau and his henchmen may have sold their souls to the Devil....and if they haven't.....they are still doing his dirty work!

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Personally, I believe it to be the social scourge of the modern era. You know what these people really want? Vengeance-- as it is with the race-baitors in academia as well.

We know the type-- Kike Ojo Thompson and that gang of Anglo.haters.

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Yes.....have you heard this.... The death of a Toronto school principal https://tarahenley.substack.com/p/the-death-of-a-toronto-school-principal?utm_source=podcast-email%2Csubstack&publication_id=584920&post_id=136370586&utm_medium=email#details

Rupa includes links to the actual DEI (or DIE) audio from that training.....

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My email...

Subject: 👍 😃 👏🏼 🏆

Date: August 27, 2023

To: All Provincial Premiers

Kudos, Premiers, for turning your back on Trudeau's ridiculous LGBT agenda. We all know how dangerous so much power can be in the hands of an unstable being. Can you imagine the sass and stupidity of trying to persuade the proper Italian Prime Minister? What a shame!

Canadians also hope that you will join against the multitude of his harmful schemes destroying our democracy, our rights and freedoms, the fraudulent carbon taxes and a host of others of which you, the Premiers, are already well aware.

The unconscious and its clan can do a lot of irrevocable damage before the election, especially if he were to lose. So there is no time to lose. Hopefully, other political and private representatives will see the light.

Communism and corruption cannot win.



Peace, Order and Good Government

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"To this day, Cultural Action Party is unsure of what the actual upside is, if anything".

Perhaps Trudeau is paving the way, to finally, openly acknowledge all the despicable truth about himself, hoping to do so, without consequence... It is his way of life now, he desperately tries to hide. There is no "upside" to soulless immorality. No "upside" to the deliberate destroying of our Magnificent*Country. We, the People must unite. In ❤️ .To save our selves, save our children. But first of all ,save our Wondrous*Homeland. Canada.

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Patriotic need to save Canada from commie Anglo hater Justin Castrate

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Trudope’s father brought a good pedophile friend in to teach his kids when wifey and he separated. She is just as sexually weird. A family of perversions! This came from a book i have on Pierre’s history after she left and he hired his ‘friends’ to ‘educate’ his boys. I guess perversion runs in the family?????🙄🙄🙄🤮🤮🤮

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Justine displays classic signs of being sexually abused earlier in life

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Who the hell does Trudeau and his woke gang think they are. They are a bunch of demented morons.

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Neo-communist Anglophone haters

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Carlos Santana made a comment at a recent concert about men being men and women women, stating that he didn’t care what adults did I. Their own bedrooms and felt the full wrath of the Alphabet army rain down on him such that he had to issue an “apology” to these folks. They have gained way too much power and the pushing of sexuality onto our children in school may if we are lucky, just be the straw that breaks to wake up parents and those that actually care about protecting children. There are still around 1000 children unaccounted for in Lahaina apparently. Why is main stream media silent?

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Yes he did, good move. He's a righteous guy it appears, and can't take the boolshyte anymore

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Very good point, and we should demand answers.

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right on Brad.

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how come alberta is not on this list.i am sure its not all broke back out west.

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Perhaps they will jump on board

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16 is too early. Should be voting age & it should not be encouraged or paid for by the government.

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Maybe will get lucky and he will die of a Heart Attack or gets run over by a car or his plane crashes, whatever way he dies we will make it a National Holiday.

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I am waiting for the day when a statue of this " miss-fit" is erected on the Hill, when we can all take our turn to heave Tomatoes at him.

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Eggs work too

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Don't waste eggs.Need to use something that would end up in the trash anyway.

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Like True-Dope himself should end up

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Tomatoes???/Come on You can do better than that.

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Who cares if he is angry?lol

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A holiday, a novel idea.

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Thanks for telling it like it is

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You are most welcome

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