His mental deficiencies allow the closet racist to make stupid policies even without sporting blackface.
The same deficiencies, arrogance and disrespect had the clown showing up without shame at the 80th anniversary of D-day to dare talk about freedoms that these veterans died for and that he's destroying for Canadians. Outrageous.
Spot on! A bloody farce seeing him there! I turned him off! After what he has done to the peaceful protestors with his lies and Emergency Act, took their dignity, their money & they still have to fight the corrupt legal system! AND the state of our military is a scandal!
We the ppl will never forget what he has done to Canadians!
They are in revolution against everything canada stands for, something we achieved and lost to these evil people. They are beating us down utilizing hatred and people that are desperate....they lead that bait right on point. Marxism revolution is happening in real-time in Canada. The question real question is this? When are we going to rebel, when are people going to realize what is at stake? When will they fight back to retain this countries original ideals that had people travel all over to engage in our once decent free markets. Freedom of religion/race. Right to own property and businesses. When will we fight back against this revolution? How much more must we lose before we realize action is immediately required? How far will we fall before this is organized? When the middle class white is starving? The upper class white? Are true Canadians that knew the old times of all colors many that achieved dreams are they going to fight with us to restore the order that showed compassion and lifted them us all up? Or will they join the left and step on canada to retain what they have if they have the right ethnic background. This country is truely fragmented because of liberal and leftist ideology; you'd think with our veterans stories, our world wars we would know that the worst ideology ever thought up was Marxism. Even Nazism transcribed from Socialism policies that went against tradition, extreme reform always leads to shackles. Basis of conservatism/republicanism is to hold the original documents in highest respect, not try to manipulate them or jettison them. Hold them and enforce them. We should've continued on to liberate China after the USSR dissolved that was our mistake.....if we had done this leftist ideology would've died and never yielded another cent. Well that barren undeveloped land of China that we didn't ever see coming is now contending us for supremacy selling slave made products. When they win we will be the slaves. Make no mistake this isn't a hiccup this is a revolution of a new world order one that will enslave just as before the Civil War in America except any race will be able to be enslaved once they seize all means of production and property ownership in nato countries. They are doing this by capturing the markets and providing everything we need under what we can make it for via slaves and we buy it all killing ourselves. Make your own food, avoid Amazon, and electric cars.....stockpile useful items. Better to be prepared then not and every red flag is showing. The term red flag isn't called red flag for no reason.....it came from communist colors....came to be a term of a person seeing communist propaganda then evolved into just a person seeing signs something is wrong. It will go back to its original meaning.
It's a really sad state of affairs when virtually every ethnic group can congratulate themselves, celebrate themselves, have special days, get special treatment in pretty much every category, except us white folks. Then it's called "white supremacy." what bullshit.
This is sooo wrong yet they continue to close white ppl out! Yet whites are part of our fabric, our history, culture… This illegal crap continues to divide the ppl, the country! It is sick. I guess their thinking is to punish whites, sad! This is the present not the past!
The post states explicitly that “in accordance with UBC’s CRC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan and pursuant to Section 42 of the BC HUMAN RIGHTS CODE, the selection will be restricted to members of the following federally designated groups, people with disabilities, Indigenous people, racialized people, women, and people from minoritized gender identity groups.”
We, the white people of the world will diminish with time, it’s inevitable and all the lamenting in the world will not change that, I’ve had a good life in our country but alas I cannot wish that for my two grandchildren, I only hope they will fore go the pleasure of having children as the world becomes a more and more troubled and unpleasant planet to live on.
Discrimination wears no color.Inclusion means EVERYONE..Job interviews should be available to everyone and positions awarded on the basis of experience ,ability and merit.(So we don't end up with the likes of the incompetent Trudeau cabinet in every segment of society.
I wonder if Trudeau will have Ibrahim Ali deported instead of prison time. Do you remember Ibrahim Ali , he was the person that killed and raped that 13 year old girl in Burnaby B.C. in 2017. The sentencing begins in B.C. today June 7/2024 , he could receive 25 years with no chance of parole, he should get the death sentence.
i cannot wait for the muslims, to go at the chinese people for what the chinese has done to the muslims, doesn,t the muslims{quiggers}know what the chinese has done to their people over there, secondly, the lgbtq will be on the run soon, as the muslims don,t gays, plain and simple. now the question will, who gets to trudeau first.
I have noted that the Canadian Olympic Team is composed exclusively of very fit people. It's members do not include even one 300-pound plus individual. It's time to end this open discrimination and increase the number of people who are fat, but identify as being healthy to the national team.
His mental deficiencies allow the closet racist to make stupid policies even without sporting blackface.
The same deficiencies, arrogance and disrespect had the clown showing up without shame at the 80th anniversary of D-day to dare talk about freedoms that these veterans died for and that he's destroying for Canadians. Outrageous.
An extremely dangerous fool.
Spot on! A bloody farce seeing him there! I turned him off! After what he has done to the peaceful protestors with his lies and Emergency Act, took their dignity, their money & they still have to fight the corrupt legal system! AND the state of our military is a scandal!
We the ppl will never forget what he has done to Canadians!
That really is the ultimate insult
Trudy Castro lives to insult whyte.Canadians.
Excellent post.
Appreciated, wish it were under better circumstances.
They are in revolution against everything canada stands for, something we achieved and lost to these evil people. They are beating us down utilizing hatred and people that are desperate....they lead that bait right on point. Marxism revolution is happening in real-time in Canada. The question real question is this? When are we going to rebel, when are people going to realize what is at stake? When will they fight back to retain this countries original ideals that had people travel all over to engage in our once decent free markets. Freedom of religion/race. Right to own property and businesses. When will we fight back against this revolution? How much more must we lose before we realize action is immediately required? How far will we fall before this is organized? When the middle class white is starving? The upper class white? Are true Canadians that knew the old times of all colors many that achieved dreams are they going to fight with us to restore the order that showed compassion and lifted them us all up? Or will they join the left and step on canada to retain what they have if they have the right ethnic background. This country is truely fragmented because of liberal and leftist ideology; you'd think with our veterans stories, our world wars we would know that the worst ideology ever thought up was Marxism. Even Nazism transcribed from Socialism policies that went against tradition, extreme reform always leads to shackles. Basis of conservatism/republicanism is to hold the original documents in highest respect, not try to manipulate them or jettison them. Hold them and enforce them. We should've continued on to liberate China after the USSR dissolved that was our mistake.....if we had done this leftist ideology would've died and never yielded another cent. Well that barren undeveloped land of China that we didn't ever see coming is now contending us for supremacy selling slave made products. When they win we will be the slaves. Make no mistake this isn't a hiccup this is a revolution of a new world order one that will enslave just as before the Civil War in America except any race will be able to be enslaved once they seize all means of production and property ownership in nato countries. They are doing this by capturing the markets and providing everything we need under what we can make it for via slaves and we buy it all killing ourselves. Make your own food, avoid Amazon, and electric cars.....stockpile useful items. Better to be prepared then not and every red flag is showing. The term red flag isn't called red flag for no reason.....it came from communist colors....came to be a term of a person seeing communist propaganda then evolved into just a person seeing signs something is wrong. It will go back to its original meaning.
It's a really sad state of affairs when virtually every ethnic group can congratulate themselves, celebrate themselves, have special days, get special treatment in pretty much every category, except us white folks. Then it's called "white supremacy." what bullshit.
Absolute truth.
Thank you Elon.
This is sooo wrong yet they continue to close white ppl out! Yet whites are part of our fabric, our history, culture… This illegal crap continues to divide the ppl, the country! It is sick. I guess their thinking is to punish whites, sad! This is the present not the past!
The post states explicitly that “in accordance with UBC’s CRC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan and pursuant to Section 42 of the BC HUMAN RIGHTS CODE, the selection will be restricted to members of the following federally designated groups, people with disabilities, Indigenous people, racialized people, women, and people from minoritized gender identity groups.”
B.C. Attorney General: niki.sharma.MLA@leg.bc.ca
In other words, a disabled gay gender-confused Indigenous woman would be the ideal candidate.
Can an appeal of the action plan help? Just wrong? Thanks JT!!!
We, the white people of the world will diminish with time, it’s inevitable and all the lamenting in the world will not change that, I’ve had a good life in our country but alas I cannot wish that for my two grandchildren, I only hope they will fore go the pleasure of having children as the world becomes a more and more troubled and unpleasant planet to live on.
And rather than preserve our people, Trudy flushes them down the drain.
He’s only interested in saving his own skin but the non white Canadians have his number, it’s only a matter of time.
"Boo hoo, get over it."
Lie-beral Arrogance
Sincerely hope so
Discrimination wears no color.Inclusion means EVERYONE..Job interviews should be available to everyone and positions awarded on the basis of experience ,ability and merit.(So we don't end up with the likes of the incompetent Trudeau cabinet in every segment of society.
I wonder if Trudeau will have Ibrahim Ali deported instead of prison time. Do you remember Ibrahim Ali , he was the person that killed and raped that 13 year old girl in Burnaby B.C. in 2017. The sentencing begins in B.C. today June 7/2024 , he could receive 25 years with no chance of parole, he should get the death sentence.
Sick turd
i cannot wait for the muslims, to go at the chinese people for what the chinese has done to the muslims, doesn,t the muslims{quiggers}know what the chinese has done to their people over there, secondly, the lgbtq will be on the run soon, as the muslims don,t gays, plain and simple. now the question will, who gets to trudeau first.
I have noted that the Canadian Olympic Team is composed exclusively of very fit people. It's members do not include even one 300-pound plus individual. It's time to end this open discrimination and increase the number of people who are fat, but identify as being healthy to the national team.
More and more Canadians are moving abroad. I know of 3 families that are leaving Canada, and quite a few people leaving Ontario.
Unlikely. Count on them counting their cash.