Aug 3Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeaus destruction of Canada is beyond belief and out of control.CBC needs to be history and Canadians need to wake up already and save our country from this madness.

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Aug 3Liked by Brad Salzberg

The debt of our country is colossal, it now costs one billion a week in interest on our debt and being added to by idiotic stuff like a pregnant wanna be man, the medical profession ,shame on them, playing along with this nonsense!

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Defund the Dump

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You remember the Freedom Convoy? He pushed back.

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Actually, Justin claimed that he had covid for the 3rd time and hid in the cottage - earning him the nickname "COWARD of the Cottage". When is the trial for ILLEGALLY Invoking the Emergency Act anyway?

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And what transpired? China-like draconian crackdown

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Aug 3Liked by Brad Salzberg

Anti-white hostility.

Anti-English hostility.

Anti-straight hostility.

Anti-male / anti-female hostility.

They want us to blow our stack and come charging for them.

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This may well be. That way Comrade Trudy Castro can declare martial law before a future election decimates he and his MP cabal of half-citizen traitors.

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Aug 3Liked by Brad Salzberg

many times i have said to brad, something major has to happen in this country. really its time for the younger generation to take this country back.

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The younger generation have been throughly brainwashed

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If wireless isn't their world...

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If the last four years should have taught Canadians anything, it's patience. Besiege Joly to rescue Freeland, and never go outside the limitations of your environment.

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i think someone should, i am too old now, but what a way to crossover to the afterlife.

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A pregnant man? This should give insight into the how far into fantasy the government & the MSM want to take us. How can anyone take them seriously.

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The Lie-berals love this shyte

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Heaven help us all. This ridiculousness has gone too far.

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Ten years of Trudy Castro will do that to a formerly free and democratic society

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Aug 4Liked by Brad Salzberg

This article hits the bullseye.

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The very reason why CAP is labelled "far-right" by the Anti-Hate commission of Anglo/haters

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Women pretending to be men, then announcing a pregnancy tells me she has serious mental health issues and should NOT be bringing children into their whacko world.

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Spot on!

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Does anyone still believe we are going to make it till next October for an election?

Better question … Does anyone believe these morons haven’t stacked the deck so that prince powderpuff gets in for term 4?

If you believe everything is going to do a 180 and things will go back to the way they were I’m not going to hurt your feelings!! But I will warn you to be prepared !!

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Be real ! This "Sadifir stuff is a bunch of Crap!

There is a grown nut born every day.

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The person is an idiot, but the fsct that Canadian media perpetuate this crap is criminal...or should be.

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I think I really need some re-education in the sex thing. If you were born a women and decided you wanted to be a man wouldn’t you have a sex change, remove the parts that make you a women and have a penis attached but by keeping your ovaries and your vagina you are still a women. Now he thinks he is a man but knows he still has his female organs but now as a man he still wants to have sex with a man. So now, forgive me if I get this wrong, but why would a man who use to be a women but kept her female parts and must still be having periods have sex with a man, and then think the stomach problems he was having was a tumor or whatever but not consider since HE just had sex with another man knowing he was still part female never consider that there might a chance of being pregnant? This is really above my understanding of what makes a female versus a male, either that or at my advanced age I just don’t remember.

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You are far too logical. You need some lessons in better thinking by Justin.

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First of a “ man” did not have a baby, a woman masquerading as a man gave birth….. which is hardly news worthy. The CBC yet again demonstrates its ignorance and unwavering alliance with the liberal woke agenda. The vast majority of Canadians are sick of these ridiculous extreme notions, I will remind the pitiful journalists that waste their time even writing these ridiculous articles that it is IMPOSSIBLE for a biological male to get pregnant. Come on CBC start publishing stories that have substance and relevance to Canadians and the current state of our country.

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I bet Trudeau is no sending any LGBTQ Military personal to fight in the Usa / Russia war in Ukraine .

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Content Blocked Constantly is only viewed by 'peoplekind' without any other ability to view another television channel. This explains their ratings. It's the ol' if you don't watch TV you're uniformed' applies; but if you do watch Censorship Before Citizens, you're mis-informed, or more appropriately - being sold an agenda. The agenda is provided by Marc Carney and Klaus Schwab and the WEF Davos business crowd.... deciding your life all according to their business plans.

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deletedAug 3Liked by Brad Salzberg
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It is sheer Liberal-Communism in action.

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