Apr 15Liked by Brad Salzberg

" ignores the context of pediatric medicine — where there is often imperfect evidence." no shit, Sherlock. So if there is imperfect evidence why the fuck are you even recommending any medical interventional treatment at all? Apologies for the swear words.

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Apr 15Liked by Brad Salzberg

I hope Poilievre follows up on his promise to defund the CBC and while he's at it, he should look at some of the equity hires preaching the woke gospel from the University of Alberta.

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Apr 15Liked by Brad Salzberg

Lets give hormone blockers to Trudeaus kids and all other MP's children. Oh right they go to private schools where this is not allowed. Let see I was a tom boy when I was young, yep I grew out of it like 95% of the children do. Follow the science turdeau says.....Yet does he follow any real science.

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i still wonder if trudeau has gone through this treatment, have you noticed when he speaks in gay voice, his lisp is very apparent, however when he yells and screams like hitler, there is no lisp. to me its very strange.

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The World is sick! Why are we even taking about it. it's a non issue. There are only two genders, male and female. period!

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"In the main, the answer is those who come from "Old Stock" multi-generational families. It certainly isn't new arrivals from Pakistan or Iran. Could this offer as a clue as to why government are so adamant regarding trans-promotion in Canada?"

Let me read that agin.... "could this" be the long awaited moment... when "old stock" nostalgists stop fooling themselves about the world they live in....

and realize that BLAMING any ol body but THEMSELVES for the nightmare land they've created, is a mug's game?

Kinda sorta Seems SO! But that crafty ol Brad could be messin with us! So in the 'spirit of good ol "multiculturalism" and Commonwealth heritage. let's "lick em for six" by driving the run in!

This business of blamin the 'immigrants' for every sin of the 'inmates' has gotta end. It just makes 'old stock' folks look foolish and 'outta touch.' It's like wearing golf shoes to a pool party! Knock it off, Canucknuckleheads... and catch the new vibe in Beaverville....

Only way to defeat BLACKFACE and his RAINBOW COALITION OF DARKNESS is to ALLY wit dem "color folks' in the common cause of rolling back 'diversity' and celebrating 'unity' of purpose that actually exists under the smoke n mirrors of rancid media mendacity. Hell's bells... even "Jagmeet Singh DUMPS Trudeau" sez "Clinton Jaws" - go look im up on youtube ... & 'HUG AN 'IMMIGRANT' TODAY!

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