CBC Throw Cold Water On Landmark Transgender-For-Youth Study
"Surveys and interviews are considered low-quality evidence in medicine, but that might be misleading to the general public."
"The CBC is a Crown corporation, wholly owned by the state. CBC/Radio-Canada is publicly funded through a parliamentary appropriation that is voted upon by all Members of Parliament.”
For fiscal year 2022-2023, CBC Corporation received approximately $1.3 billion in public tax-payer funding.
As such, Canada's queen of left-wing news dissemination tow the government line in totality. Few examples are more pertinent to our social condition than this week's response to an unprecedented study on Transgenderism as produced in a new report titled the "Cass Review."
Refuting its findings can be understood as par-for-the-course in what has transitioned to nasty game of systemic control of Canadian youth.
Responding to its findings, Dr. Tehseen Ladha, pediatrician in Edmonton and assistant professor at the University of Alberta, says "the review may be misleading and ignores the context of pediatric medicine — where there is often imperfect evidence."
For the CBC to uncover medical apologists for sex-change surgery is not a difficult call-- Canada's medical industry is chock full of these types.
“A landmark 400-page report published in the U.K. earlier this week has confirmed that, in most cases, gender-diverse youth should not be given puberty blockers, hormones or sex-change surgeries.”
“British policymakers are now further restricting access to these interventions and investigating the nation’s adult gender clinics, a wise approach that Canada should follow.“
The good doctor appears nonplussed:
"Getting that research done can be even harder when it comes to marginalized populations like trans youth, she said. They haven't been thought of as priorities or important."
Anyone who has followed the advent of transgender surgery and hormone therapy in Canada should be able to recognize such statement as complete bunk. Under the leadership of PM Justin Trudeau, the sex change phenomenon has transitioned from the periphery of society to a "core Canadian value."
In typical fashion, the CBC omit information in support of regulation for transgenderism for Canadian youth:
“Belgium and the Netherlands have become the latest countries to question the use of puberty blockers on children after the Cass Review warned of a lack of research on the gender treatment’s long-term effects.”
“Britain has become the fifth nation [in Europe] to restrict the use of the drug to those under 18 after initially making them part of their gender treatments.”
In the United States, twenty-three state governments have moved "to restrict some form of gender-affirming care for minors"
CBC say nothing. Canada's public news broadcaster is in the business of trans-promotion. They want what government want-- a sure-fire sign of government-media collusion if there ever was one.
"Surveys and interviews are considered low-quality evidence in medicine, said Ladha, but that might be misleading to the general public."
"Many people would see low-quality evidence and think well, that means this could harm our children. But that's not what it means."
Transgender fanaticism is all the rage in Trudeau's post-modern Canada. So much so that without so much as a smidgen of public support, the Liberals have transitioned our country to the "Transgender Capital of the World."
"Ladha wondered if the review was coming from a place of bias."
Yes-- and the CBC has never come from a place of bias, eh? A piece of pathos this is. Individuals in our medical industry, sex-change clinicians, plastic surgeons, industry salespeople, and of course Big Pharma want the trans-train to keep on rolling indefinitely.
All of which, unbeknownst to most Canadians, renders this sordid affair a business-- as opposed to an altruistic social movement working to assist our youth with “gender dysphoria.”
It's this component--sublimated by legacy media-- which needs to come into the clear light of the Canadian day. Those with a vested interest in the industry need to be called out for their true intent.
Focus must also be placed on the phenomenon of who are being considered "experts" -- academics and activists cherry-picked by government to support their woke agendas. In Trudeau's "no core identity" Canada, these people are a dime-a-dozen.
Upon which Cultural Action Party[est.2016] point to government policy incongruous with concern for Canada's "shrinking population and workforce."
Liberal social policies-- abortion, euthanasia, LGBT, transgenderism-- detract from population growth. Perhaps it's the "type of people" who indulge which forms the impetus. In consideration of our pluralist identity as advanced through Multiculturalism, which identifiable communities most indulge in woke social practices advanced by government?
In the main, the answer is those who come from "Old Stock" multi-generational families. It certainly isn't new arrivals from Pakistan or Iran. Could this offer as a clue as to why government are so adamant regarding trans-promotion in Canada?
" ignores the context of pediatric medicine — where there is often imperfect evidence." no shit, Sherlock. So if there is imperfect evidence why the fuck are you even recommending any medical interventional treatment at all? Apologies for the swear words.
I hope Poilievre follows up on his promise to defund the CBC and while he's at it, he should look at some of the equity hires preaching the woke gospel from the University of Alberta.