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there clearly is a narrative, here, the Christians, are in love with Jesus, and we are the bad folks! but have you ever worked in an office, and there was ALWAYS that one person that is truly bad, BUT could get away with doing NO WRONG..Ya, this is what I attribute this to...Muslims can do no wrong..but look out Christians are the bad guy. AND what did Jesus say, the world hated me first. Isn't that true a peaceful man, that brought the Beau tides the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, who was a peace maker, who says' Love thy Neighbor, do unto others as you would like done unto you! what you do to the least of my brothers you do to me..WOW, HE WAS BAD!! ...muslim, who basically follow a false god, A MAN ..that no knows what he looks like because it is a scary thing to show him.. doesn't that sound like something interesting..but Jesus has appeared to many, we know who HE is...those Muslims are loved? why...

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