Jun 19Liked by Brad Salzberg

This country of ours needs stricter rules as to who can be an MP or a Senator.Too many candidates here with close affiliation to foreign countries and whose interest is NOT the betterment of Canada.Wonder how many Canadian whities are members of the governing party in China. or in India. I would bet a big fat zero. As more immigrants are invited in by mother Theresa Justin there will be more and more votes for foreign candidates come election time.They need to be vetted so we make sure they have renounced any political affiliation to the mother country.And should any doubt be cast upon their behavior once elected then a non-partisan investigation should be required.If found guilty they should be made to resign their seat. And Justin Trudeau needs to keep his long nose out of the proceedings.

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Liberals do not adhere to democracy, but rather work around its tenets, seeking out the "holes" in policies that they can manipulate. That's Gerald Butts, that's Katie Telford, and that Bast-turd Justin.

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That will become more and more difficult with time and the decline of Canadian born citizens, it’s a stark reality and certainly inevitable, Canada will be an unruly, confused state of affairs in the future, so glad I won’t be around then!

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Jun 20Liked by Brad Salzberg

Me too but I worry for my children.

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All white Canadians should

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Jun 19Liked by Brad Salzberg

What to expect, our traitor needed it to interact with China.

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the skinny arse in ottawa better watchout, he already leaked one thing out, and zz tore a strip of him. that was so nice to see.

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He's either immune or thinks he is to prosecution and might be right or too selfish to care either way.

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Jun 20Liked by Brad Salzberg

This is not unexpected and there is more to come. I bet Trudeau will throw a few lowly Ministers to the Wolves just to distract attention from himself and HIS ROYAL WEF members of his Liberal Cartel.

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We shall see about that one. If he does, they wont be Sikh/muzlim

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