Chinese Advocacy Group Implicate Two Senators In Foreign Interference Scandal
“The submission to Ottawa’s FIC from Chinese Canadian Concern Group points at Senator Yuen Pau Woo and Senator Victor Oh.”
As reported this week by The Bureau, "a Chinese Canadian human rights group taking part in Canada’s Foreign Interference Commission (FIC) has linked two Canadian senators to NSICOP’s explosive June 2024 intelligence review."
One of them, Victor Oh, conveniently retired last week at the age of 75, as mandated by federal government policy. The other is Justin Trudeau-appointed Senator Yuen Pau Woo, multi-decade supporter of the government of China.
“The submission to Ottawa’s FIC from Chinese Canadian Concern Group points at Senator Yuen Pau Woo, also an intervener with the Commission, and Senator Victor Oh.”
As it happened, Cultural Action Party [est.2016] began our existence as an independent "China Watch" organization. As a result, we have long had an eagle-eye focused on Canada's most virulent China-pusher.
Yuen Pau Woo is a former CEO of Asia-Pacific Foundation. Senator Woo previously worked as an economist for the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation.
His resume includes working as a consultant with the Shanghai WTO Affairs Consultation Centre, as well as the Asian Development Bank. Woo sits on the Global Council of the Asia Society in New York City. Previous to his Senate appointment, he was a senior fellow in public policy at the Asian Institute of Research at the University of British Columbia.
In March 2023, Woo raised “fears about how a foreign influence registry could go very wrong,“ comparing it to the Chinese Exclusion Act.
“Cheuk Kwan of the Toronto Association for Democracy in China said that Woo’s statement was reminiscent of how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) responds to criticism, using racism as a deflection from the proper issue at hand.”
Talk about a character "near-and-dear" to PM Trudeau's heart. Back in 2016, Senator Woo issued a proposal to the Liberal government recommending that Mandarin Chinese be taught in Canadian public schools. As in, a recommendation was made to teach the language in every public school across Canada. The proposal has since been scrubbed from the internet.
“B.C. Senator Yuen Pau Woo Challenges Reports Suggesting China Targeted MPs”
"A B.C. senator is casting doubt on the findings of two federal election-monitoring reports that suggest the Chinese government in 2021 may have targeted then-Conservative leader Erin O’Toole and former fellow MP Kenny Chiu through disinformation campaigns."
While CAP will not implicate Woo in illegal behaviour, we will offer an educated opinion: Next to our prime minister, this Senator is the greatest advocate for Chinese government infiltration of our country who has ever held political office in Canada. For Woo, China can do no wrong-- an absurdity of the highest order.
“Senator References ‘Trumpian Denialism’ In Foreign Interference Debate Around China”
"In submissions to the Foreign Interference Commission, MP Han Dong, Senator Yuen Pau Woo and Markham Deputy Mayor Michael Chan cast doubt on recent media reporting about the Chinese government’s alleged foreign interference operations in Canada."
"Woo has been publicly critical about allegations of Chinese interference in Canadian affairs, wrote that while the testimony at the inquiry 'confirmed while there was (foreign interference) during both elections,' none of it rose to the level that it affected the outcomes at the riding level and for the country as a whole.”
Michael Chan was a Liberal member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario from 2007 until 2018, representing the riding of Markham-Unionville.
“In 2010, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service allegedly became concerned that Chan had become too close to the Chinese consulate in Toronto, prompting a senior federal official to caution the provincial government about his alleged conduct.”
What to make of all this malarky? CAP has delved into this area in great detail, therefore we offer a summary statement. If not for the political orientation of former Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau, our nation may have not fallen into a quagmire of stealth and subterfuge emanating from the communist government of China.
Who knows if it would have occurred regardless? Still, one point remains irrefutable: a tangible connection between the Liberal Party of Canada and the Chinese government, as manifest in the foreign interference scandal at present.
“Sen. Woo will continue to undermine efforts to understand and address foreign interference in Canada through his involvement in this Inquiry."
If any Liberal-lovers happen to come across this article, they and others should keep in mind that these accusations contain nothing that the woke left can attribute to "racism"-- though they wouldn't be loathe to give it a go.
The submission comes from Chinese-Canadians-- not "bad, awful whitey" and their bigoted affectations. A damning report it is, therefore interested parties should expect a typical approach from mainstream media.
Bury it, spin it, twist it around, obscure the findings. Unless they don't. Wouldn't it be amazing to see this development cast across the spectrum of media dissemination in Canada?
Just don't hold your breath for it to occur. The press won't tell you, but the Liberals have silently appropriated the media structure found in Justin Trudeau's hero-nation of China, and imported it to Canada.
Ironic it is. But hey, that's "post-modern' Canada for you.
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This country of ours needs stricter rules as to who can be an MP or a Senator.Too many candidates here with close affiliation to foreign countries and whose interest is NOT the betterment of Canada.Wonder how many Canadian whities are members of the governing party in China. or in India. I would bet a big fat zero. As more immigrants are invited in by mother Theresa Justin there will be more and more votes for foreign candidates come election time.They need to be vetted so we make sure they have renounced any political affiliation to the mother country.And should any doubt be cast upon their behavior once elected then a non-partisan investigation should be required.If found guilty they should be made to resign their seat. And Justin Trudeau needs to keep his long nose out of the proceedings.
What to expect, our traitor needed it to interact with China.